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Everything posted by ballpoint

  1. That's enough of your sheep shots, I get my info from the wool street journal, not from some fleece ridden woolmart store.
  2. Looks like a floating camera shutter button.
  3. I started counting, but for some reason fell asleep.
  4. Well, if he did say that, it would be one of the more credible things he's said.
  5. As opposed to his new claims, that everything he touches becomes declassified.
  6. A special master is normally appointed when a lawyer's office is searched as part of an investigation, so that any records that need to be protected by attorney-client privilege are filtered out and not disclosed to the investigators, they are not usually appointed in the case of documents retrieved from a non-lawyer. In any case, the FBI has agents who are not working on the case going through the material as a filter team (or 'taint" team as Fox News are calling it), and no doubt have already reviewed much of these documents that were seized almost two weeks ago. These are delaying tactics, pure and simple. The very fact that Trump is demanding this appointment also points to the sloppiness of record keeping during his term in office. That unclassified material is mixed in with highly sensitive documents in the majority of the boxes recovered is in itself a major concern - and he is admitting it, otherwise he'd just need to ask for the return of boxes containing only his own material. Not everyone with White House access has a top secret security clearance, and that location is traditionally the number one target of foreign intelligence agents for good reason, (though Mar-a-Lago would seem to be rapidly catching up). A White House where anyone could look through a box of KFC menus and come across Trump's plans to pardon a couple of criminals, along with details of the latest nuclear warheads and fleet defence systems is a travesty of security. Finally, despite the wailing and near melt down of Trump supporters regarding the redacted affadavit, it is none the less quite revealing. It claims that agents reviewing the documents returned in January found classified ones in 14 of the 15 boxes returned, including "184 unique documents that had classification markings, with 25 documents marked as “TOP SECRET,” 67 documents marked as “confidential” and 92 marked “secret.”" - again pointing to the situation where it seems that classified and non-classified material were thrown into various boxes with no concern for separating them and securing the classified documents. (Strangely, or not, Trump never played the "I declassified them just by removing them" card on that occasion). According to the letter John Soloman released recently, they then went back in June and collected more material, at which time they were assured by at least one of Trump's lawyers that everything had been returned. This was obviously not the case, as an insider informed them that classified material might still be present, and they knew that they had not received other items, such as Kim Jong-un's, and Barack Obama's letters - Trump's stubborness only served to incriminate himself. As we now know from the released receipt of items removed, agents removed 11 additional sets of classified documents, including some labeled secret and top secret, and also papers described as “SCI” documents. It seems that "probable cause" was actually definite cause, and Trump is complaining like a busted bank robber who insists that some of the money recovered from his heist was his own to start with ("All right, take back the $1M that I took, but the rest is my own money. It just got mixed up when I threw the stolen money into the cardboard box I keep it in. I demand you give that back to me!") Top-Secret Documents at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago: What We Know (nymag.com) Intel officials will assess ‘risk to national security’ from documents found at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago (nbcnews.com)
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