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  1. To be more humane , while flying to El Salvador prison , the convicted should get the choice of jumping out of the plane above the country they like to live, but without parachute.
  2. CLEARLY felt it in Phrae !! Scary !
  3. Retaliate by putting some tariffs on imported euro goods. Oops they already do.
  4. not end up on the blacklist Then they could go back to the bank.
  5. Put them on a black list. No official loans anymore. Loan sharks will take care of it.
  6. April fools is in 4 days.
  7. Unbelieveble ! A crisis of their own making. European "rulers" want this war badly. Yes it is going to hurt us too here in Thailand . Many of us have their money still in europe. And what do you know , Thailand has made it VERY costly to get our money here. Capital controls coming ? I guess after 72 hours the radio activity has dissipated ? But don't worry with or without war the digital euro is coming in october 2025. Asset registering and 10 % of your savings "activated" to rearm. I think it was 800 billion to rearm Germany ? What could go wrong for the thirth time ?
  8. Stupid people get into debt and we/government should bail them out ?? F no. You pay for your own mistakes.
  9. The rich have more and more expensive air purifiers ?
  10. So what. The Russians drill in the arctic too.
  11. Like some already said , so many big lies. But the OP forgot this one : That there are more than 2 sexes and men can have babies.
  12. Being a democrat terrorist is very easy . Most get paid AND no risk because Soros DA's will not prosecute those thugs. Trump needs to get those DA's out and also the Obama appointed judges. If you get attacked by them and defend yourself , you go to jail. Look at Kyle Rittenhouse. Luckily he got acquitted. The lawfare terrorism is more than lost years in jail. It ruins those people financially. Trump should give the J6'ers at least their lost wages. All the people that saw their Tesla damaged should get a new one paid by asset seizure of the perpetrators and pay for demolition and cleanup. Asset seizure should be the standard for these terrorists. Jail time alone is not enough. If the democrats steal the election again in 2028, those thugs will be pardonned again. Asset seizure !!
  13. Musk should outfit his Tesla's with automatic tasers.
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