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Posts posted by puipuitom

  1. 20 hours ago, Winniedapu said:


    After 12 years in Thailand, I thought I would have got used to the stupidity.


    I'm really disappointed not to have got any such thing.



    After doing business with Thailand since 1977 as a European food buyer and since 1994 in my own company: there is NO LIMIT to the stupidity of the Thai ( and all nations around). Thinking of their own... impossibly. Copy, Copy and Copy, and even no thinking what they are copying, forget any own improvement.

    As Thai detest any critics, also on what they call "English" but Westeners more "Thinglish" or even "Thanglish" I gave up to improve decaded ago.

  2. try:

    Worldwide Currencies Ltd 55 King William Street – London – EC4R 9AD
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    w http://www.worldwidecurrencies.com


    They transfer your Thai Baht into AU$ , you pay them in THB from your Thai bank account and get your AU$ in your Australian bank  ( when the Thai bank allowes any transfer out )  or opposite.


    Other alternative: www.Ebury.com

    Dirk Croonen FX Dealer  

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    Esther Snoeren
    Client Service Executive

    Ebury UK
    42-44 Grosvenor Gardens
    London SW1W 0EB

    +44 (0) 845 519 1009
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    +44 (0) 845 519 1005
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  3. The ladies were completely in a hijab. Sorry, I donot like the company of a person showing so clearly they do NOT like my presence. I will never enter a restaurant, bar etc with persons dressed like that. How whould THEY like it, when others had the same face etc covering masks ? At least... I would not enter .

  4. The Thai will do anything to let a farang feel uncomfortable in Thailand. The day comes, every farang is allowed only to dump his money at the airport and leave again.

    When I started my business in tropical foods, in 1994, it was fun, pleasure and business to travel through Thailand, Now 2016: when I can do it with Skype, and avoid going to Thailand, I will do so. Better do my business with other ASEAN countries.

    Thailand:  la gogne, popgan chat na.

  5. I import food products, inclusive glass noodles, rice vermicelli as well as wheat noodles from Thailand and other Asian origins already since 1994. Thai as well as other food regulation enforcement is there “as leak as a sieve without bottom part… “

    Means: alun might be used to bleach rice vermicelli to cover up “substandard” rice, with results not the lab tests results as I get from SGS for aluminium: below the detection limit of 0,3 ppm, not even below the EU max tolerated level of 10, but.. till even 834 ppm found in Germany. See high content of aluminium (18; 162; 616; 734; 704 mg/kg - ppm) in rice noodle sticks from Thailand, RASFF nr 2014.1586, Details https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/rasff-window/portal/?event=notificationDetail&NOTIF_REFERENCE=2014.1586

    In Finland see 2010.CGW  : till 180 ppm, coming from… Royal Umbrella, so not a nit-noy producer in upcountry.

    Also what type of starch could be used in rice vermicelli / noodles , glass noodles etc.  ?

    I laughed in the past when at the label was mentioned: “rice noodles, gluten free”. I confronted a Thai manufacturer with the fact, RICE CANNOT CONTAIN ANY GLUTEN… till they told me that. Later I even discovered “gluten free” in rice noodles in Thailand does not mean, “no gluten added” as… “ oh, shows so good on the label, just as of our competitors”.


  6. Sorry, but this is not “falling out of the sky”, or .. like an “earthquake”, but.. was foreseeable years ago.

    Only Thai ministers and MP’s involved in the fish industry preferred to do nothing… as usual.

    In 1995 a Thai fish cannery already complained to me, competitors of them even dynamited fish out of the coral. Nobody gave a damn.

    The EU learnt the hard way, what happens if you do not control fishing: thanks to too many and too big ships in the North Sea up till Iceland.. cod was nearly wiped out. Also other fish revenues sank to close to zero. With many years of catch levels, sea life returned.

    Fiji, Panama, Togo, and Vanuatu were yellow carded in 2012, Curaçao, Ghana, South Korea in November 2013 and the Philippines in June 2014 and Belize, Cambodia, and Guinea got red carded in March 2014. Belize, Fiji, Panama, Togo, and Vanuatu have recently had the threat of sanctions lifted (delisted).

    The most important of them was the “port state measures” agreement, under which coastal nations have committed to keep foreign vessels suspected of illegal fishing out of their ports.

    Also, those nations either sold flags of convenience — registrations having nothing to do with the location of the actual owners — or otherwise failed to cooperate in efforts to stop illegal fishing.

