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Posts posted by scottyd

  1. You can't get moved for Taxis, so that will not be a problem. Just try to do some research where you want to stay, or the address of a Hotel or agent before you come to Thailand, have the address wrote down in Thai to show the Taxi Driver.

    I can't really help with the rest becauseI don't know.

  2. Well I must disagree with all other posters.

    I suggest you bring her to live with you in your country, see how it goes, if everything turns out well, you will live happy ever after.

    If things turn out not so good, well it's a learning experience and you can choose to learn from it.

    Go for it mate, but just be prepared.

  3. BygonKaew, you are a genius! I really think you are on to something with this. If more foreigners do this, then the storys of rip-offs will dwnidle.

    I promote this method.

    edit: I've been thinking, if you do it in a really gruesome way, they will just blame it on the Burmese witch doctor ritual killers, so you can get away suspect free!

  4. Cannabis is now class B in the UK now. This means even if you are caught with a snot of dope you are arrested. No warnings anymore. However, I believe it is still at the Officers discression, so you may get a smack on the wrist if the Officer is having a merry day.

    But like they say "Do the crime, be prepared to do the time."

  5. People who say "It may not be the girls fault", "Family pressure" Boo Hoo kiss my ass so what? If a grown woman can't make her own decisions why the fuc_k do you want an adult relationship with them?

    Don't answer that, I already know why. Because the ass is like POW!!!!!!!!

  6. I'm still waiting for Simon to accept as a "friend"... but in the meantime and on a positive note, Simon's friend Natalie DID accept me as a friend. :o

    If you think her available-to-the-public photo on the above link is something, you should see what she makes available exclusively to her "friends" :D:D

    Pics or it didn't happen.

    Can't refuse a challenge like that and so without stretching the limits of the board's proper decorum too far, my and Simon's amply-endowed friend Natalie...


    Which one is Natalie?

  7. Collins Thai phrasebook. Green cover, picture of a temple at dusk at bottom. White "collins" writing, yellow "thai" writing, white "phrasebook" writing. Book is pocket size fits palm of hand.

    Has dictionary eng-thai and thai-eng. Also has menu reader, 70 topics arranged thematically, travel and cultural tips.

    Price £4.50, but I bought this in England so it may not be available in Thailand.

  8. I really enjoy learning languages, ones I am interested in anyway. I learned to speak Thai and Japanese a bit, but since I am more interested in Thai at the moment my Japanese skills have withered. But I find if I start learning Japanese again it all comes flooding back with a quick refresher, so it's all good.

    The problem with Thai is there aren't many resources to learn from other than basic, whereas Japanese has so many resources from basic to very advanced that will help you get a better understanding of the language as a whole if you kept on studying.

    edit: to the above poster, Japanese is easier to learn than Thai I think, but learning to speak it is a completley different ball game than learning to understand it, the Japanese speak like they are on crack.

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