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Everything posted by ballpoint

  1. You have potential. You'd do well on the comedy circuit.
  2. So... These aliens have faster than light speed transport, and faster than light speed communications - they certainly can't use the electromagnetic spectrum or any signals would have long been detected, yet they hang around a little rock, (that they somehow found thousands of years ago, long before humans, or any other species, were capable of transmitting their existence into space), building pyramids and carving lines into a desert, waiting for human civilisation to evolve to the point where they can abduct a few, usually inebriated, people and stick probes in their butts. They're so secretive that they deliberately hide, yet go moving huge slabs of stone about in such a manner as to make people speculate about their existence. Yeah. Right. (It's funny how, if you asked all those who believe in this as to their political leanings, the vast majority would fall into the right-wing side of the spectrum. The same place you find most flat earthers, moon landing conspirators, covid conspirators ... and all QANON conspirators. Must be something in the water).
  3. UFO sightings from 1906 - 2021. Sums it up... Are We Alone in the Universe? Data Analysis and Data Visualization of UFO Sightings with R | by Saúl Buentello | Towards Data Science
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