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Posts posted by Wolfie

  1. So does my skin tight "hotpants" style shorts, my faded red Singa beer vest and 49baht flip flops qualify me a place on the cat walk?

    You know i can strut my stuff, i make the ladyboys look like 20stone bricklayers... hang on a minute, most of them are already!

  2. You can get an english version of the Priston Tale website Here The download is about 600mg, if anyone happens to have it downloaded or will be downloading it, let me know, i'd like a cd copy of it... willing to cover costs etc. I really cant be bothered waiting the 20 odd hours it will take to download via dialup

    However the servers are down for maintenance at time of posting... so you will have to try it later.

    I vote for a games forum, and i suppose i could be a mod for it :o

    I liked Star Wars: Knights of the old republic, played it both lightside and darkside, darkside was much more fun, even though you missed half the storyline, funny as h3ll watching all the NPC's trying to bring you back to the lightside :D

    C&C was cool, but i much preferred the Warcraft series as im more into fantasy settings than futuristic stuff (must be a throwback to my D&D days). If anyones up for a game of WC3, Warlords4 let me know. :D

    Also, for those of you searching for another good game, try Diablo2 - you can get it in Big C, Lotus, or Ocean for 999baht for the "Battle Chest" which has Diablo2 the expansion and (i think) Diablo1. Diablo rocks, had many fantastic hours with multiplayer on that game. I might even buy it again (left my copy in the UK)

    If your into Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) style stuff, its also worth checking out "Neverwinter Nights" another fantastic RPG game, with online support, again available in Big C, Lotus and Ocean, Boxed set (main game plus expansion) for 999baht, worth spending it on the game... another of my classic favorites.

    FTH, if you fancy trying out Star Wars Galaxies, i can sell you my account, saves you having to pay about 4k to import the darn thing (like i had to!) Otherwise take a look at Dark Ages of Camelot, my favorite online RPG!

    You could also just check out a few of the titles available in your local stores, a lot of them do have servers where you can play online. I know Blizzard do and im sure there are other game publishers that do similar.

  3. You'd be supprised about download amounts for online games...

    I did a test on some of my games, and i was averaging 3mg of downloaded data an hour... the most i saw was 5mg but that was a big Player vs Player battle (i reckon about 100 people) that lasted virtually the whole hour.

    Online games dont need a huge amount of data, they just require that data quickly!

    Agreed on the GFX card, thats why i shelled out a load of cash and got myself the best i could get. Still high end now so i dont need to worry about GFX card for now :o

  4. The main problem us LOS online gamers face is ping times.

    If you do a Ping against the server your connecting to you will notice that in the report you get a time parameter.

    For instance:

    "Reply from xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx: bytes=32 time=400ms TTL=100"

    Now back in good olde blighty, i used to get an average "Time" value of 150ms, over here in Phuket i get an average "Time" value of (approx) 400ms. This is the time it takes your request to actually get to the server, so obviously the lower the value the better.

    When playing real-time games online and playing with a ping time of 300-400ms your going to suffer a delay in response times, when your facing off against a player who has a ping time of 100-150ms then that becomes an unaceptable response time.

    I have/do play a reasonable amount of online games (sad geeks of the world unite!) and i've found that playing when having ping times like this makes the games almost unplayable.

    If you think about it logistically, most game servers are based in Europe or the US, so imagine someone who lives, lets say 200km away from the game server verses someone who lives 2000km away from the game servers. Its goign to take longer for the 2000km players requests to get to the server. Ok in todays digital age your not talking a huge amount of time, a fraction of a second longer... but as online gamers will agree (especially FPS gamers) that extra fraction of a second makes all the difference.

    The simple Answer/Solution is to play on servers based over in Asia, Korea, China, Japan etc. Its not really the ISP's fault, after all your talking to a server on the other side of the world.

    Things like resolution dont really impact on this problem, unless your running on a slow CPU or low end GFX card. If your running anything higher than 1.5/1.6gig processor and a 128mg GFX card then i doubt you'll have much of a problem.

    My system isnt fast by any means, i run a 1.7gig processor, 512mg ram with a GFX card with 256mg memory (paid a fortune for it) and i can run most games with Top end GFX settings... i've tested using lower end GFX for online games and theres a (very) small performance gain... but hardly noticable unless your really looking for it...

  5. Im with you on that Penz.

    Goto your local hardware store, spend 300baht on a normal desk fan, remove the side panel, put the desk fan pointing into the PC, turn on full blast when using the PC. This will keep your base unit dust free and cool at the same time and is much cheaper than buying $600 water cooled systems.

  6. Well we havent been jumped on by any mods/admins (yet) so i guess were ok to discuss this kinda thing in this forum...

    Haha - Gamers of the world unite! its good to see that i'm not the only sad geek who likes to play 'puter games.

