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Posts posted by surayu

  1. So the BiB is going to get rid of all premises in which they are not directly involved or gaining Satangs somehow, do you recall the raids at the PatPong Market? ah ah :) or the 40 "dissolved" red hands BiBs in Pantip?...whom is at the top is making anything they can to put the less well-off connationals in a position they could only succumb, so they can finally step in and own even more, while the BiB is somehow putting some "balance" on it and you know how..... :D

  2. I'm poisoned again after eating at ****.. last time it happened I was sick for a week but I thought it came from an apple I ate, but now I got the same sickness and I have determined it came from a sandwich I ate at ****, same i had just ate there before the last episode, I think it is from the cheeze that those <deleted> don't refrigerate.. I talked to someone and he got poisoned there too and now that I think about it I have seen parishables being delivered to one of their stores in a small pickuptruck w/o a refridgeration unit in the back-which has a windowed shell which makes it hot back there.. how does this company continue to do business with such poor health standards?

    Has this happened to anyone else?

    Thanks for sharing it! i wish many others had the same honesty and civic responsability in sharing this kind of information ! and as you already mentioned, you are just making a favour to this business pointing out what really must get some changes. :)

  3. Big C was selling a very stylish can opener, black and white kind of plastic, was in the range of 300-400 Baht, apart from the nice looking shape it was utter rubbish, better you go for the classic metal one for 30-50 Baht, at least it works!

  4. I am waiting for some tool to say we must respect "Thai culture" and always tip at bookstores.

    Jing you must respect "Thai vultures", in particular those driving a BahtBus :) did i won anything?

  5. If a person, place or whatever else do not deserve your extra sign of appreciation (the "tip", as you are already giving them the "gift" of your custom), just don't give it to them, as someone has already stated, that would be the wrong signal to give and possibly next time they will get even worse, if they don't have your tip or your next custom then hopefully they will try to understand why and have some changes done, which here is likely to be in worse anyway :) , by the way i am from Italy and i DO tip often(mostly by just leaving behind the small changes), as many of my other countrymans, actually one of them overtip even when receiving a bad service....

  6. ....I have no idea where anyone would get the impression that foreign companies involvement is kept "secret"....

    Does the Architect Council of Thailand (ACT) making pressure on the local government to legally recognize foreign works in their project rings any bells to you? Do you have ever asked yourself how comes for so many famous monuments or art works around BKK(but not only BKK), the names or nationality of the artists seems just to have been missed on the official information on display?Guess why? .....probably many people would have recognized something familiar looking at these not so oriental looking places, the same thing is happening with the most modern structures.....

  7. thaihome,

    I think that foreigners who oftenly do concern of Thailand' s gratitude to imported civilisation have not contibuted to the development of this country themselves. :)

    methinks that whoever is pointing out his "perplexity" to the host, it's already making them a huge favour, as the most of the time there is a real and very sound reason to complain, just because we are the "guests" doesn't make them automatically right, but apparently that's not so clear to someone

  8. That is what I see in my every day life. What do you see?


    ...i see that high end foreigner professionals hired or partecipating somehow in almost any sector are simply been given the boots as soon as the local other parts thinks they are able to manage things by their own, i also noticed a certain local trend to keep foreigner collaboration almost "secret" even when all the vital know hows are provided by non-thai and if they really have to mention a foreigner partecipation they try to play it down, as something almost useless....

  9. ....98.9% of our esteemed posters on TV have never worked in Thailand, let alone worked in any form of industry anywhere, so they basically dont have clue what they are talking about other than repeating what they hear while sitting on a bar stool.

    I have worked with a lot of very capable Thai nationals in industry over the years in Thailand, in fact a lot of them were/are a lot better than the farangs they replaced in the O&G game...... :D

    The only exposure the vast majority of TV posters have to working Thai's are the one working in shops, restaurants,their gardener, their maid or their favorite BG... :D

    Obviously we forgot you hold that secret book with names, profession and background information of any kind about all TV members(and possibly even the details of whoever is just passing by just once), that's how you can give us a so detailed percentange :D if you keep going this way, soon you will be telling us about all exported thai made technology in the needy western world, ah ah, you made my day SP :)

  10. Thanks everyone for the suggestions. Sorry if the question sounded frivolous. I do have an idea of what I'd like to get into. I'm in the health supplement business in Singapore but I certainly don't mind venturing into something different in BKK, maybe even something radically different, like a restaurant. Just wanted to know what kind of suggestions I'd receive.

