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Posts posted by Wolfie

  1. This military backed government is obviously not capable of running this country without suppressing the basic human rights.

    How does the State of Emergency affect your Human Rights? I have not noticed any difference in my day-to-day life since the decree was put in place, the only difference i have seen is a few extra soldiers hanging around... and considering the regular bomb reports, that actually makes me feel a little safer.

  2. I just bought mine 2 days ago at MBK - took me a few shops to bargain the price. Got a software unlocked 16G for 23,800 Baht. Great deal in my opinion. The true shop said 4-6 weeks before they would get more and even then they will probably be gone the same day anyway.

    From looking around, that deal is an 'OK' deal.. 100b cheaper than the link i posted earlier.

    I didnt want a locked phone, i wanted a factory unlocked, so i can get the updates anytime i want without having to worry if there is an unlock program available or not... so for me, it was worth paying the extra 1000b for that.

  3. tks for link

    what u mean by 'ordered'? how long b4 delivery?

    can't i go to fortune or pantip and get on the spot?


    I ordered via phone and got them to deliver it to my office, took about an hour for them to get to me... Cash on Delivery.

    Yeah i guess you could goto Pantip or Fortune of you wanted to

  4. So with my shiny new iPhone 4, I've been to the App Store and found a few new apps, nothing i can recommend yet as i haven't really had time to play with them.

    So lets get a list together of your favorite apps from the app store (or Cydia if you have a jail broken phone)

  5. The one thing i truly dislike about apple products is the necessity of using iTunes to sync music etc over to the product (in this case, iPhone4)

    Someone *has* to have created a more lightweight product by now, something that gives you a more 'drag & drop' type approach maybe? or even just a light weight music only sync tool?

    I've had a little look around and found some tools that gives you access to the phones storage and allows you to use it more or less like a flash drive (USB drive) but simply putting music on the drive isnt enough, you need to update the internal iPod database so that the iPod player knows the music is there...

    ANyone have any recommendations on a good tool to do this? I will use iTunes if i really really have to, but for the sake of putting 20 or so albums on my phone, i'd prefer to use something else.

    Thanks in advance for your recommendations

  6. Just a quick few questions,

    First Question;

    I know its easy to buy a modified Xbox360 anywhere in Bangkok these days, but what i really want to get is an unmodified one?

    I will buy the kinetic system, when its out, so i want an unmodified xbox so i can play online etc.

    Second Question;

    I have looked at PlayAsia.com (http://www.play-asia.com/paOS-14-71-bq-49-en.html),

    they seem to have plenty of stock, but they seem to have three versions; US, Japan and Asia. What is the difference between these versions? Do i need one with a hard drive or without (arcade version)?

    Which is the best for Thailand? I already have a power converter from my old xbox 360, which was the US version, so i dont need to buy one of those if i get the US version.

    Third Question;

    What price should i expect to pay for the unmodified xbox360? ball park figure will be enough

    Thanks in advance

  7. i have no Thai political leanings. it's just the smell test, really. their uncanny ability to find these unexploded bombs seems, frankly, comical. also, i doubt the reds would really be targeting schools. seems like blatant propaganda to me.

    They dragged patients out of a hospital and paraded them on the red stage, so if they can violate hospitals then why not schools?

  8. Having recently got a mad little bundle of fur (kitten) and got her nicely settled into the house, i now have to get her some more toys, especially a scratching post thingie. I have a few toys but i wanna get some more as the kitten will be primarily an indoor cat and i want to make sure shes got plenty of things to play with, that don't include my computer or TV :) I've got plenty of high quality dried food for her, but will need to get some more soon.

    So what i need to know is where is there a good store for Pet supplies, something with plenty of choices on toys etc and a good stock of foods?

    I've had a look around some of the pet stores around my area (Lower Sukhumvit), the food should be easy to find, but generally these stores are expensive and don't have much choice. I'm taking the kitten up to the Thong Lor pet place this weekend to get her jabs done, de-wormed and give her an MOT, so i will be around that area, we have a car so can drive to places.

    Anyone know of any decent places to go shopping for the cat?

  9. Hi all,

    Just wanted to get some advice, i just bought a little kitten and i now need to take her down to the vets to get her vaccines etc. I will take her to the Thong Lor pet place as recommended on this thread, but what i am looking for is advice about the vaccines, costs and procedures etc. Can anyone give me a little info (or point me in the right direction to find the details on the web)

    Thanks in advance

  10. Whats the worst that can happen? After a few months you decide you dont like it and wanna move back home...

    You got nothing to lose, nothing to be afraid of and nothing holding you back... i say just go for it!!!

  11. Just to let you all know, i managed to get in touch with Joy Wong and had my tattoo done, she isnt cheap but the quality of her work is excellent! Her "bedside manner" is also very good, putting you at ease and having a little laugh and joke with you during the process. She quoted me 5hrs for my tattoo with a price but ended up working on it for *much* longer as she started to get into it and concentrate on some of the very fine details (it was a custom design, not a 'stock' tattoo) the price remained the same even though she worked on it for a lot longer - overall very impressed with her and her work.

    If anyone else needs to get in touch with her, her shop is on Sukhumvit Soi 5 - pretty much opposite Gullivers, but her 'studio' is over in Siam Square, the Suk Soi 5 is just a kiosk to make contact with her etc. PM me if you want her number, she speaks english reasonably well.

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