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Posts posted by kurgen

  1. Actually Bumrungrad is very conveniently located for driving there with your own car. From the Motorway No. 7 continue into Rama 9 Expressway take the Exit "Sukhumvit" and "South Ploenchit". In this exit, take the left lane, which merges into Sukhumvi Roadt, cross the railroad tracks and turn immediately left again in Sukhumvit Soi 1. Bumrungrad ist almost at the end of Soi 1 on your right hand side.

    Car parking is abundant and signaled.

    To get back on the Expressway, leaf Bumrungrad at the other side (kind of continue the way you came in), you will reach Nana. Proceed to the Red Light and turn right into Sukhumvit and after maybe 1 km, you reach the same Expressway Entrance/Exit you took before. Turn right into the Expressway and you are back on track to Pattaya. Follow the signs to Suvarnaphum Airport and Chonburi).

    Thanks Dippydick :D ,

    your directions were spot on. I left at 8 am and was standing in the hospital at 9.40.

    Cheers :o

  2. I have a 2 year old 2 door Prerunner in good condition with 50k on the clock which I paid about 660,000 baht for new. I want to get a 4 door Prerunner.

    Will I get a better deal by trading it in to Toyota, selling it to a garage or trying to do a private sale?

    Most important of all, how much should I expect to get?

    Probably silly q's but I have never sold a car here.

    You'll get best price by going with a private seller, especially if you have all the receipts. This will take the longest however.

    I would think you should be able to get 425 000 THB or so.

    Thanks, this is about the price I was thinking of and yes FSH + reciepts.


  3. I have a 2 year old 2 door Prerunner in good condition with 50k on the clock which I paid about 660,000 baht for new. I want to get a 4 door Prerunner.

    Will I get a better deal by trading it in to Toyota, selling it to a garage or trying to do a private sale?

    Most important of all, how much should I expect to get?

    Probably silly q's but I have never sold a car here.

  4. After reading the reviews of The Courtyard I went there last Saturday for breakfast.

    I was slightly disappointed when I realised they don't sell breakfasts but decided to try the fid an chip instead. It was very nice indeed, not cod but still a very nice well sized fillet with real chips.

    I then went back the following day for a lamb roast, which I have to say was one of the best I have tasted anywhere. Both of my friends that I was with both agreed on the quality. One of them had the pork which had great crackling :o The only thing that was missing was a Yorkshire pudding but there were way to many plus points to put me of going again.

  5. In the early hours of Sunday Morning, Police Lieutenant Colonel Sutum, from Sattahip Police Station was called to house number 45/7-8 in Soi Huoy Yao in na-Jomtien to investigate a fatal shooting incident.

    At the scene, Police inspected the body of Khun Sanit aged 45 who worked as a Civil Engineer at Pattaya City hall and was responsible for granting permission for new constructions around the Pattaya area.

    He was lying in the street next to his Black Toyota Vios. The engine of the vehicle was still running and it appeared he was shot when he exited the truck in order to open the steel gate at the entrance to his house.

    Family members who were understandably distraught confirmed that Khun Sanit was not in any known dispute with an individual or company and they were awoken by the sounds of gun shots at the front of the house.

    Two Thai men were seen driving away from the scene following the shooting, however due to poor street lighting they were unable to identify them or the license plate on their motorbike.

    Police are unsure of the exact reason behind the shooting at this time but suspect it could be related to his work. The investigation continues.

    Pattaya One News

    sounds like a dangerous job :o

  6. At 10.30 on Thursday Morning, Police were called to a ground floor apartment in Soi 13 off the Naklua Road to investigate a break-in.

    At the scene, they were met by the occupier of the room who was clearly shaken; Khun Sudatip aged 24, who works as a Nurse at Chonburi Hospital.

    She explained to Police that earlier in the morning a Thai Man forced entry into her room armed with a gun :o and demanded she hand over her valuables.

    He escaped with a gold necklace worth around 6,000 Baht and a mobile phone.

    Police found a replica gun on the side of the road near the apartment block and believe this to be he gun used in the attack.

    Police suspect this was a random attack and are doing their best to locate the suspect at this time.

    Pattaya One News

    guns, guns, guns :D

  7. Early on Wednesday Morning, Police arrested a 19 year old man in possession of a firearm in Soi Jurarak off the Tepprasit Road in Jomtien.

