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Posts posted by scottyd

  1. Depending on your state of mind when smoking, the effects you will feel differ. I think people who are worried/aprehensive or nut cases in the first place who smoke get paranoia, but normal people generally have a laugh, fall asleep then eat something.

    I definatley wouldn't be smoking (edit: or breaking laws in general) in another country on holiday, it's just not worth it. Plus i'm on holiday to do things, not be lazy.

  2. This website is only supportive of male westerners who exploit Thai women, didn't you read the terms and conditions when you signed up? Oh and it's not just Thai women we think of lower than ourselves, it's Thais in general.

    I have to admit, we do take our Thai wives home as a "prize" or "trophy", but we don't hope she fits in, we don't really care. As long as she sits pretty, looks good on our arms when we are out, and cleans the house, we are happy.

  3. The origin of the word has nothing to do with it, it's the context in which it is used when it becomes a problem for some people. The same way fat people are offended when they are called fat, because it's just not nice, although accurate.

  4. All tom-foolery aside, what do you mean, or mean to say because it seems regardless of what it is, we still have the same opinion that this guy shouldn't be locked up?

    Again, no. I just think it is INTERESTING that the most VIRULENT of the anti-Simon posters appear to also be British. So among this subset of Brits, I SUSPECT that RACISM and anti-immigrant hostility MAY be a factor in this INTERESTING coincidence. Don't bother with a follow up question, this is tedious. Thats all I want to say on the matter for eternity.

    Well I do apologise for getting your giblets in a twist. Just one thing, which i'm sure you are already aware, all black men aren't immigrants. I think you are looking for something that is just not there.

  5. No! Not saying that either. Sorry for you to live in your black and white world (no racial meaning intended).

    Yes it is a conspiracy, maybe you can give me the red pill and I can escape the matrix.

    All tom-foolery aside, what do you mean, or mean to say because it seems regardless of what it is, we still have the same opinion that this guy shouldn't be locked up?

  6. No, I did not say that. What I meant was that it does seem as the most of the more virulent lynch mob against the unfortunate Brit here on this board appear indeed to ALSO BE BRITS!

    Fair enough, so basically you are saying that all Brits should stand up for another Brit who may, or may not be in the wrong, just because they are from the same place? Us Brits aren't governed by one big hive mind, we can have different opinions.

    Then again, you may be right jingthing, it would explain how we got Gary Glitter back. 5555

  7. Britain is an immigrant society, the population of the UK would be falling if not for immigrants, approx 200.000 people migrate out of the UK every year, and that's nothing new.

    Between 1850 and 1880, 6 million people migrated from the UK out of a population that did not exceed 26 million.

    A very large percentage of UK citizens are descendants of immigrants, London is the most cosmopolitan city in the world.

    Yes I am fully aware of this, and I know Britain is better off for being this way, and so do most of people that live here.

    don't get so full of yourself (your self-aggrandized being oppressed) because you're a black Brit. You've probably had a whole lot of advantages handed your way - as mentioned in your further rant below.....

    Whether you know what you (do you lump yourself together with the ruling class?) were thinking or not, the fact remains that Brit authorities have enacted liberal guidelines making Britain one of the most open societies in the world - along with the US. For better of for worse (indeed it's a great big mixed bag) - Britain moves forward. I'm an American, yet resided on your island for a few years. Not a bad place. In many ways a shining beacon for other countries. Couldn't get used to marmite sandwiches with tea, though.

    I'm a black Brit? Well thank you for pointing that out for me, I never realised. I think people look at my avatar and think that is what I look like. Wrong.

    What I was saying in my post is that the people like jingthing and somebody else, who posted before my post, spoke as if all Brits hate immigrants. The fact is those that have even the slightest intelligence advantage over a potato would realise that the immigrants aren't the problem, far from it. Britains society is one of the best societies I have lived in. We are only really divided by social status, but that is not really a divide it's a choice. "race" generally dosen't come into it.

    My standing on this topic is that the guy shouldn't be locked up, even if he had called the official all of the bad words under the sun. If I was in the officials shoes and someone got a bit irate and started calling me names, yes I would have him detained, only until I checked the passport properly and he cooled down, then I would let him go on his way. That is because I could understand why he was angry, he had a flight, he could miss it. I'd be angry too. If an official can't take, or expect to take abuse, he is in the wrong job.

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