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Posts posted by joy16

  1. Satun province on the Andaman Sea is a great deal closer to the Gulf of Thailand than Phuket is and the infrastructure in Satun of roads, rail, Pakbara Port and the like have been underway since 2004.

    Satun easily connects to Songkhla which provides the existing convenient and less costly link of the Gulf to the Sea.

    I don't think Phuket wants to develop more in to a commercial port with tankers, container ships, new docks and warehouses and the like, not to mention the seagoing clientele it would be introduced to.

    Development of Pak Bara Port has been underway since 2004 and it provides an answer to the CCP Boyz in Beijing who want to plow a canal through Thailand to sever it and the entire isthmus. The Boyz from Beijing wouldn't think twice about plowing through Phuket either.

    Pak Bara Port in Satun province is the new port. Be happy in your work. smile.png

    the first idea for a canal was in 1677.

    The location of any port needs to be seen in terms of customers - and for that it needs to be central and easily accessible by customers - that would be ASEAN and China for export.

    You also need to take into account the depth of water available - dredging is not usually an option as it becomes like painting the Forth Bridge. So you need natural deep water access to allow a wide range of shipping. ...and finally not that it would bother Thailand very much one needs to look at the environmental impact - the extinction of dugongs being one aspect.

    In the end Duwei in Myanmar will win the day as it is better located for Bangkok.....and China.....

    All of which is true to include the superiority of Duwei in Myanmar as the west coast port of the Indo-China Peninsula which connects directly to the mainland PRChina.

    Development of the Duwei Port was however taken over by the US and Japan after Prez Obama's first visit to the reformed rulers of Myanmar, reformed because the generals had stopped some major Beijing ordered infrastructure dam and watershed projects that had threatened to submerge most of northern Myanmar while entirely paving over most of the rest of it.

    Thailand lost its significant involvement in the Duwei Port Project after failing miserably at financing and starting the construction of it. Construction of new roads and rail links between Thailand and Duwei got bogged down in swamps, mosquitoes, a coup.

    The plan of the CCP Boyz in Beijing to slash and plow a canal severing Thailand, the isthmus, the entire peninsula are not acceptable in Bangkok no matter what and we're talking about Thailand here. Malaysia and Singapore are concerned about a Beijing canal setting them adrift from the mainland of Asia. The Strait of Malacca is already admitting four ships a minute with that unsustainable rate continue to increase indefinitely.

    The demand exists for both Duwei and a Pakbara Port in the southwest of Thailand in Satun province and that is for sure. Commercially, a canal is an excellent idea which is why it's been kicking around for several hundred years. Politically, socially, culturally however, it's the worst idea in these parts since opium.

    Moreover the brass hats and their allies among the Bangkok and southern elites want their own port right here in Thailand. India is completing a huge complex of naval and air bases in the Andaman Islands smack between Pakbara and Duwei which confirms the comprehensive importance of the Bay of Bengal-Malacca area and region to everyone of it.

    Duwei and Pakbara along with the new Indian military facilities in the Andamans keep Thailand in control of major coastal ports and shipping in and through Thailand along with the US, Japan, India and Singapore controlled shipping on and along the peninsula to include Duwei and Malacca. I'm afraid the Boyz in Beijing have been put on the outside looking in for this one.

    Overall good show by the US and its allies of the region.

    Don't know why you drag USA to involve in this project because latest news I know is that this project will be funded by Thailand, Japan and Myanmar.


  2. I said not too tall smile.png. So if Thai Smile wants to be a premium budget carrier (?!) how come they squeeze in more seats then a proper budget carrier like ThaiAirasia? This has nothing to do with Asians being smaller, it's about why should I pay more to have even less legroom. To get a chicken sandwich for free? Thanks, I can do 55 minutes without food.

    Actually, the seats on Thai smile are less than on Thai air asia.

    Thai smile seat allocation: 29 rows, 174 seats

    Thai Air Asia seat allocation: 30 rows, 180 seats

  3. The consulate is correct, only pages that says VISA at the top can be used.

    Hopefully immigration will find space for the extension stamp, he may need to get the new passport first anyway.

    Only, when we approached the Immigration office, I realized, that the space left in the Passport could have been, the main obstacle.


    the last page in the Passport showed on half of its page, the wording -This Passport has 32 pages- that in all EU countries languages, that irritated the Immigration in Udon Thani.

    There was also a print on top of that Page =For Visa purposes= But that was seemingly ignored form the Thai Immigration, did not convince them.

