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Posts posted by mxyzptlk

  1. Have you downloaded this package from the website. http://www.thaiconsul-uk.com/downloads/Ab%...tion%20Pack.doc

    It has everything in it that you need other than your passport and photos. And of course the fee.

    Yes I did I looked at what it was asking and the only evidence I can give is a letter from my gf.

    The others Marriage certificate (don't have one of them), Pension Book (I am too young) and Sponser Letter, (I can get one of them)

    Do you need any bank statements, etc?

    I haven't applied for my Multi Non O visa yet, but I emailed the Royal Thai consulate in Hull asking the same question about providing evidence such as a sponsor letter from my girlfriend to be able to visit her. They replied saying no evidence is required. HTH

  2. I've been taking Allopurinol 300mg for > 10 years. Some people may experience gout attacks initially until their uric acid level "stabilises", at least thats what the patient info that comes with the Allopurinol says. I was lucky, I didn't have a big problem, but I did have a few "twinges" particularly when the weather turned cold - but nothing serious like a full gout attack which left me in agony for up to 4 days at a time before i was diagnosed as having gout and started taking Allopurinol.

    The patient info also says that "you may experience a loss of co-ordination, dizziness and tiredness". I'm pleased about that; I thought that was due to age and large intake of beer for the last 35 years....LOL

  3. Hi,

    I was thinking of applying for non-im O visa for visiting friends. On the notes for filling out the form it asks for a letter from a sponsor as evidence substantiating purpose of visit. Do i actually need this? Would have no problem getting one just wanted to know if this is necessary. If i do need one, who is a suitable person to get one from? I noticed it says for purpose of visiting "Non-Thai" friends. So can't get visa for visiting Thai friends? What sort of details does the sponsors letter have to contain?



    I emailed the Royal Thai Consulate in Hull to ask if I needed evidence to support my Multiple Entry Non Immigrant O Visa application to visit my girlfriend and they replied saying I didn't need any supporting evidence.

  4. I was pissed off last week to realise that I only got a 15 day visa after a visit to Burma.

    As far as i can see, you only get a 30 day visa when arriving by plane, all overland crossings only result in a 15 day visa.

    That's a bit of a pain for me! I was hoping to head off to Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia for a few weeks, than land back in Thailand for a month or so. Looks as if I'll end up having to do another visa run, or fly back from Hanoi of Pnom Penh.

    Its not a visa, its a visa exemption (assuming you are from one of the 48 eligible countries), which is a stamp on your passport allowing you to stay for 15 or 30 days depending on your method of entry into the kingdom.

  5. There's only one cure for gout. It's called Allopurinol. I know, I've got gout and take one of these magic pills every day and this prevents an attack from happening I've tried anti-inflammatories and they just don't work - not for me anyway. Not sure about cost and availability in Thailand though - I get mine on prescription here in the UK. Hope this is of some use.

  6. You can see the changes on their website if you select Current Account from the menu at the top, then click on the left box about more info on the current account and then on Foreign Transactions (sorry, can't post the direct link on here being a newbie :o ).

    Yes I've already seen that, but I reckon I should have been personally notified (along with other existing customers) rather than reading it on another website.

  7. For our members living in North-East Thailand (Isaan), here is an extended list with contact addresses, jurisdiction areas etc. of all Immigration areas/offices in Isaan, provided by The Immigration Bureau, and kindly translated by http://www.isaanlawyers.com

    Attachment (PDF):

    Just had a look at the attached file and it lists both Chiang Khan Immigration Center and Mukdahan Immigration Center as being responsible for Mukdahan, Mahasarakam & Roiet provinces. Is this correct? Not relevent to me, just thought it may need clarifying for others, especially as Chiang Khan is a long way from these provinces.

  8. I presume you are Australian? In which case you do not need a visa if travelling on an ordinary passport before you go, nor do you require visa on arrival. That is for stays of less than 3 months. All you do is go the immigration, hand the card over and smile nicley.

    Surely if you dont have a visa, then the 30 day visa exemption rule applies? Assuming you are from one of the 48 eligible countries of course....

    i.e. 30 Day stay allowed and not 3 months on passport only

  9. Hi everyone, I am visiting Nong Ki in late March / April 2009 for 1 month so I am looking for up to date info regarding the risk of contracting malaria or dengue fever. I have been to LOS twice (mainly Bangkok Pattaya), but last year I visted Nong Ki for a couple of days and crossed the border to Cambodia to have my stay extended while being stuck due to BKK airport closure. I didn't bother with antimalarial tablets and just used a deet based repellent spray and mozzie plugs. I am currently in the UK and have checked with my doctor who won't give me a definite answer as to whether I need tablets or not....he just says it is up to me...Can anyone enlighten me please?

  10. Hi everyone,

    I have visited LOS twice. First time (Nov 2007) I stayed at BKK for 1 week then Pattaya for 2 weeks.

    Last time (Nov 2008) I stayed in Pattaya for 6 weeks (my holiday was extended by 2 weeks due to BKK airport closure)

    I'm looking forward to my next trip in April 2009 followed by an extended stay later in the year.

    I've already found this website to be extremely informative and helpful - keep up the good work!

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