    As a result of a thorough analysis and a series of discussions with Thai authorities since 2011, the Commission has denounced the country's shortcomings in its fisheries monitoring, control and sanctioning systems and concludes that Thailand is not doing enough.

    In October 2014, the EU's Directorate General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries issued a letter to the Thai government to point out many serious problems related to the Thai fishing industry, such as human trafficking, illegal, unregulated fishing practices, "hyper-fishing" and unregistered fishing boats.

    Up to 40 percent of tuna imported to the EU from Thailand is illegal or unreported : Thai fishing /processing boats are “robbing the seas and Oceans “all over the world, but as all is landed at Thai ports, it is seen as ”product of Thailand”.

    Time enough to start measurements to stop illegal practises,.

    And.. if not... do not try to sell your fish in the EU.

  7. Sorry, I first thought I hit a publication out of 1994. Then... should be 2011 ... but.. no, it was really 26 March 2015.

    A millennium ago, the Dutch started to build their dikes, as... 60 % of their country is under sea or river level. Around 1135 they even were invited to build the dikes at what is now Bremen and Hamburg. Their Dike Counts... had the power of a real medieval count: could sentence somebody to death when that person did not keep the waterways open or the dikes maintained.

    In Thailand, government after government can continue to swindle the public without any repercussions.

    Even.. the main roads are renewed on a higher level, so the houses around will flood ( see Ram Intra soi 13 etc ) , as.. no sufficent sewer pipes are layed down.

    Amazing Thailand.... did not learn anything, even not the last generation... too stupid and too lazy... as always.

  8. I would ask the Thai embassy in your country first.

    Second: have already a visa for a few days in your passport already during your trip for ... Cambodia etc to proof you are not over 30 days in TH.

    Last: why not a business visa for .. 2 months ?

    Once an overstay of a few days in TH is no reason to refuse a new visa.

    Your problem is NOT to get in TH sufficient days to stay, but.. your departure from the country you are now.

  9. Sorry, but..

    When out of all S.E. Asean countries, incl Sri lanka, India, Pakistan, China, the import duty was REDUCED a little. see http://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/dds2/taric/taric_consultation.jsp?Lang=nl&Taric=&QuotaAuthorities=false&EndPub=&MeasText=&Area=&Regulation=&LangDescr=&MeasType=&SimDate=20111231&StartPub=&OrderNum=&GoodsText=&ContextPath=&Level=&Expand=false

    Think of.. instead of 6,4 % for rice vermicelli, the import duty was only 2,9 %. For vegetable oils: 9,6% instead of 6,1%. For coconut milk: 12,8 % instead of 8,9 % . So, a .... 3-4 % difference. Not a mayor difference.

    When these differences are compared with the 30-60 % import duty of foods from EU ( wines over 400 % ) , sorry, I donot have an idea, about what the Thais are complaining about. Imagine, the EU would impose the same regulations on Thai foods as the Thais did on EU foods: 99,99 % of Thai exports to EU would be wiped away.

    Second: already many GSP preferences were ended 31 Dec 2013, so.. time to get awake 355 days after..

    Third: it is for ALL Asian countries.

    So, nothing special, only... the ADVANTAGES got so many years ( i remember in 1993 when I started this business, it was already in force ) to get the own export finally organised and competative with teh rest of the world ... was used to continue the sleeping.... as ALWAYS with Thais.

    So much business is already taken over by the Chinese and in lesser extend: the Vietnamese.

    • Like 1
  10. so ? ?

    When they did not do a good job for the last generations, they would be out of the throne long ago.

    I am Dutch, and.. do not give a damn for the "bloodline" of our royal house, as long as.. the present... does the job he / ( she ) is hired in for,

    Looking to the support in Netherlands, the royals did a good job the last 125 years: from queen-mother Emma ( 1890) via queen Wilhelmina, Juliana, Beatrix, and now king Willem-Alexander. And I must say: his from origin Argentine wife, Maxima, proves, a blood line is worth nothing, but a good sense of what brings people together... is worth a lot more.

    Advantage of an inherited crown: the next gets a 35+ years of training, no discussion / fighting between the heirs as we saw in history so often.

    Power... they do not have , only influence, which they have to earn.

    Till now: well done.

  11. Even the murder on Julius Ceasar, as Brutus was hired in my the latest US president....

    But what astonisheds me... why so few of the adversories of the USA did NOTHING to stop this ?

    No Russian, No Chinese, No Iranian, No Cuban, no North Korean etc docters, aid workers etc to stop the epedimic.

    ONLY thousands of American soldiers and some European medics to fight the disease...

