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Posts posted by ballpoint

  1. The Slive Hotel is a brand new one, right on the main road (226) opposite Surin Hospital.  It would be a fair walk to the entertainment district, but there is always plenty of transport around the hospital night and day.  I always wondered about the name whenever I drove past it, bringing up visions of slimy slaves, (though, granted, some people might get turned on by that sort of thing), but apparently it's short for sleep and live, which is better than the alternative, I suppose.

    • Like 2
  2. 3 hours ago, StreetCowboy said:

    You probably get balls in meat pies more often than you think.  It's not the best meat that they put in pies.

    What you don't know won't hurt you.  It's when it's recognisable that it counts.  Like finding a vein in your hotdog.

  3. On ‎19‎/‎02‎/‎2018 at 5:46 AM, soihok said:

    Well it seems I am going after all.

    Tickets purchased in the Marquez stand.

    Will be making a trip home from Singapore for the race, riding there from Korat on my 939 Ducati with my brother in law on the R3.

    Tickets almost sold out already.


    But, why would anyone want to buy a ticket when there's no way to get to the circuit from Bangkok, and no place to stay if you do manage to find it?  Does this mean that all the negative posts have just been a huge case of Thai bashing sour grapes?


  4. 21 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:

    Yeah..in the greater scheme of things meat pies are almost paraamount..


    There I was,just the other day,buying a beef and mushroom pie from a Cambodian couple in my native (Austalian) town-they came from Siem Riep and I had a ball.


    Thank God,Yahweh,Jesus,Sriva,Allah,Beelezubub,Quetzllcoatl..or whomsoever...for  a sense of humour.

    I once had a ball in a meat pie too.  Never going back to that shop.

  5. Of course they won't take part in these, so far, small protests. They are cowards.  But if the protests did manage to escalate and start attracting more people, they would be in there, pushing their way to the front of the stage and taking over like Suthep did in 2013.  The only thing that frightens each side more than the other taking power is the thought of a genuine grassroots movement gaining popularity and removing all their noses from the trough.

    • Like 1
  6. On ‎5‎/‎02‎/‎2018 at 5:27 AM, Justfine said:

    Bass players don't really play though. They just stand there with a dumb look on their face and pretend to play so technically they aren't working.

    Yeah, Paul McCartney, Lemmy, Roger Waters and Sting are all known for standing there doing nothing.

  7. 13 minutes ago, shackleton said:

    You would have thought the British Embassy would be up sizing because of Brexit 

    looking for more trade around the world 

    putting out the word open for Business

    but No we are down sizing  what message does that send here in Thailand 

    Replies on the back of a postage stamp

    There's no room.  That's where the British Embassy is moving to.

    • Haha 1
  8. And the laughing at, not with, Trump continues:


    "Hollywood star Robert De Niro took aim at the Trump administration's stance on climate change, telling a packed audience in the Middle East that he was visiting from a "backward" country suffering from "temporary insanity".... 

    ....De Niro received applause and laughs when he said the U.S. "will eventually cure itself by voting our dangerous leader" out of office".



    • Haha 1
  9. 5 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

    Hear, hear.


    Public Assistance ( TANF, Medicaid, Food Stamps, SSI, EITC and Housing Assistance ) should be reserved for White Americans. All others need not apply.


    I'd wager that immigrant participation in these programs is quite small if even measurable?



     "Give me your tired, your poor,
    Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
    The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
    Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
    I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


    *preference granted for Norwegians and Melania's family



    Seriously, it might be simpler to just say that every immigrant must be approved by Stephen Miller?







    Updated to:


    Give me your tired and your poor

    Huddled at the lamp beside the door

    And if the lamp doesn't shine off your skin

    We're not going to let you in

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