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Posts posted by scottyd

  1. Honestly when I am older I don't want a girl way(15+) younger then me. I would think less of a girl that goes out with old men even if the old man was me.

    I was thinking about the whole age thing, and this is what I was thinking and wanted to say, but I couldn't put it into words.

    Well done that man!

    I still think if it works for you, then good on you, but me personally, I know i'm a legend, and I will still be a legend when i'm older, but when i'm old, regardless of how much a legend I am, i'm still old and rotting at an increased rate, hardly attractive is it? So if a young girl was wanting to be with me, I would be a little suspicious of her actual intentions.

    Luckily I don't have this problem yet, i'm young, sexy, and full of energy, I also don't currently discriminate women of any age. Old or young we can still have fun. Haha, don't hate, appreciate.

  2. If someone cuts in front of me, I just discreetly Tazer them, and act like the spirit has posessed them. Not only do you solve the initial problem, everybody is so occupied with the guy spazzing out on the floor, you actually get to jump straight to the front of the line without any questions. It's a win/win situation for me.

    You know how the Thais love their ghosts/spirits.

  3. ...well, that's the question.....are straight men who date LB's or even live together (one or more TV members does/do), straight ?

    Does it matter? Attraction is what it is, and Love is Love.

  4. Only read the first page, and the OP seems like a bit of a plum, but does age honestly matter? If you like each other what has age got to do with it? (keep it legal fellas)

    If it works for you and her, what is the problem?

    For a start, if some guy (thai or not) told me that I should be looking for a woman however many years above or below me, I would hear him out, but I would also be amazed at his stupidity. If the difference in age between you and your partner is your biggest worry, you need to have a quiet word with yourself.

    To answer your question OP, given all of the elements in the equation, my "Perfect relationship calculater" has given me the perfect age that your partner should be.................

    ..........................16 (not a day older)

    I bet that is a massive weight lifted off your shoulders now that you can disregard the rest of the female population.

  5. You make it seem like you win something from this poll the way you go on, so come on, let us have it, what do you win if you are on the winning team? A cookie? A medal, Or is it exactly the same as the losing team, fuc_k all?

    This is a poll, it does not have a right or wrong answer. Even though Thaksin will serve 0 years anyway.

    Thaksin apologists for the win!

  6. Jingthing, It is also nice to see you use the results to suit your views, nothing biased here lads, move along.

    You clearly state in your posts you think there are three groups, people who want no punishment, people who want little punishment and people who want lots of punishment, yet you goup the people who want little and lots of punishment together against the people who want no punishment when complaining about other people distorting the facts.

    If this was your agenda, why didn't you just make a poll with three options, want punishment, don't want punishment and don't care? It's either one extreme or the other with you.

  7. I like seeing absolute horrors naked because the reactions of the people around them are golden. Especially in shopping centres and such where people go topless the looks on peoples faces are priceless. However It doesn't bother me, it's only a bit of flesh.

    I just wish some of the horrors would cover their faces rather than their bodies.

  8. I understand what you are saying bangla, and agree somewhat but paying a girl cash money and wining and dining her are two very different things.

    Do you think any normal girl would be amused if you gave her money and told her to go wine and dine herself? You have still paid for everything, but it's not the cash that matters when taking a girl out, it's the time spent together and the thoughtfulness. It isn't just for her enjoyment either, it's for mine too. Plus on many occasions my girlfriend has taken me out, not necessarily "wined and dined" but took me to do things that I like doing, like arranged to go see a movie that she heard I liked when it was first released. What is even better, I know she didn't care much for said movie, but when we went out, you would think she enjoyed it better than me!

  9. I don't know if my idea of a friend is different from everybody elses on here, but I would tell my mate if someone was backstabbing him, or vice-versa. Friends are supposed to look out for one another, or have I got the whole friendship thing twisted?

  10. Ill bet you are quite young and i bit pissed off that an old guy can get a woman this way and be happy with it, so what !,.i think hes smart and brave to admit that as there wil be other opinionated twits that wil shout mobile phone rental and the likes, id suggest you leave your western opinions at the airport, the thais dont give a toss so why should we !,.when in rome,, get used to it,. :)

    The "When in Rome" principle just does not cut it mate. Just because someone works in a sewer, it does not mean they are shit, and just because you leave the west does not mean you have to act like a complete degenerate. And hereby lies the problem, people leave the west and go to Thailand, feel they need to act like morons, and do leave their opinions and morals at the airport.

    As for the argument about age etc. etc. I don't remember this being a factor, or even mentioned by the TC.

    Why should I or anyone for that matter, be pissed off that an old guy can get a woman and be happy? If thats their thing, then good for them, but if they are looking for love, well they are looking in the wrong place. Its a simple matter of either paying the woman to stay, or paying the woman to leave, however the latter of the two is called prostitution, and none of those contain the western idea of love.

  11. Oh, how I love the "Thai culture" excuse for letting dishonest people scam the foreigners.

    I like that as well, i also like the "This is Thailand" excuse too, it's a classic.

    It is like saying you can't punish a Murderer/thief/rapist because that's what they do.

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