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Posts posted by theoldgit

  1. I also hold a UK Visa card with my Thai address. I actually set it up from Thailand through a UK bank, which also has my Thai address. When I opened the account, I had to provide two "proofs of addresses" in the same way as you do in the UK - utility bills or whatever. Then they have to be translated and authenticated. Again, a bit of a hassle, but worth it in the end.

    Who is that with? Will they send your cards to Thailand?

  2. As with all things Thai, there is never any consistency, my UK card lapsed because I gave up my UK address so I thought about applying for a Thai credit card, like others I found that I couldn't book cars without a credit card, even with the Thai Visa car hire who I thought would have realised the problem and found a way round it, though I could use my Kasikorn virtual card to book hotels and Air Asia flights.

    I read through the various posts of other peoples difficulties and even asked at my Kasikorn bank, a big no, like the OP I am retired so don't have a work permit, though I do have a healthy pension.

    Then lo and behold I received an invite for the Thai Amex Card, thought I would apply just to see what would happen and a couple of weeks later my new card was couriered to me. Not the best card in the world as a lot of retailers don't accept it, but it means I can now rent a car overseas and even get some more Thai miles.

  3. Read through this forum there are lots of threads about the pros and cons of a local bank account as well as the problems some people have encountered with getting one.

    As for a local account being a gimmick, well I'm not really sure what you mean, if you are going to live in Thailand then of course it makes sense, if you are visiting then I personally wouldn't bother. Don't think any banks make charges but you will only get a savings account with minimal interest, but that can come with a visa debit card and internet banking.

    As for credit cards, very difficult if you don't have a work permit, and even then can be difficult.

    I bank with Kasikorn who I have found to be very efficient and user friendly, but everyone will have their own experiences and favourites.

  4. A visit visa is 3500 baht, less than £20.

    Just for clarity the visa fee is the equivalent of £67, they recently increased the exchange rate to take advantage of the slight increase in the value of the GBP.

    CharlieB is absolutely correct in suggesting that you search through the thread and look at other peoples experiences and advice given, he is also correct in saying that it's your wife's application and it is she who must provide the proof. That said, if you are married and living and working in Thailand, and can provide proof, you should be able to convince the ECO that you have a subsisting relationship and that on the balance of probabilities she is likely to return, so evidence of your employment should help. I suspect however that the bog standard replies are churned out by a clerk and not by the ECO, but I don't think they are in a position to guarantee a visa until they have seen all the evidence.

    I have to agree with lekathai about the brief answer from Thai Visa Express, I have often thought that his replies are brief, not relevant and sometimes inaccurate, but he is the expert not me, he is running a business so really shouldn't be expected to give free advice on this forum.

  5. i bought a laptop in bkk, and would like to claim vat at suvarnabhumi.

    i dun intend to bring the box with me. just the laptop only.

    will this create any unnecessary issues for vat refund?

    I did exactly that a couple of months ago and had no problem, carried the laptop they just asked if that was the one and stamped my form.

    Once air-side just went to the refund desk where I was paid out, did not have to go to an exchange desk as was suggested by shepsi.

  6. I sent cases as unaccompanied baggage when I moved ro Thailand, it was a lot cheaper than excess baggage and whilst it actually travelled on the same aircraft as me I had to go to the customs area a couple of days later to retrieve them.

    There are a lot of "facilitators" there to "help you" as soon as you arrive, I had to be fairly robust with my dealings with them, their original starting point for their fee was the same as it cost me to ship the stuff over, and whilst I substantially reduced their fee I am sure I was still ripped off, though it was still a lot cheaper overall.

  7. The US gallon is 3.785 liters, does that help.

    petrol slight cheaper but can't use real comparsion since in the US we use gallons and not liters

    Why did the OP leave his own country in the first place, was it just a cost comparison?

    You can live cheaply in Thailand if you try to live like a local, if you try to live with all your "western luxuries" it will cost you more.

    I came to Thailand as on balance I thought it was better for me than living in the UK, yes some things get to me, police and officials corruption and Thai drivers for example but when I return to the UK there are even more things that get to me and I am always glad to come home, so again on balance I prefer Thailand.

    I think the cost of living is really hurting some people but, in my case, that's due to the fall in value of the GBP rather than increased costs here. I think that that fall in purchasing power is making people question why they are here and looking at going back. I was drinking from a mate of mine from my embassy on Friday and he told me that he was aware that the fall in the GBP is affecting a lot of UK expats.

    I for one will probably stay, but I will continue to keep my options open.

  8. so I take it from your posts that you will be leaving us soon?

    I have spoken to a number of people who live in Pattaya and would dearly love to uproots and leave, not all I must stress, but they say because they cannot sell their properties they cannot afford to do so.

  9. It's always worth re-applying, but only if you can address all the issues in the notice of refusal.

    Visas are regularly issued so your girlfriend must not lose hope.

    The most important issue to address is the reason to return, if she works in a restaurant and even her parents shop then she should get written proof, the proof must be genuine as they might well check, I am pretty sure the ECO is not concerned about the lack of tax payments.

    Of course you should have included the copies of passports, that is only proof that you have been visited Thailand and for how long you stayed, and it's in the list of required documents.

    You certainly need to address the relationship issues, if you are using the cheap phone call method then say that's why you are making the calls, remember some girls have a few guys on the go (and I am not suggesting for one minute this is the case with you guys) and will only receive calls and never make them, do you email each other at all? give details and proof of your relationship in detail.

    I presume that you have given details about how she will pay for the trip, sponsorship? in which case you will have given proof of your finances and the accommodation available to her as well as the reason the trip is planned.

    The ECO has very little time in which to make their decision so it's only fair to make the application as robust as possible, not only putting all the evidence in an easy to read format, but having an index / flow chart to point out the important issues.

    You ask about an agent, well yes if the application is exactly the same then it will get rejected, an agent will help your girlfriend fill in the form and no more (remember it's her application) but to me £450 seems a lot of money to do that, if she addresses all the concerns, reasons to return being vital, then read through these threads for tips, though as I have said before you need to sort out the chaff from the wheat, then I don't think an agent is necessary. If she does go down the agent line then it's vital that she only use the agents that are registered with OISC, there are a lot of cowboys out there who will make false promises. The fact that you have said that you will bring some forms in July leads me believe that your girlfriend is not very savvy with these things, I cannot stress enough it's her application.

    At the end of the day only you two will know if she has a strong case and it's worth her putting in a fresh application.

    Anyway good luck, but is it really necessary to type in such a large font, cannot speak for others but I found it difficult to read.

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