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Posts posted by theoldgit

  1. Virgin Atlantic, hardly a "ramshackle Asian airline" will only you allow to purchase tickets on-line if the credit card holder is one of the passengers, they will allow a non credit card holder to travel, on certain routes, if advance notice is given and then the paper tickets are sent to the card holders billing address.

    I am sure that most airlines operate similar procedures, but the credit card holder must fly route is nothing new and I believe is universally understood.

  2. All the facts are on this forum you need to spend a bit of time trawling through the various posts and your girlfriend needs to decide which is best for her, remember it's her visa application.

    Two points about your post however, you say that if a boyfriend is mentioned it will raise suspicion with the ECO, I think it's best to start with the premise that all applications from single females are treated with suspicion, she needs to prove that hers is a valid application.

    If she goes down the visiting boyfriend route she needs to prove that your relationship is genuine and, as her sponsor, you will need to prove likewise. There is a lot of advice on the forum about how to do this.

    Yes, if she has her own means and a good reason to return, then by all means she can use these facts to convince the ECO that it's a genuine application. If, as you say, she doesn't have a job, then don't think about submitting fake documents, as you suggest, if caught, and the chances are that she will, she would not get a visa for at least ten years.

    In brief do the research and then she must decide which route to go down and then submit an application the details of the relationship and a convincing argument of her reasons to return home to Thailand, as well as the reasons for the trip and the affordability of the trip.

  3. But they are not DIRECT.

    If you are happy with a Middle east hop then don't bother with Thai or EVA because you will always get cheaper.

    No they are not direct, but if price is important then a 20% saving is not insignificant and might be worth the stop.

  4. Sounds like a scum bag, though I am surprised she didn't have medical insurance.

    You are obviously concerned so the suggestion that you go there seems sensible and probably the way forward.

    In the meantime it might be wise for her to try and get to The Thai Consulate in Frankfurt, http://www.thaigeneralkonsulat.de/th/index.html or even the police who I'm sure would be far more helpful than the wonderful Boys In Brown here.

  5. My pension provider do not make any charges for paying my pension into my Thai Bank, I took the decision to do this because I had to give up my UK account because I have no UK address. My old bank charged £9.50 to transfer sterling online, or a 2.75% charge plus £1.50 for an atm transaction plus the new 150 Baht fee.

    I had thought about opening an offshore account, but I still need to pay to transfer funds as I need them, though I might consider that when I become eligible for my state retirement pension, as they will not pay that into a Thai bank, only send a cheque.

  6. Capita are my providers, and as Thailand isnt listed with them they say they will do a swift transfer...am waiting to their reply to see if this is in stirling, tho am assuming as you guys are also civil service pensions Capita may be your provider too??

    Capita send it in Thai Baht, via Nat West, I understand they purchase the Baht a few days before payment is due, my pension a couple of weeks ago was at the rate of 51.25, not too bad in the current climate, but could be a lot better, it reached my account on the due date - least I got the 5% increase.

  7. Pretty sure you can extend you stay for 12 months after you return in September.

    Don't think you will have time to extend your stay based on 800,000 based in the bank but if you can get your embassy to confirm proof of an income of 65,000 per month, I am pretty sure you are good to go.

    Plenty of info about the procedures in this forum.

    Edit - Good tip from Mario

  8. I am in receipt of a Civil Service pension and have just started having it paid into my Thai bank, I no longer have a UK address and have had to give up my UK bank account.

    The Civil Service pension is converted into Baht a few days before my pension is due and the Thai Baht credited on my account, so far on the due date. I was a bit worried about the conversion rate, but the rate equalled the telex transfer rate.

  9. Dutch embassy doesn't require medical coverage but will require a guarantee letter from husband for any medical expense during the holiday.

    When my wife and I went on holiday I always wrote this letter and it was enough for the embassy but they advise a medical insurance.

    Whilst I do not doubt your experience, prospective applicants need to be aware of this direct quote from The Dutch Embassy in Bangkok:

    In case of approval the applicants should submit the following document on collection:

    • The original travel/health insurance policy, valid for the Schengen area with a minimum coverage of 1,500,000 Baht (or 30.000 Euro) for medical expenses, including repatriation, and valid for the intended period of stay.

    Things may have changed since your applications but at least they are not asking for proof with the application.

  10. They say they will check hotel bookings, though whether they do or not I really don't know. If you book a hotel at the rack rate you will need to secure it with a credit card but they will not charge the card until you check out, so you can cancel after you have the visa and go for something else.

    I think the travel tickets are more tricky, they say they want to see your confirmed itinerary but suggest you don't buy the tickets, obviously they don't live in the real world.

    Don't forget the insurance.

    Think you need to think pretty quick as I believe it can take a few weeks for a French appointment, and I assume the others would be the same.

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