    What an opportunity for all to get real practise to fight a bio war attact... but ... all stayed home.

    • Like 2
  12. For me, Dutchman, and ... playing 11 years for Black Peter ( Zwarte Piet ) , the entire story around this the last 2 years is beyond any comprehension.

    An in fact fairy tale person, who works as servant / companion of Sinterklaas ( Saint Nicolas), in which children of 2-7 believe in, is harmed only because a 2-3 % let themselves be influenced by a few in several brown tints coloured immigrants into the Netherlands see it as a remembrance of the slavery period, ended a 175 years ago.

    So, next step: the old "bishop" ( Saint Nicolas) , who rides on a white horse "from roof to roof " has to be replaced: must be spread over more transport means, religions, and of course male / female: so next year: a Buddhist non riding on a camel and the year after a rabbi using a squad

    Compare it with: the Labour Department forbids the elves to work so hard at the workshops of Santa ( The American interpretation of Sinterklaas), so no boxing day at 26 Dec, as.. all toys cannot be ready in time.

    Also the Animal Welfare Organisations mix in this issue: the reindeers are not allowed to fly through the cold sky, but only walk on the surface. Also a reason, why all parcels cannot be delivered in time.

    For Thailand especially: the Environment Front forbids the throwing of water to each other ( Songkran) and leaving little boats in the water at Loi Kratong.

    How you think the Thai will react ?

    • Like 2
  13. Ayutthia, that little nest somewhere in nothing...

    Compared with Babylon, Thebe, Asur, Persepolis, Jeruzalem, Sidon, Athens, Carthago, Rome, Constantinopel, Paris, London, Madrid, Vienna, Tenochtitlan, Cuzco, Palenque, ... I think even in S.E. Asia there are many cities of higher importance, and.. think of India, China, Japan, Korea with their over 2ooo years of history.

    Maybe only cities are counted, which are named at Channel 3-5-7-9 and 11 ? ?

  14. A friend of mine works as international hotel manager: Xián - China, York and Leeds - UK, Port Harcourt - Nigeria, Sharm-e-Sheikh - Egypt, Santiago - Chile, St-Petersburg - Russia, Khoh Samui- TH. Here he tried to get the staff mooving to clean up the beach seen so much glass pieces in the sand. Imagine, you are enjoying your breakfast in at Euro 750 per night hotel, and your kinds... step in a piece of glass at the beach..... Impossible. The typical Thai habbit in this: the rubbish as at least one arm lenght away from me, so.. why to bother. Only a coup d'Etat can forse such a changement in attitude.

    This and many other thinks convinced him after 9 weeks: for you, bunch of stupid idiots, 10 better hotels on the world. Bye

    • Like 2
  15. The possession and growth of any 1830/2003/EG (“GM Traceability”). In the RASFF system only for fresh papaya, a strain from Hawaii, is mentioned. This problem is discussed very wide in Thai publications.

    For rice:

    a) The Norwegians found the Chinese strain in : wild rice from Sweden", see RASFF 2010.0853

    So OR it is no "wild rice" OR maybe packed in Sweden, but not the origin OR.. the Swedish forest trolls are manipulating the DNA of the there grown wild rice.

    cool.png Also the USA strain is found once see RASFF 2011.0491 in Vietnamese rice.

    c) Swiss authorities reported via the Common Services (CS) : 2009.0360 unauthorized genetically modified (Bt 63 rice) rice noodles from Thai President Food Plc – Thailand, but a genetically-modified rice strain originated in China. The Thai Department of Agriculture inspected the returned shipment and found no contamination.

    The Swiss did some additional tests the years later:

    Indeed, in 2009, competent authorities in Switzerland tested several samples of rice products for the presence of genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

    In three samples, traces of GM rice were found.

    One of these three samples was a sample of rice noodles of Thai origin. The analysis showed the low-level presence of GM rice Bt63. This result lead to the RASFF alert 2009.0360.

    Since 2009, a number of rice product samples have been tested by the competent food control authorities in Switzerland for the presence of traces of GMOs. The results are

    2009: 84 samples tested, 3 positive (Bt63), as mentioned above;

    2010: 183 samples tested, all negative;

    2011: 56 samples tested, all negative;

    2012: 76 samples tested, all negative.

    Remind, the RASFF database is of the combined EU food authorities, in which they all have to publish any lab finding which is in violation with EU food laws, in force since 1979.

    And please remind: when the EU governmental labs find something, it is IMPOSSIBLE they made a mistake. God might make mistakes, but EU gov. labs... never.

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