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Everything posted by ballpoint

  1. Bloody illiterate young people. It's spelled cologne dammit, cologne!
  2. And in a further toy throwing act, Russia is ending the grain shipment deal it had because of this heinous act by a country that had the nerve to resist its invasion.
  3. The Komical Kremlin Klowns do it again, by calling this an act of terrorism. The world is laughing at you, Russia, not with you.
  4. I refuse to take part in this trash talk any more. It's a waste of time.
  5. Mick: I've been going to Night Classes every night for 5 months now. Paddy: oh! Mick: For example, do you know who Alexander Graham Bell is? Paddy: No Mick: He's the inventor of the phone in 1876; If you took night classes you'd know this. The next day, Mick: Do you know who Alexander Dumas is? Paddy: No Mick: He's the author of "The 3 Musketeers". If you took night classes, you'd know this. The next day, once again: Mick: And do you know who Jean-Jacques Rousseau is? Paddy: No Mick: He's the author of "The Confessions" If you took night classes, you'd know this. This time, Paddy got irritated and said: And you Mick ... Do you know who Sean Reilly is? Mick: No Paddy: He's the fellow who's bonking your wife? If you stopped going to night classes, you'd know this!
  6. It's actually Welsh. It changed its name from "The Duke of York". It was very popular with miners.
  7. That's like saying that Dodo killings are down 100% since the 17th century.
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