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Everything posted by ballpoint

  1. How many roads must a man walk down? Life, the universe and everything.
  2. Instead of a swear jar, I have a negativity jar. Every time I have pessimistic thoughts I put £1 in. It’s currently half empty
  3. As we left the restaurant, she kissed me and said, "We should have dinner again." "No thanks," I replied, "I'm full."
  4. When my wife walked in from work I passed her a huge bunch of flowers. She dropped her bag, gave me a huge cuddle, kissed me and told me she loved me. "I love you too but could you take them next door. They were delivered earlier but she wasn't in."
  5. I look more like my mother than my father. He didn't look like her at all.
  6. How God turned a rib into a loudspeaker is still a mystery to me......
  7. My wife asked me to put ketchup on the shopping list. Now I can’t read any of it.
  8. I used to be chief executive of a large non-profit-making organisation, but they let me go. We weren't supposed to be one.
  9. I told my wife that I was opening a strip club. She said, "Are you having me on???" I said, "I'll give you an audition, but I can't promise anything."
  10. I bought a 24ct gold necklace the other day, but when I put it on my skin started going a funny blue colour, so I suspected it was fake. Turns out it was a bracelet.
  11. Yes. I will have to account for the money I top up the holding account with this year - if required, however I can do so, even though it will be a pain. I think it's better to face that pain in one chunk now than defer it until later, or worse, keep facing it every year. The "if required" I added was because I now deal with a tiny Amphur Revenue office, where I am well known, (probably detested as a trouble maker to their otherwise peaceful existence, though they always act happy to see me), and my annual tax visits now consist of me bringing in my statements and them saying "no need to file a return", without really looking at them.
  12. There was no letter sent to me, or my former employer. In fact, I had a hell of a time even trying to find out just where the flag came from. The Revenue office where I now live knew nothing about it, neither did the Bangkok District 3 office nearest my old place of work. In the end I tried another District 3 office, and was passed around from person to person until I finally got the right one. And, yes, my change in status from employed to retired brought me to their attention, however, the auditing process is exactly the same for anyone. I was just pointing it out to the forum. When I first contacted my local immigration office and asked what the problem was, since I am now retired, they said they had a number of flagged passports, not all of who were previously employed here. As I said in my original post on the other thread, the majority of retirees will likely get away with doing what they.ve always done, but if you do come to their attention, that was my solution. Luckily, I had already adopted that process, under advice from my old employer's tax advisors when I retired. I should add that I had even got a new passport, with a different number, a year after I retired, so the flag is on the name of the holder, and not the passport number.
  13. In part, yes. I was able to produce income tax receipts for the years I worked here (even though it's supposedly one big Revenue Department, even the different Bangkok divisions don't seem to know what the others are doing, let alone different provinces), and that helped the audit, by accounting for the original money in my offshore account. But the majority of what I earned has been invested in other means, and no longer exists in cash, so I doubt they would accept tax receipts from five or more years ago for much longer.
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