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Posts posted by humbug

  1. 8 minutes ago, Presnock said:

    I really have not thought that one could obtain this visa and then spend at lleast 180 days every year of the 5 years in Thailand...I thougtht it would meant a total of 360 days and then that person could not get another DTV until after the original 5 year visa issued.  But, I am no expert on Thai visas so... good luck.

    That is what I mentioned, 180 days plus one more 180 days, so 360 days out of 5 years, then I presume, the immigration would stamp 'used' after the extension


    I didn't know, then the person would have to wait 5 years before they obtain another dtv, maybe at that point, the thai gov. hope people would apply for LTR or Elite, to continue their stay for the next 5 or 10 years

    • Confused 1
  2. 10 hours ago, LivinLOS said:

    Yeah.. the 5 year elites are not going to sell now are they !! 

    It looked like under the 'soft power' category you can go to a thai cooking school and get 5 years.. Really is a wild option 5 year ME 180 days a pop (and 1x 180 day extension) but I travel a bit so that just fine by me. 

    Isn't it just 180 days us one more 180 days in a 5 year period?


    How will this compete with a 5 year continued stay visa, or are people getting mixed messages, in how long they can use the visa for

    • Confused 1
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  3. 29 minutes ago, BrianStar said:

    It's confusing because some articles describe it as multi entry and others talk about the entry and an extension with the same cost as the visa. Best to wait for the official system to come out so it's more clear. I'll be happy not having to leave every 60 days.

    Its a wait and see, but the target audience for the visa, cooking, sports, nomads, seminars, medical, won't be long term usage, unless they seperate the nomads into their own visa, so maybe people are confusing looking at long term stays of 12 months each time from the new visa, when its target audience is mostly short term usage

  4. 14 minutes ago, BrianStar said:

    It's a visa valid for 5 years, 180 days for one stay extendable another 180 days from my understanding.

    It says validity of 5 years, where you get one 180 days and one more 180 day extension, then the visa is 'used' thats according to integrity legal videos on tbe subject, and like everyone else, everything can be subject to change, and unless its officially in use, nobody will know the truth

    • Agree 1
  5. 10 hours ago, Maitdjai said:

    Not this article is a mess, the "LaLa-Land" fairytale announcements, are a mess. The name “Destination Thailand Visa” alone, is a joke for itself.
    Usually, "Examiner" articles are much better researched, as many of the AI spoiled clickbait articles, of known other Farang-“news”-agencies.
    Examiner just can reflect on the information, what's being given in the “announcement”. Until now, a rough frame of thoughts.
    The only facts, so far, is the price, and the money you've to bring with you (subject to change).

    To be not too harsh, the creative guys seem not to have a glance about the already existing mountains of bureaucrat garbage created in multiple decades. Considering different visa types, and all these engaged agencies in the processing. Plus the discretionary modified rules on local levels.

    To sort that out, the only way would be to cancel most of the current schemes, and restart right from scratch.
    But this is not gonna happen, if you just consider the tens of thousands paper-shovelling employees, in need to be engaged.

    I think that news site, rehashes news articles by translating or using chatgpt, then adding the articles together, just feels like that, when reading some of their ling articles

  6. 1 hour ago, steve187 said:

    I think you are  being a bit premature in praising this new visa, when no-one knows its ins and outs, I doubt it is the savior of the long term stayer

    I think similar to you, but many on here are taking the ball and running with it in a different direction, due to little information, ambuguity, and very ambiguous from Penang


    All along I see i info on 1 extension of 180 days and One more extension only for 180 days, which will tben use up the visa, which is valid for 5 years,


    Many things can change and subject to change


    but thats how I read it so far, its also how integrity legal reads it so far, but many here think its 180 days each year for 5 years


    so really at the moment, it looks lime it can used 2 times of 180 days within a 5 year period, which means it will never affect other visas

    • Agree 1
  7. 3 minutes ago, JayClay said:

    If this visa is as good as it suggests to some of us, then I imagine both visa agents and schools are worried.


