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Everything posted by Xonax

  1. I can't wait to see how the exchange rate of the THB will change dramatically, after the money has been distributed.
  2. I guess that the funding from Dubai has dried out, now Taksin is back in Thailand.
  3. Thai drivers very often cut in front of me on the roads, exactly like this Benz did, most likely hoping that I will notice them and brake before I hit them.
  4. Just another "get rich in a hurry" scheme to line the pockets of the already rich tourism operators.
  5. I guess that this will also mean even more annoying ads in the app, if that is even possible!
  6. What has taken them so long? Did they really believe, that they could make people stop using plastic?
  7. I guess they didn't manage to find any sexpats or prostitutes to ask! Did they by deliberately avoid to ask in Pattaya and all other well known sexpat destinations?
  8. In Thailand I have seen U-turns performed across the entire width of the road without using turn signals, so let's see the CCTV-footage, before we make any final judgements. There could be other factors than drunk driving involved.
  9. The Nissan hybrid (Kick e-power) is in many ways a very nice car, but lacks power for a quick overtake and acceleration on uphill roads. Nissan claims it to run 26 kms/liter but that is way above reality, which is around 18 kms/liter. I really love the sound system.
  10. So what about just declaring "disaster zone" without using the word "natural"?
  11. If you try it, you will never be able to fly without again.
  12. If I was living in a beachfront property in Phuket, I would probably own illegal firearms too.
  13. Mafia business is a business reserved for thais only. How dare foreign mafia gangs come here and compete with the local mafia gangs.
  14. Forest- and crop burning produces a larger carbon footprint than all hotels in Thailand combined.
  15. Wasn't this song banned in Thailand?
  16. The swiss guy probably regrets, not having installed sprinklers on the land near the beach.
  17. Good guys in, bad guys out. Maybe they should look in to, how he can afford to live in a million Baht per month villa. I doubt that an elephant sanctuary business is that lucrative! https://www.thaiexaminer.com/thai-news-foreigners/2024/03/01/swiss-man-alleged-assault-on-a-thai-female-doctor-in-phuket-uli-fehr/
  18. Looks like AOT didn't read or understand TAT's forecasts.
  19. It could possibly, among others, attract loads of russians and brits.
  20. Seems like Bangkok is on fire too. I could actually smell smoke in the air in Bangkok this morning.
  21. For people with an IQ over 40, this disaster wouldn't have been hard to predict. Maybe it is karma, that the crop burning farmers will now lose their valued possessions to the wildfires. But unfortunately most victims will be innocent people.
  22. Money, money, money. Why else would anyone try to attract muslims?
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