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  1. There are no viable alternatives.
  2. Yes I know about that , but the dude at the road tax office said I had to pay it. 500 B for a red light is ok though.
  3. Every year it is hard to deal with the air polution here up north. You can't enjoy the cooler temps , you can't keep windows open and an insulated house does not cool down much. I try to manage with 2 hatari's , but the 5 year old one gets louder and louder. You can't grease the motor. The newer one has a PM meter which is as accurate as my hand held PM meter from lazada. Not happy with the 2 hatari's , so last month I bought the sharp J30 , is was in promo at local makro. It has plasmacluster technology, so I wanted to try it. But the sharp was even worse than hatari , even at the lowest speed it had an irritating sound. Luckily I could return it to makro. If those 2 are so bad , what are the cheap ones on lazada going to be ? Luckily I can lock myself up during those 4 to 5 months with the purifiers and wear a mask outside , but my cats insist on going outside even in the worst air , and they can't wear masks. Thailand is taking years off my life with the polution and the worries and frustration.
  4. Oh yes they can. I just paid one when paying the roadtax. They are just too lazy or inebt to find out where you live.
  5. Careful with Toshiba . I have the 416 and it is much too loud.
  6. What should happen is that all non Thai news SHOULD NOT be in the email news updates. I loose time reading those links to all the left-right BS. I don't want to know, I don't go looking in the forums for it.
  7. I had this happen back home . They refused to give cash (about 10 k euro). They threatened to end " the bank relation ". Not yet here in Thailand . I take out everything but the 400 thb minimum 7 months for immigration . "Your Bank Despises You." > I despise them much more.
  8. First X , now facebook , what is next ? Aseannow ?
  9. 85 years and he didn't know better ? Makes you wonder to how he got to 85 .
  10. I'm well off , but at these exchange rates , I going cheap again. Is the upcoming income tax not making more people cheap charlies ?
  11. Don't worry . I'm sure the next pandemic will knock the numbers down to 2020-2021 levels.
  12. NT blocks certain sites , while true/3B doesn't. I can't remember who wanted the internet firewall decades ago , taksin gov or the Prayut gov. Sinds 14 months the new gov has been blocking sites , raising taxes , more aligned with the WEF , ... Give us back Prayut !
  13. I have a Dell xps , but you can forget about gestures on touchpad and screen like in windows. In linux only basic gestures and if you want to change the cooling like in mydell or dell power manager you have to go in the bios to set it. Too many downsides using linux mint. Newest computers are less supported too in linux. Forget about the easy taskmanager of W11 , no looking at the status of your gpu's. So glad to reinstall W11. But at least in linux there is no mandatory Dell audio enhancer cr_p.
  14. The latest from whiskas is more soup/sauce in those 80 gr packages than something to chew on. Their sheba even worse. So much better in europe.

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