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Everything posted by Xonax

  1. First of all, enforcing the traffic laws would require an active and proactive police force!
  2. A positive side effect to these floating solar farms is, that the massive solar panels will reduce evaporation of water in the dams.
  3. Buy a few more spare engines and the problem is solved!
  4. Thai businesses are all quick to raise their prices, as soon as TAT predicts that more tourists will be coming to Thailand. Perhaps this is the wrong way, to compete against foreign influence in the tourism business.
  5. At least the money stayed in the family, as long as they lasted.
  6. In my soi it's a cat and mouse game, where the police regularily remove the street vendors and patrol for a couple of hours. But the next day it's busines as usual, with all street vendors back in place again.
  7. Cars and motorbikes are moving at totally different speeds on these roads, which leads to countless dangerous situations. I am having these near death experiences every time I am driving my motorbike in Bangkok. Lane splitting is a dangerous sport for motorbike riders, who should only be doing this at own risk, since every time you are overtaking a car, there will be a split-second, where you are hiding in the cars blind angle and many car drivers are constantly changing lanes, in a desperate hope to predict the fastest moving lane.
  8. Maybe no thais could fulfill the demand for russian and chinese speaking tour operators?
  9. They will probably use the same inspection centres, that inspect and approve the many smoke belching busses and trucks, that are the cause of so many pollution related deaths in Thailand each year.
  10. I prefer to continue paying with my credit cards, which gives me an average 45 day credit, 0% rate payments, special discounts and points that can be used for discounts or cash back. Only if I was given the same benefits with scan, I would consider to use it. Scan is like an electronic credit card, but without all the benefits, that the banks are happy to pay me, just for using my credit card.
  11. That would require lower prices and more trains at the BTS & MRT, so unfortunately it will never happen.
  12. I love that the cheap chinese imports are now getting even cheaper.
  13. I can agree, that manufacturers were using shipping containers to store their products "quay" side, but not because it was cheaper to store it there than in warehouses. Container rental charges is deliberately set high, in order to avoid this scenario, but when warehouses are full, you will have no other options.
  14. Maybe the police are smart and wait for the small fish to grow bigger, before they catch them?
  15. Lucky for him, that Thai customs didn't arrest him, but chose to inform customs in UK instead.
  16. Vote buying has become expensive these days.
  17. She really looks like her dad:
  18. What heart was it that stopped?
  19. I fully understand why Thailand are planning to tax expats in the country. At the moment Thailand is one of the few countries that are not already doing so. BUT when being fully taxed, all expats should also be able to enjoy the exact same benefits as Thai citizens, like 30 Baht hospital visits, getting the Thai-rate in private hospitals and not being overcharged everywhere we go! Having only a low pension, that would actually be a win-win situation for me.
  20. You are totally right. But what they can do, is to freeze your bank account!
  21. You couldn't be more wrong. Temu also have independent merchants, who are selling the same products at different prices. The model is more like Amazon, where all items are stocked or sent combined from Temu's warehouse. The products at Temu are more or less the exact same products, that you will find on Aliexpress, Lazada and Shopee.
  22. Backpackers are probably more profitable tourists, than the Chinese and Indian tourists they are currently targeting.
  23. This could be closer to the truth. When he was found, his phone was missing, so yet another mysterious case on Death Island.
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