    He was charged with possession of a gun and also the theft of a motorbike and abduction of its 17 year old owner.

    The case began on Tuesday Night when the suspect, Khun Somshai stole the motorbike allegedly at gun point. The bike owner was injured in the ensuing theft which became an assault on him.

    Khun Somshai allegedly sent the young man to a local Motel and locked him in the room until the morning. :o

    He was released and begged Khun Somshai to take him home as he had no transport.

    Khun Somshai obliged and took him back to his Jomtien Home where Police were waiting for Khun Somshai who was duly arrested in possession of the gun which he claimed was not his and he had found it earlier in the day on the road and was preparing to hand it into Police. :D

    Police are baffled by the case and are unable to explain to us why the suspect took the young man to a Motel for the night. :D

    Despite this, Khun Somshai was charged and awaits a court appearance.

    Pattaya One News

    More guns :D

  8. On Thursday Night, Traffic Police Officers made a routine stop in front of the entrance to Walking Street.

    Officers spotted a Thai Man driving a motorbike without wearing a safety helmet which is a fineable offence.

    The man complied with requests to pull-over, however he appeared extremely nervous when officers inspected his motorbike.

    They then decided to conduct a search of the man, named as Khun Tawee aged 23.

    He was found to be carrying a loaded gun and was duly arrested and taken to Pattaya Police Station.

    He explained that he was carrying the gun to protect himself.

    He was charged with possession of an unlicensed firearm in a public place and will appear in court early next week.

    Pattaya One News

    More guns :o

  9. Just after 2am on Saturday, there was drama at a Police Checkpoint in North Pattaya which was manned by Police and Civil Volunteers, known in Thai as “O-po-po-lor”.

    Two men on a motorbike decided not to stop at the checkpoint which led to a chase by the “O-po-po-lor” who managed to hit the bike, causing it to crash.

    The driver and passenger aged 15 and 18 respectively were thrown from the bike and slightly injured.

    A gun was found in the seat compartment of the bike and the two men were duly arrested and taken to Pattaya Police Station.

    Neither man accepted responsibility for the gun, therefore they were both charged with firearms offences and are currently behind bars awaiting a court appearance on Monday.

    Pattaya One News

    more guns :o

  10. In the early hours of Saturday Morning, Police Colonel Nopadon, the Chief of Pattaya Police held a press conference to announce the arrest of four women connected with a case involving class 1 drugs and firearms.

    The Colonel explained that the case begun with the arrest of two girls aged only 15 and 16 in Soi Tidawan in Central Pattaya.

    They were caught with 5 Yabba Tablets and back at Pattaya Police Station they were happy to give up the name of their supplier, Khun Pranee aged 42 who was duly arrested on the Sukumvit Road in South Pattaya in front of the Big C Supercenter.

    She was caught following an undercover operation where the arrested girls were used to purchase tablets from the target.

    Khun Pranee was caught in possession of 70 Yabba Tablets and following a search of her home, a 38mm handgun was found. Khun Pranee then gave up the name of her supplier, Khun Duan aged 63 who was then arrested at her home in Soi Yensabai, South Pattaya.

    350 Yabba Tablets were found inside her home. Khun Duan explained that she purchased the drugs from Khun Danapar aged 37 who cannot be located at this time.

    Pattaya One News

  11. Just after 2.30 on Saturday Morning, Police Lieutenant Colonel Samai from Banglamung Police Station was called to a major road accident which occurred on the Sukumvit Road, in front of the Mini Siam Tourist Attraction, in North Pattaya.

    10 people were injured in the crash. Police and Rescue Units attended the scene which involved 2 vehicles, a Luxury Cruiser and a pick-up.

    The 10 injured individuals were packed into the rear of the pick-up. :D

    Police questioned the drivers of both vehicles who had different versions of the crash.

    The driver of the Cruiser, a Ford Escape was Police Lieutenant Colonel Anan, :o from Region 2 Police based in Chonburi District.

    He explained that he hit a tree on the side of the road but did not hit the pick-up which flipped over during the crash :D .

    The pick-up driver, Khun Sanai aged 33 claimed that the Police Officers vehicle collided with the rear of his vehicle causing it to flip over.

