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Posts posted by joy16

  1. They allow motorcycle until Sam Yod checkpoint. After this they strictly prohibited.

    Useful info, thanks.

    Is most of the stuff to see in the national park beyond this point? If so, might rent a 4x4 instead.

    Yes, after this checkpoint is Ban Krang Camp where you can do bird and butterfly watching and Panoen Thung area.

    You can get an idea for tourist attractions from link below.



  2. Well, they've managed to lose 1400 GBP from my brother and his wife because they don't allow you to pre-book seats, so they are flying with BA who have charged them 70 GBP each for the privilege.... Thai Airways policy is first come first served at check-in.

    Poor business sense from Thai as they could be sitting with another 80,000 baht in the bank now and times that by however many others have done the same.

    Really? If it is the international flight, it can pre-book seat. Only domestic flight is first come first serve basis but it can book seat during online check-in 24 hrs prior scheduled flight.

  3. Assuming you're not Thai, what are you doing living in the On Nut area? That's not an area suitable for foreigners. Even a lot of the Thais who live there don't have mobile phones.

    There are so many condos around On Nut BTS area both along Sukhumvit road and Soi Sukhumvit 77 (On Nut road).

  4. One of the statements read outside the court by the victims family was damming towards the two Burmese.

    Has the family has received information outside that presented in the court?

    If so, surely it would be in the interests of the Thai authorities to make that information public, so as to cease speculation about the verdict once and for all.

    In my opinion the Burmese did not do it, BUT if evidence was presented that proved they did without reasonable doubt then I am more and happy to say I was wrong.

    One thing that has worried me about there innocence is the lack of any evidence to show that one person of particular "interest" was on the Island of Koh Tao on the fateful night. In the age of smart phones, I simply can't believe a photo or video has never been seen to prove "he" was or maybe was not on the island that night.

    There were the pictures from CCTV shown that the interested one was in his dormitory in Bangkok that night.

  5. Never saw 01 in Thai ID number but if it is 10, it is Bangkok.

    See the list below.

    กระบี่ Krabi 81
    กรุงเทพมหานคร Krung Thep Maha Nakhon 10 (Bangkok)
    กาญจนบุรี Kanchanaburi 71
    กาฬสินธุ์ Kalasin 46
    กำแพงเพชร Kamphaeng Phet 62
    ขอนแก่น Khon Kaen 40
    จันทบุรี Chanthaburi 22
    ฉะเชิงเทรา Chachoengsao 24
    ชลบุรี Chon Buri 20
    ชัยนาท Chai Nat 18
    ชัยภูมิ Chaiyaphum 36
    ชุมพร Chumphon 86
    เชียงราย Chiang Rai 57
    เชียงใหม่ Chiang Mai 50
    ตรัง Trang 92
    ตราด Trat 23
    ตาก Tak 63
    นครนายก Nakhon Nayok 26
    นครปฐม Nakhon Pathom 73
    นครพนม Nakhon Phanom 48
    นครราชสีมา Nakhon Ratchasima 30
    นครศรีธรรมราช Nakhon Si Thammarat 80
    นครสวรรค์ Nakhon Sawan 60
    นนทบุรี Nonthaburi 12
    นราธิวาส Narathiwat 96
    น่าน Nan 55
    บุรีรัมย์ Buri Ram 31
    ปทุมธานี Pathum Thani 13
    ประจวบคีรีขันธ์ Prachuap Khiri Khan 77
    ปราจีนบุรี Prachin Buri 25
    ปัตตานี Pattani 94
    พระนครศรีอยุธยา Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya 14
    พะเยา Phayao 56
    พังงา Phangnga 82
    พัทลุง Phatthalung 93
    พิจิตร Phichit 66
    พิษณุโลก Phisanulok 65
    เพชรบุรี Phetchaburi 76
    เพชรบูรณ์ Phetchabun 67
    แพร่ Phrae 54
    ภูเก็ต Phuket 83
    มหาสารคาม Maha Sarakham 44
    มุกดาหาร Mukdahan 49
    แม่ฮ่องสอน Mae Hong Son 58
    ยโสธร Yasothon 35
    ยะลา Yala 95
    ร้อยเอ็ด Roi Et 45
    ระนอง Ranong 85
    ระยอง Rayong 21
    ราชบุรี Ratchaburi 70
    ลพบุรี Lop Buri 16
    ลำปาง Lampang 52
    ลำพูน Lamphun 51
    เลย Loei 42
    ศรีสะเกษ Si Sa Ket 33
    สกลนคร Sakon Nakhon 47
    สงขลา Songkhla 90
    สตูล Satun 91
    สมุทรปราการ Samut Prakan 11
    สมุทรสงคราม Samut Songkram 75
    สมุทรสาคร Samut Sakhon 74
    สระบุรี Saraburi 19
    สิงห์บุรี Sing Buri 17
    สุโขทัย Sukhothai 64
    สุพรรณบุรี Suphan Buri 72
    สุราษฎร์ธานี Surat Thani 84
    สุรินทร์ Surin 32
    หนองคาย Nong Khai 43
    อ่างทอง Ang Thong 15
    อุดรธานี Udon Thani 41
    อุตรดิตถ์ Uttaradit 53
    อุทัยธานี Uthai Thani 61
    อุบลราชธานี Ubon Ratchathani 34

  6. "Prayut said the suspect was believed to be from an "anti-government group based in Thailand's northeast" -- the heartland of the kingdom's Red Shirt movement that opposes the military junta."

    Noticed this item in the Australian media.....quick detective work!!

    This is a lost-in-translation message from Australian media. Actually, PM mentioned the man who posed on facebook about violent in Bangkok which will occur during 14-18 Aug on 12 Aug 2015. And he is believed to be a redshirt in northeast so PM asks authority to investigate him. He is not the man who was captured in CCTV.

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