    And, there was a second page half empty to.

    So, insecure, the young female Immigration officer had sent the old German away to make a new Passport.

    For that was now not really enough time. Only for a Emergency Passport, followed by a trip over the border again, with possible problems when returning.

    Or a Non Immigrant O in that Passport than.

    Anyway, with a few words I convinced the same young female officer to stamp a 60 days extension on the available half empty page, -reason = married and providing for a Thai woman and the problem is solved.

    Today the elderly German are in Bangkok to apply for a new Passport. thumbsup.gif

    I think a full available page on passport is required for a visa, not haft page.

  4. I find it surprising that the embassy did not mention to you the possibility of getting your Thai passport from them when you were there to get your Thai birth certificate. Perhaps just a bureaucrat's habit of not thinking beyond the task he is confronted with at the moment.

    The passport application form is all in Thai, several pages, I believe, which is one of the reasons I suggested that the presence of your mother may be helpful when you go the embassy. In the meantime, start practising your signature in Thai smile.png

    My fiance's signature in her Thai passport (she is a native born Thai) is in English, given that internationally apart from Laos, Thai is next to useless so she automatically signed her name in English. Her Thai signature is only used in Thailand on Thai based documents (e.g. ID card). I'm not sure if she was instructed by the passport office/embassy/consulate to sign in English, but I can imagine she was. So don't worry too much about signing a passport in Thai - as it should be signed in English anyway.

    Indeed, my thai passport has an English signature on it!

    Don't worry about the signature but the full name on application form shall be in Thai. So practising it in Thai.

  5. Funny how the only real story TV sofa general council accepts is the PDCR statement released minutes after shots where fired....

    Well, so far the police have told us three different stories.

    1. The policeman was shot by a handgun bullet from an elevated position. Then pictures emerged with MiB on the roof of a building under control of the police. When the fairy tale fizzled that they were actually protestors dressed in looted police uniforms...

    2. He was shot from a level position from the outside gate (location of the protestors) while crouching behind a tree - to explain the path of the bullet. They even presented a "matching" .38 casing conveniently found at the alleged shooter´s position. When doubts arouse they pulled out of their hat...

    3. He was shot from an elevated position (again) this time by one of 16 riflemen from the rooftop of a building behind the protestors. And they produce the "matching" bullets and spent casings. No more "handgun".

    Of course no autopsy was carried out and the poor bloke`s body has quickly been released for cremation. And the location has not been sealed off to conduct the investigation, so any evidence could have easily been either removed, relocated or placed as seen appropriate to support any story.

    It doesn't say here - that I can see - that Narong was shot from an elevated position, it discusses Wasu and other cop. The idea that Narong was shot from an elevated position came from Akanat I think, not police. Police only said they believed that protesters were shooting from a high building, not that they killed Narong from a high building. Also, where did you read no autopsy was carried out?

    It's not really inconsistent. According to this, someone was firing from a high building at Gate 1, but not necessarily at Gate 3 where Narong was shot. I just doubt that Wasu was shot by his own side from a building, I think he was shot by one of the cops during the counter-attack in the afternoon. But I think Narong was shot by protesters earlier on. Doesn't rule out someone (from either side) shooting from a building, at some point, of course. Worth bearing in mind the clash went on from 7am or so until early evening, and the first cop was shot at just after 9am with live bullets also being reported during the late afternoon.

    It was initial report from Thai forensic police chief that Narong was shot from up to down, left to right and front to back direction.

  6. As the video is only a few seconds long is it not a bit academic to analyse what was or was not fired ONLY during those few seconds? What happened before or after?

    Surely the simple point is that there were unidentified (so far at least) men seen on top of a government building overlooking the protest sight and that allegations that they may have been responsible for some of the injuries need a formal response and explanation rather than s simple bland rebuttal?

    I have seen videos of the police charging the protesters and vandalising the cars and the suggestion that these were protesters in disguise seems ludicrous to me. JMHO.

    See this for longer video. It was filmed by drone.


  7. "pat ka-pow gi" Theres a old restaurant near where i stay and this dude does this dish in an ABSOLUTELY fabulously delicious way.

    In fact a friend who stayed long-term near this old restaurant, used to eat this for...breakfast lunch & supper cos it was so GOOD!

    attachicon.gifpat ka-pow gi.jpg

    I think in the picture is "pad bai ho-ra-pa gai", not "pad ka-pow gai".

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