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Posts posted by scottyd

  1. Come to think of it, when I first went to Thailand, the immigration wifey in the booth gave me an awefully funny look when I gave her my passport. It turns out that most Brits slap aside immigration officials with their passports, and she was bracing herself for the hit.

    Now alot of immigration booths and checkpoints have perspex glass to protect their employees, because of Brits. True story.

  2. Just seen this movie last night. Was a bit disappointed. I was hoping for it to be a brain dead action flick.

    There was too much Patter and not enough Arse-Kicking. That mutant god thing was a proper wanke_r, no wonder he couldn't see the future clearly because his head was up his arse.

    I wish I had more hands, so I could give this movie four thumbs down!

  3. I'd agree with the above. You really should tell this guy. You could send him an anonymous letter like suggested, but me personally I would tell him face to face.

    This woman is not that clever if she is babbeling her plans out to random people that are relativley close to "Joe". Textbook error.

    Regarding the threats towards the girls. They are not in Thailand anymore, and the chances of her following up on her threats are as minimal as me getting sucked off by Pamela Anderson when I get home.

    Tell him and get the witch sent back home.

    edit: Remember Joe may not want to hear what you have to say, so don't get offended if he acts like a naive fool when you tell him.

  4. SBK I think he means "they" as in family, as he writes "(even after 8 years)" before it. Suggesting the length of time he has known them.

    ChiangMaiThai, If I were in your shoes, I would really have to question whether my girlfriend has "got my back".

    One big thing for me in relationships is if my partner will stand by my side, and vice versa. This dosen't mean we have to agree on everything like some people may suggest after reading this. It means if somebody is trying to steal/betray etc. etc. from me, if she knows about it she will do her best to stop it from happening.

    Your girlfriend doesn't seem to mind you being taken for a ride by her family, and that would be a big problem for me, being taken for a mug by people who are supposed to be friends/family. It's just not on.

  5. Bening loyal to your family is one thing, but if it brings dishonesty along with it, it's not exactly a good way to be. Especially if that dishonesty is towards your partner.

    If I found out my family was trying to rip off my partner, i'd be livid, because not only are they stealing off her, they would effectivley be stealing off me.

    I have been had a few times during my lifetime, everybody has (not under these circumstances). Being had once, no biggie, learn from it, but being had twice, it's your own fault.

  6. Unless you have put your own locks in your house, and chose good ones, chances are the locks you have got are shit. Bump keys can be made out of any key, just grind it down and voila.

    If your street all has PVC doors put in by the council chances are your key will be the same aligned as everybody elses. Make copy of your key, grind it down. Bump away.

    Lockpicking is a piece of piss on 80% of locks too because they are cheap locks to save money so have no security pins etc.

    edit: I do not condone breaking in to other peoples houses. Only wanke_rs do that.

  7. No, you have got it completly backwards. Yes these people have moved to another country, and are/were prepared to accept the consequences, but is it wrong for them to search for things that may be available?

    Just because you move to Thailand does not mean you only have to live on Thai produced things. The same way if you move to England you do not have to live on Fish, Chips and Tea.

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