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Everything posted by ballpoint

  1. But that 800,000 is being eroded every month as you make your "income" transfers to Thailand, so you won't be getting 64,000 baht from it. If transferring 65k monthly then you will end up with about a 30k gain, but it's really up to each individual how they want to do it, which is why these threads are pointless. You want to do the monthly income route? Then do it. You want to do the money in the bank route? Then do that instead. Personally, I keep a minimum of 1,000,000 baht here at all times, and don't really care about the loss of around 50k baht from interest that 1,000,000 could be earning at 8% (when the monthly 65k transfer is figured in - though I would be transferring more than that, so my gain would be a fair bit lower. In fact, if you're getting 2% on the 1M baht here then you're only gaining around 30k in total when transferring 65k from that 1M every month). I find it amusing that some people make so much from their 800k that they can't afford to have it sitting in a Thai bank account, yet make so little from the rest of their money that they can't afford to have 800k sitting in a Thai bank account.
  2. That's their entire manifesto: Destroy the economy to make Biden look bad. Aid and abet foreign adversaries to make Biden look bad. Foment public disorder to make Biden look bad. It's all they've got. They've hitched their wagon to a lame donkey they thought they could control, but the entire caboodle is now being swept downhill at an out of control pace. The smart ones should be preparing to jump, regroup, go back to their roots and come back stronger at a later date, but that would leave them out of power. The sad thing is, even should Trump be jailed and the Republicans thrashed in the next election cycle, the genie they unleashed is well and truly out of the bottle, and will take a lot of blood, tears and effort to be coaxed back in there.
  3. AN ultimatum to the Russians, now that the Ukrainians are on a roll in the Black Sea: "Oleksiy Danilov, the secretary of Ukraine's Security Council said there were two options for the future of the Russia's Black Sea fleet - voluntary or forced "self-neutralisation". If it did not choose the voluntary option, it "will be sliced up like a salami," he said on X". Ukraine attacks Russian Black Sea navy HQ in Crimea | Reuters
  4. A Telegraph video of one of the missiles hitting the headquarters. Note the civilians in the foreground watching with no apparent fear for their lives, and then calmy discussing it afterwards. One side purposefully targets civilians, the other goes about the business of attacking the enemy's military, with little to no collateral damage, and those on the ground know it. Ukraine is saying they attacked the headquarters because a high level meeting of Russian naval leaders was taking place there, and that senior commanders were amongst the casualties.
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