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Posts posted by kurgen

  1. Fank thuck you're back, I was pulling my hair out (as you have by the looks of it)trying to do your news thing.

    If you're gonnna do 1 again, do me afavour and teach me how to upload the pics before you sod off please :D

    Sorry, kurgen, an unexpected two week holiday. :o

    So do I get paid for my work ? :D

  2. Fank thuck you're back, I was pulling my hair out (as you have by the looks of it)trying to do your news thing.

    If you're gonnna do 1 again, do me afavour and teach me how to upload the pics before you sod off please :o

  3. I guess when you've got thousands of tourists a day (on average) coming and going (from Pattaya), you're bound to get a few that are "less stable" than normal.

    you mean "One flew over the Cuckoo's nest?" :o

    no, he means he's a fakkin loony (who could probably do with a shower) :D

  4. In the early hours of Friday Morning, Police and rescue workers received an urgent call to the PJ Inn Apartments in Soi A.R. in Central Pattaya following reports of a foreign man who appeared to have attempted suicide.

    Arriving at the scene rescue workers made their way to a room on the 4th floor and attended to Mr. Stephane Verraes aged 38 from France. He was lying on the bed in a considerable amount of pain.

    Pools of blood were seen around the room and a number of deep cuts were evident on his right wrist along with burn marks from a cigarette on his hand.

    The room owner, Khun Daroong aged 28 explained to Police that she met the Frenchman on the beach and he explained that she looked similar to his former girlfriend.

    When the pair went back to the room, Mr. Verraes became emotionally unstable and began to harm himself with a cigarette.

    He then found a razor inside the room and slit his wrist.

    He is now undergoing psychiatric tests at Hospital and is receiving consular assistance from French Embassy Officials.

    Pattaya One News

    howling at the moon :o

  5. A disturbing story now investigated by Police Lieutenant Colonel Samai from Banglamung Police Station who was called to the Morgue at Banglamung Hospital to inspect the body of a 5 year old boy who had apparently shot himself in the face.

    The boys’ father, Khun Niwat aged 25 initially reported the incident which occurred in a field in Kow Mai Geow sub-district on Thursday Night.

    According to his Police statement, the pair had gone to the field to inspect their stock of Ox. Unbeknown to Khun Niwat, his Son had found a gun and he heard a shot, turned around and saw his Son lying dead on the ground.

    Tests on the gun and other forensic evidence have been taken from the victim, his father and the weapon to determine if the story is true or not.

    For now, Police are looking into all eventualities and Khun Niwat, who remarkably showed no emotion, is helping Police with their enquiries.

    Pattaya One News

    I hope this was just a terrible accident, RIP little one :o

  6. A fatal shooting now from Sattahip District located just outside of Pattaya.

    In the early hours of Thursday Morning, Police Colonel Supatee, the Chief of Sattahip Police made his way to the scene of the crime, outside a motorbike showroom near the Sattahip Market.

    The body of Khun Witawat aged 18 was lying in the road next to his motorbike.

    He had sustained a single gun shot to his back and was pronounced dead at the scene. A single witness saw the shooting and told Police that the victim was driving his motorbike very fast and was being chased by 3 men on two further bikes.

    One of them produced a gun and shot in the direction of the victim multiple times.

    The victim was then seen to fall to the floor and one of the three men approached the body of Khun Witawat and was seen to take something from his pocket, they then fled the scene.

    Khun Witawat had been released from a Youth Detention Center on 30th March and had a history of committing petty crimes and Police suspect he continued to involve himself in criminal activities which may be connected to the shooting.

    The murder investigation continues.

    Pattaya One News


  7. Arab drugged and robbed on Pattaya Beach Road.

    In the early hours of Thursday Morning, a Tourist from the United Arab Emirates made a complaint at Pattaya Police Station following a suspected drugging and robbery which took place near the entrance to Walking Street. Mr. Ahmed Mohsin Saleh Albraiki aged 42 explained that as he was walking along the beach road near Walking Street, two women and a man approached him and one of the women placed something over his mouth which rendered him unconscious. He woke up moments later and found that 9,000 Baht in cash and a mobile phone had been stolen from his trouser pocket. Remarkably no witnesses came forward to confirm the story which is now under investigation by Pattaya Police Station

    Pattaya One News



    deoderant ? :o

  8. Call her up and sneak round one afternoon and shag her, at least you won't have to pay the bar fine this time :D

    Did you watch that episode of House when he was sniffing round his ex wife and goes round to help get rid of the rat. As he leaves he lifts up the toilet seat. :D I know it would be childish but <deleted> would it be funny :D

    Also ask her for some numbers of her friends, that's sure to piss her off, especially when you let her know you've got a few million baht to spunk on them :o

    payback's a bitch and so's she :D

  9. This fly looks very much like a Tsetse Fly, but can you get them in Thailand. It landed on me this morning.


    Looks remarkably like a Surinus Barflyus ,should be treated carefully. :o

    closely related to the more common Surinus Balloonchaserus :D

  10. This fly looks very much like a Tsetse Fly, but can you get them in Thailand. It landed on me this morning.


    As you reside in Jurrasic Park it may well turn out to be some breed of long extinct man eating kangerillerpig flying thingy. :D

    Probably awoken from milleniumss of hibernation when Yorkie opened his wallet and bought a round :o

  11. I had one of those for a year or so when I lived in a condo.

    The GF of the time didn't like to take her underwear to the laundry so it was great for this use.

    Had it for over a year, then gave it to a friend when I moved to a house.

    Good value

  12. On Tuesday Night, Police Colonel Nopadon, the Superintendant of Pattaya Police Station conducted a press conference to announce a number of drug-related arrests and the seizure of class 1 drugs.

    Three cases were presented to the gathered media which led to the arrest of 8 individuals and the seizure of 2,204 Yabba Tablets and 10 packets of Crystal Methamphetamine.

    The Colonel confirmed that he is determined to clear Pattaya of illegal narcotics and will continue his fight against drugs until he achieves his aim.

    Regional Police Commanders are putting pressure on local Police Chiefs at this time to clear the streets of illegal narcotics and we understand that unless undisclosed targets are met, other police divisions situated outside of the Province will become involved.

    Pattaya One News

  13. Medical Staff at the Pattaya Memorial Hospital received two critical patients on Tuesday Afternoon who had been rescued from the waters off Tawan Beach on Larn Island which is located 4kms off the coast of Pattaya.

    Mr. Hui Tai Fut aged 25 and Mrs. Lui Jin Jun aged 45 were part of a tour group who had gone to the Island on Monday Morning.

    In the afternoon, Mrs. Jun had gone for a swim but got into difficulties and screamed for help. Luckily for her, Mr. Fut heard her screams and attempted a rescue, however the attempt went badly wrong and both began to drown.

    Sea Rescue Units rushed to the location and pulled the lifeless bodies of the two victims from the waters. Mrs. Jun was able to be revived, however despite the best efforts of rescuers and medical staff at the Hospital, Mr. Fut passed away.

    The groups’ tour guide, Khun Somgiet aged 56 explained to investigators that the female victim was using a flotation device in the water which she became detached from. It was at this point that the male victim attempted a rescue.

    The Chinese Embassy in Bangkok are aware of the case and are investigating at this time

    Pattaya One News.

    Died trying to save another, RIP brave one :o

  14. If you're not worried about having a pedigree kitten I know the owner of the Fishermans Rest at Mabprachan has about 6 lovely little kittens which will be ready in about a week or 2's time.

    Let me know if you're interested and I'll PM you his telephone number. :o

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