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Posts posted by Wolfie

  1. Two years ago my great aunt (aged 82) was attacked by three teenage girls. They took her walking frame from her and bent the legs so she could not use it, emptied her shopping on the road and stole her purse.

    That sir, is what I call the dark ages.

    Those "girls" should be hung, drawn and quartered...

    Thats a sick crime :o

  2. Flogging should be compulsory for all crimes of vandalism, violence and theft. Offenses such as littering, offensive language and causing a public disturbance should be punished by the perpetrator being made to wear a jacket declaring their crime while they sweep streets or perform some other such duty – In the Area where they live.

    These punishments should be meted out to anyone over the age of 14 years old, below that age their parents should receive the punishment on their behalf.

    Drug pushers should be hung. Drug users should be treated by being locked up with no drugs.

    Anyone committing a crime and then claiming they were drunk or under the influence should be charged with two crimes – The crime they committed and the crime of being drunk or under the influence.

    Replacing prison/probation and offender assessment with flogging will reveal significant cost savings. These should be used to put more police on our streets and those police together with the courts should be given the powers and the resources to ensure that a criminal who commits an offence is flogged within 24 hours of being caught.

    Flogging should of course be public and performed in the place where the crime was committed.

    We should all have the right to defend ourselves in our own homes and that should include the right to any force we deem necessary, up to and including lethal force.

    The courts should have the right to place curfews on offenders. Curfew breakers should be placed in stocks during the hours of their curfew in a public place.

    People who object to the rough treatment of criminals should be placed in an small town reserved especially for them, in which all repeated offenders will be sent to live with their defenders.

    Maybe we should re-introduce mud roads, serfs, knights in shining armour and Jousting

    What your saying is you want to be back in the dark ages?

  3. Sounds like there is something else going on there....

    So maybe its a case of "Som Num Na" :o

    A well thoughtout and useful (useless) reply... i thank you.

    15 day visa?i never heard of it,i think it's the visa on arrival.

    what about in penang?are they being refused there as well?

    I'd not heard of a 15 day visa either, very strange. I dont know about Penang.

  4. Just heard of a guy who went to KL to get his Non Imm B visa, Idian chap.

    Hes been refused any type of visa to re-enter thailand, even a tourist visa.

    Apparently KL wont issue any visas to Indian or Pakistani's (apologies for spelling errors!) After a bit of hassle, phone calls from the perspective employer and some calsl to immigration they have agreed to let him in on a 15 day visa.

    Anyone else heard of similar problems?

  5. Depends on what _type_ of DVD you buy...

    If you buy the dodgy ones, they are not region coded, therefore will play in any DVD player. If you buy "original" ones they will be region coded for Asia (Region 3 i think it is).

    Its easy enough to turn your DVD player into multi-region, just try a google search on your DVD player make and model with the word "Multi region" or "Region hack" and you will probably find a few pages that explain how to change your region code via a sequence of keys from your remote.

    As for PAL/NTSC before i left the UK some of the better TV's were capable of displaying both frequencies, i know Sony in particular were providing this feature with their TV's. I would imagine its getting more and more common with newer TV's in blighty now.

  6. At the end of the day, the family were contacted, the wifes status was confirmed and it was identified theres a family dispute.

    The guy got a lot of help and the admins were right to close the thread that was degenerating into a flame fest.

    I hope the admins will close this thread soon also, it serves no real purpose

  7. I would like to advise taking Deeeeeeeeeeep breaths...

    Count to ten whilst concentrating on your breathing...

    1... Deep breath

    2... Deep breath

    3... Deep breath

    4... Deep breath

    5... Deep breath

    6... Deep breath

    7... Deep breath

    8... Deep breath

    9... Deep breath

    10... Deep breath

    Feeling better now? I thought so... just gotta try to relax man!

  8. Have you tried those plug-in things. They plug into a power socket and emit noise on a radio frequency that humans cannot hear. Its supposed to drive them away.

    Never actualyl tried one, but i have been reccomended them many times.

    Should be able to pick them up at big supermarket stores, never seen them in the smaller local shops though.

  9. When i bought my bike all i needed was copies of my work permit and passport and the originals for verification... no problems, i rode out on a shiney new bike about an hour or so later...

    Guess a car/pickup will be about the same

  10. Sorry about the incorrect score report.. but the changs had taken effect by then forcing typos in the reporting system..

    was great to see you all... did any of you actually turn up in the end, i couldnt tell... my old man got me onto the changs far too early... made it to the end of the wales game then had to be taken home - lol

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