    Property has been mentioned several times but I've been told by some agents that BKK property doesn't really appreciate that much, if at all. We're talking about previously-owned (resale) property of course. Brand new developments do appreciate considerably sometimes, but I think I would need a lot more than 5M baht to purchase those. :)

    what about investing on a solid sin-sod? well, actually let me get back to you on that one :D

  11. If someone hangs a Yakult on my doorknob, it's mine.

    If someone hangs a Coca-Cola on my doorknob, it's mine.

    If someone hangs a mango on my doorknob, it's mine.

    If someone hangs a pineapple on my doorknob, it's mine.

    If someone hangs a pizza on my doorknob, it's mine.

    If someone hangs a Singha on my doorknob, it's mine.

    If someone hangs a flatscreen TV on my doorknob, it's mine.

    If someone hangs a doorknob on my doorknob, it's mine.

    If someone hangs a 1986 Cadillac on my doorknob, it's mine.

    If someone hangs a 2009 BMW on my doorknob, it's mine.

    I don't give a dam_n how honest you are. I don't give a dam_n how hard you work. I don't give a dam_n how many children you have. I don't give a dam_n what country it is in. If you hang something on my doorknob without asking me first, and then walk away..... it's mine. Free of charge. It's mine.

    My doorknob. My hanging items. Mine. Mine. Mine.

    Give me more.

    :):D:D yes! spot on!

  12. You can't be serious ! How can you possibly mention motorcycles and Platinum in the same sentence?? The two are incompatible.

    Well i never try it myself, i just had a chat with the men and he seemed to be a friendly chap, what was your experience?

  13. Thanks for that, so civilians can get access to the Navy base or there is a particular market area nearby? i checked the Chatuchak(JJ) market in BKK, they have pleanty of uniforms, boots and other accessories but the only available tent was so small even to fit my dog......in Big C they have only small sizes and i guess they are for single use only (ie: use it one day only and then thrown them away), a specific camping equipment store is selling one for 65.000, with that amount i can go back to Europe and come back with what i need and still have some cash to spend around....

  14. You have no idea of the highly sophisticated plants that are operated by Thais everyday in Thailand. The reason you have no idea is they are operated safely everyday and that never makes the newspaper.


    i guess we do however have a real clear picture of what reach the news and what we can see first hand in our everyday lifes, that will do it for me :)

  15. There is a guy from NY that has a motorcycles shop called Platinum really close to the Xyte Disco and Tony Muai Thai Gym, he also makes pizzas in there and i believe owns the WOW food delivery service, not sure if he's a mechanic too, you can give him a call to find out: 038 410693

  16. The company I work at are "distributors" for medical supply companies.... We certainly do not "dump" supplies off on the hospital door mat and come back with a bill some time at our convienience. We work hard too, and we work "ethically."

    It is a PRINCIPLE here, not the money. If I want something I ask for it, pretty simple really. It does not matter if the "seller" is poor or not, their finacial status has no determination on if I want their product or not.

    Yes, really a great post Dakhar which i can only agree with! "Ethics and Principles" this is what is mostly missed not just here in LOS but more and more all over the world, i just recently break up a long standing friendship(15 years), because the person in question was getting more and more into admiring whom get a profit by cheating others, really such a disgusting behaviour! don't people understand that before or later this can only backfire?

  17. .....So, we'll be OK just so long as Somchai presses all the right buttons!

    That's the thing! knowing how local business handle stuff, do you think they will manage a nuclear plant any different? it's not the technology itself which is scary but who it's going to be operating it...and obviously at the end of the investigation nobody will be found to be guilty of anything....TIT

  18. Without a receipt, how about telling us how you sorted it out very quickly.

    Hello Tropo, yes basically there are 4 or 5 different girls serving at the place and the one that called us back was not the same girl that took the money, as soon as the original girl realized what was going on she told her friend and they all apologized, easy peasy :)

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