    Perhaps that's why such an ambiguous announcement was made? Perhaps there's now a "negotiation period" between interested parties in order to add in some additional restrictions and make sure that whoever made the proposal can afford a nice new car this summer.

    The Penang announcement was more ambiguous than the other announcements, and that took some doing, earlier news articles, one 180 days and one more extension, 5 year visa, to Penang saying multi entry visa 180 days, 5 year visa


    then you look at the target audience, cooking, seminars, medical treatment, nomads, muay thai


    its not just about agents and schools, how about all the other long term visa, privelesge/elite and LTR takes 2-3 months to be accepted


    then you have BOI, EEC visas, investment visa, retirement visas, marriage visas


    think about all the easy ways around living in thailand with this new dtv visa


    then think what hoops everyone else  jumps through just for a 12 month visa 


    something is really off with this visa announcement


    No announcement from the gazzette so far, lets see any confirmation, or just delays in any official publushed law announcement



    • Agree 1
  8. 14 hours ago, jacob29 said:

    It's 180 days per year, not 180 days within 5 years. It's the extension that appears to be once for lifetime of visa.


    As for being on the radar, you already are if you're here for six months or more a year. How they will act on this information is unknown. I guess this visa could make enforcement easier if they begin to collect additional relevant information as part of the application process, and it will be somewhat obvious if that's the case. I doubt their enforcement will vary much from how other countries do things (I couldn't tell you how EU countries manage enforcement, but presumably they do somehow).

    It doesn't say anywhere, only people presuming its the same as other multi entry use visas that can use for 90, or 180 days up to a period of 12 months or 5 years, so far the info says one extension of 180 days, and one more extension of 180 days , and the visa is 5 years


    If you say you think or presume, then this is where all of us are, confused and unsure of any of the interpretations, of the info the last couple of days, but nothing has been confirmed through the gazzette up to now



  9. 52 minutes ago, JimTripper said:

    Should be worded as "a stay that lasts up to...", not "stays that last up to..."


    "can now be issued five-year visas for stays that last up to 180 days, which can be extended for another 180 days"


    Maybe, but why on the promo info, it says can only use one more time, no way they will allow such an easy visa, to be the same a multi entry visa for 12 months, that you can keep extending every 90 days, this seperates it to only one time, not continued use, 


    or if its 180 days in every 12 months, then just issue a 12 month visa, which you only get 1 extension of 180 days


    the 5 year, throws it into wild speculation, and 500k bank show for 180 days is not too far away from 800k bank show for 12 months retirement visa, very strange and confusing details so far



    If its announced through the gazzette, then it should have more explanation for us, of if they delay the usage of it for at least another 12 months, and its not published through the gazzette to be used now, then we know it will never be too eash to get or use


    I agree with your previous post, that this new visa won't destroy the other current visas



  10. 2 hours ago, JimTripper said:


    It's only good for 6 months a year though. It says the full year extension can only be used once. I don't think just bouncing in and out will work for more time.

    I can't even see it being used once a year for 5 years, all it says so far, maybe I am wrong on my interpretation but it says one 180 days and one more extension of 180 days, either way, some people will be shocked on here, they already programmed their minds, to think its a multi-entry 180 extension for 5 years


    Can't see the millitary side of the government and huge influence in the beaurcracy of the country, allowing such an easy 5 year visa to obtain for cooking and nomads, when foreigners have been treated like threats to the country for the last 10 years


    But have to see, if they delay this cooking/nomad visa announcement, it means it will never affect the other visas


    If they do announce today or shortly, maybe they might just run with it

  11. 15 hours ago, Startmeup said:


    something doesn’t add up here. This will torpedo the elite visa program. Must be more details to come. 