    So what games do you like Thetyim?

  7. Water based cooling systems have been around for a long time, they arent really new par se.

    Great idea that actually works really well, its just one of those things you simply cant afford to cut corners on, go for one thats made by a reputable company, you cant afford to get a leak :o

  8. Mee Bar: in the small soi next to Kata Beach resort

    Hasn't that Soi just been levelled? :o

    I havent been down to Mee's bar for sometime, but i think your right F_T_H

    Mee's bar is dead, god save Mee's bar!

  9. You sad git! :o

    Dont hold your breath for World Of Warcraft, its a blizzard title and Blizzard are renown for missing release deadlines. Your looking at a minimum of 6 months before the game is ready to be released, i'd probably suggest somewhere around 9-12months.

    I dont know about staying in everynight to play comp games instead of going out, but in low/Rainy season is a viable form of entertainment. UBC is poo so i dont bother with it, DVD's/Movies get old after youve watched them several times, i cant get my head around Thai TV, so flick on the PC and play games or surf is my main form of home entertainment...

    Well until the GF gets bored and starts moaning anyway.

    Back in Blighty i used to play these kinda games all the time, home from work, turn on the pc, grab some food take a shower and play games all night... but then i did have a much better connection, and the Uk was far too expensive to be partying all the time (not to mention cold). Until i found i was playing these games non-stop, totaly addicted to them. It was then i sold my accounts, deleted the games and looked for something else to do.

    To the people who play them, there was a game called Everquest, if you talked to any of the players about the game you found that they all called it EverCrack, because it was very addictive... so if you do play these kinda games just remember, turn it off sometimes theres more to life than this game.

  10. I'd be highly dubious about using a water cooling system, after all 99% of the stuff i've bought in thailand is below usual standard, and my greatest fear there would be that my big, powerful expensive PC would suddenly have half a gallon of water dumped into it whilst its turned on and i was sat at it. That would be a mess and make for a very bad day!

    If your having trouble keeping your PC cool, why not take the side panel off it, stick a desk fan next to it and turn it on full blast. Not only does that provide decent airflow to keep the chips cool but it also gets rid of all the dust/cobwebs that seem to magically appear inside PC's residing in LOS.

    Not to mention its a darn site safer...

    Just my humble opinion

  11. Ah ha!

    The computer game geeks start to come out of the closet!

    And i thought i was alone!

    WC3 is cool, bit too easy in my opinion, looking forward to World of Warcraft (online RPG) I'll give you a head-to-head game Dancali, if you think your up to it :o

    BTL, Madsere, yeah i guess so, especially when its chucking it down with rain outside and i cant be arsed to go out and get drenched. Fridge full of chang, two packs of ciggies and a load of decent music and a couple of fun computer games to keep me entertained. BTL for sure.

  12. A Scouser and his Girlfriend were walkign down the road one night after the pub...

    Walking past a Big department store window the girl spots a really nice coat she likes and says to her boyfriend

    "Wow, i really like that coat, i'd love to have one like it"

    "No problem" he replies, pulling a brick out from one of his inside pockets.

    He throws the brick at the window, smashing it to peices, grabs the coat and gives it to the girl.

    "Just because i love ya, darlin"

    A few moments later they walked past a shoe shop and the girl spots some really nice shoes that go nicely with her new coat, she turns to her boyfriend and says

    "Wow, i really like those shoes, they would go realyl well with this coat"

    "No problem" he replies, again pulling a brick from one of his inside pockets and throws it at the window, smashing it... he grabs the shoes and gives them to the girl.

    "Just because i love ya, darlin"

    Several minutes later they are walking past a Jewelry store and the girl sees a really nice, expensive gold necklace that would just look great with her new coat and shoes. She turns to her fella and smiles, then says

    "Wow, i really like that neclace there, it would look soo good with my new coat and shoes"

    The guy turns round to the girl and says

    "What do you think i am, made of bricks or something?"

  13. There was a terrible accident one day involving a bus full of scousers (Translation: people from Liverpool, UK) and they all died.

    Saint Peter was on duty at the pearly gates when they all arrived, unsure of what he should do he went to ask god.

    "Err, Excuse me oh Holy and revered one, but we appear to have a buss full of scousers at the pearly gates who all want to come in, what should i do?" he asked.

    "Peter, choose the 10 most worthy and pure out of them, the others turn away" God replied.

    Several minutes later Saint Peter came rushing back...

    "They are gone!?!" he said, somewhat flustered

    "What? All of them?" God asked a little confused

    "No, the Pearly gates!"

  14. I smoke far too much, had one of those horrid coughs for a little while... really hate smoking but unfortunately i dont seem to posses the willpower to stop...

    maybe i'm just a lost cause

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