    There were no other witnesses who came forward and all that Police could do was to take both drivers to Banglamung Police Station for further questioning while the 10 injured people were taken to Hospital with a variety of injuries, none of which are thought to be serious.

    Pattaya One News

    I wonder who they will believe ? :D

  12. Police Major Wittaya from Pattaya Police Station was called to Banglamung Hospital in the early hours of Friday Morning to speak with the victim of an assault outside a 24 hour Convenience Store in Soi Chayapreuk in Jomtien.

    Khun Chitchai aged 26, who works as a Security Guard at a hotel here in Pattaya, sustained head injuries but was able to explain to Police that he had gone to the shop to purchase a top-up card for his mobile phone.

    Following the purchase, he went back to his bike and proceeded to add the funds to his mobile phone account.

    Two men, who claimed they were Pattaya Police Volunteers, pulled up and demanded Khun Chitchai hand over his bag for a search.

    He challenged the two men to produce ID cards, which they were not able to do. One of the two so-called Volunteers attempted to grab the bag and a struggle ensued which soon became an assault when the men produced Batons and repeatedly struck the victim over the head.

    The two attackers then fled with Khun Chitchai’s bag which contained 8,000 Baht in cash, a mobile phone and other personal items.

    Police investigators tell us they suspect the two men were involved in a similar incident at a Petrol Station in Jomtien moment before their attack on Khun Chitchai.

    Pattaya One News

    Police are now searching for the two men as a matter of urgency before they commit further thefts and assaults.

  13. Yes Chopper,simply seeing if the owner was there and enquiring would seem to be prima facie logical.

    Deeper inspection though reveals that the girl in question who said this, said..."I have one of these stools in

    MY HOUSE and I use it for my feet,but not in this Bar" combined to the fact that upon saying this all the staff

    visibly cowered...leads me to a guesstimate that she's the owners missus.Having lived in Jomtien for ten years I

    couldn't be arsed trying to speak to the owner(assuming he even was there at the time),and then have it get all

    complicated.If this girl wants to be an arsehol_e about this,then life's too short to be honest and I've got other options

    in life.Let's play one scenario out...the Boss is there,upon me explaining the scenario he takes my side and chews the

    ass of his missus and tells her that of course I can put my foot up.Well,Thai people,loss of face the next time I'm in

    with my foot up blah,blah,blah....and there's tension there that won't blow over.So you see,my nipping this in the bud

    is in fact logical......lest we are to think that this Norwegian bloke telling his missus to let me do what I want would

    endear her to me and settle her down.....quite the opposite is usually the case and I've seen enough of Falang owners

    of Bars telling their other half what to do and the subsequent consequences.

    No...just not worth it mate...and the looks this bird gave me as I left the place leads me to at least be "moderately doubtful"

    that all the talk in the world from(to be cruel about it,in what we all REALLY are to Thai people) some Falang visitor to this

    country who can piss off if they don't like it....wouldn't make a blind bit of difference.

    When confronted with di_khead behaviour like this I follow the LOGICAL course of action...keep my cool,smile,and decide

    to make it my last time to patronise the business so therefore eliminating the risk of things getting complicated/heated.......

    pretty logical to me anyway :o:D

    PS...the main response(you would think) to my post would be to stir the thought process of people into mulling over

    and replying as to what possible logical justification of the girl in question was for her actions,hmmmmm.........

    the dissection of THIS as opposed to whether or not I should have done something about it is patently more pressing

    a dilemma and therefore was the main thrust of my original post on the subject...........Sooooooooooooo......anyone

    got any ideas on what stirred this gal to such frivoloty...or indeed some people may think that I was wrong in what I did.

    Any "constructive,logical" ideas are welcome...as opposed to the neanderthal-like chant of.."Why not confront the owner"

    Can someone cut and paste any important bits of this post for me please, I've got the attention span of a goldfish in the mornings :D

  14. It's no secret that the POMS prefer to drink warm beer. They also love to drink hot tea...with their li'l pinky raised in the air.

    Will it ever come to pass that their beer and their tea will be consumed at exactly the same temperature? Can you imagine having to blow on your beer before taking a sip or dunking a biscuit into a frothy beer?

    It's enough for we Aussies to up anchor and float Australia further away from Britain. :D

    Try pulling the plug out and sinking good old Oz, bye bye shandy drinking winkers :D :D :o

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