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Posts posted by scottyd

  1. What makes him a special case? Because he stole from more people than usual? Or because he stole a great big ammount?

    If you legally kill someone publicly, a legal execution. Do you really think it will stop there? No it won't, there will be more "special cases" popping up more often, until it is the norm, and applys to everybody.

    When it comes down to this, the poor you so valiantly are trying to protect and gain justice for will be feeling the repercussions. Just like when taxation was brought in to penalise the rich, look who suffers from it now.

  2. I told you in my first post that I didn't know who he is. But lets look at this sensibly:

    Killing him and broadcasting it to make back some money, fair enough, but you will have still killed a man and probably made back nowhere near what he stole.


    Keep him alive, but use him as a monkey to make money over various pay per view events. You have not killed anyone, and you can keep doing repeat events recouping stolen money. Then you can release the man. Everybody is happy. Bar the probably sodomised Bernie Madoff, but he can be grateful he is alive.

    I could solve the worlds problems if I cared.

  3. I like buskers. They give places a good atmosphere. Especially after a hard days work, you go to get the metro and while you are standing waiting you can hear their music, it's just relaxing. They bring nice noises to unpleasant places.

    Theres this really old guy in my town that plays the acordian, it is good to hear because you don't get to hear sounds like that normally.

  4. I think when someone suggests "live like a Thai" they do mean eat like a Thai and generally go about your business like a thai, whether it be travelling by bus instead of taxi, or just cooking for yourself.

    Actually, to sum it up, which I just thought while typing this, act like you live here instead of acting like it's a holiday.

  5. If you live in The UK you will have heard of Big Gay Phil. He lives two streets down from me. I often see him at the shops and down the Pub. He also has a "Social" gathering on the last saturday of each month which he arranges with a top Restaurant or Club, then it's back to his house for the afterparty. He is a true asset to our community.

    I also have met Big Bird and Burt from Sesame Street when they were on holiday together in london. I met them in the fish shop, we chatted for a bit and they told me they were going out on the town for a night out. They even asked me for some recommendations! Very nice guys, I told them I really like what they have done to help kids learn.

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