    It won't just kill elite and ltr, but every visa like retirement, marriage, investment visas, permanant residents, education visas, eec special visas, boi visas, who the hell

    would want the hassles of the other visas, when you can get a 5 year visa so easily for cooking, muay thai, nomads


    I mean why only hate on Elite, when every long term visa class would be affected


    June 1st now, lets see

    • Thumbs Up 1
  12. 15 hours ago, Maestro said:


    Some announcements have indicated that not all changes will be made immediately. VOA and visa-exemption apparently on 1 June 2024, some others on 1 September, some at the start of next year or even later,

    The person's post was inferring to the 5 year nomad, cooking visa being delayed to June 25, so I wanted to know where that info came from

  13. 14 hours ago, Maestro said:


    Five years is the period during which the DTV is valid for an unlimited number of entries into Thailand. Upon each entry, the traveller gets permission to stay for 180 days and has the option of applying at the local immigration office for a 180-day extension of stay. That's what it looks like based on the currently available information. 


    Where does it say unlimited 180 days multi-entry


    Everwhere it states one 180 days and one more 180 days, maybe you mean come for 1 week, cone again for 3 days etc, unlimited entry until 180 days is used, then re-apply for another 180 days, they be no other visas left, if everyone could get a 5 year multi-entry 180 day extension, it will be the only visa people will want or need


    it's 1st June now, let's see the announcements, got a gut feeling the 5 year visa will be changed and delayed, and the others officially announced today

  14. On 5/30/2024 at 7:40 PM, Antti said:

    It is probably similar to multi-entry Schengen visa in EU. The days stop counting when you exit EU and then it restarts from the same number of days when you come back. So if I'm correct, with this new visa you get 180 days (or 360 days if you extend) that can be used during a period of 5 years.

    Exactly, it states everywhere, 180 days within a 5 year period and one more extension of 180 days


    The 5 year is a red herring for those hoping, wishing, it will be somehow different


    it's 180 days and one moe allowable 180 days, that's it, it's a short term visa


    If it is used for 5 years not for only 360 days out of 5 years, then it will kill every visa class, retirement, marriage, elite, ltr, eec special visas, boi visas, education visas, it won't just kill elite and ltr, but everything

  15. On 5/30/2024 at 2:05 PM, El Matador said:

    "At this time, the government has announced that the visa will only be available from June 2025."


    Well it seems we can forget the digital nomad visa for next winter. And they have the time to change 10 times their mind.

    I still take that 2 months visa exemption instead of waiting weeks for the evisa.


    "In 2024, foreign tourism on track to generate ฿1.254 trillion, far short of nearly ฿2 trillion generated in 2019. Cabinet wants ฿3 trillion in receipts"


    Interesting to see that despite a high number of tourists, the money coming from tourism has dropped by a lot. It gives an idea about the current opening towards Russian, Chinese and Indian tourists. It hasn't attracted wealthy tourists.

    Is this delay/cancellation confirmed?


    It seems a lot of wasted messages and replies to a visa that will never happen, or just a continued delay, seemed a weird visa, 180 days in a 5 year period, then one more time



    • Thanks 1
  16. 1 hour ago, SGD said:

    When will they learn and get an educated English person to proof read their garbage and straighten out their crap language ?


    OK, so they stamp you in for 180 days, probably make you hit up immigration at 90 days and for 10k.

    But no-one is going to give them another 10k for 180 days, extendable only once in 5 years.

    The only sensible interpretation is that the visa is 5 years and you can stay 180 days per visit, meaning border jumps every 6 months.


    Yet I know that seems illogical but the other interpretations make even less sense as everyone would be on 180+180 and done in 12 months with no need for 5 years.

    'Skilled foreign talent, digital nomads, freelancers, and those engaging in activities such as learning Muay Thai, cooking, sports training, medical treatment, seminars, and arts and music events.'


    Why would any government allow continious 5 year stays for medical treatment, seminars,, cooking!


    They say extension from 60 to 180, and one more 180 day extension, so all they have to do is say, you can use twice, each time 180 days, then your 5 year visa, becomes used up or null and void, 


    Do you really think it will mean 5 year stays of 180 days, just a new extension of 10 times 180 days?  no way, unless they put the 'skilled worker' into their new BOI eec 5 year visa, for large companies high earners, which they also announced recently


    they are only reducing the o-a insurance requirement for 3 months,


    I can't see any extra benefit for long term visas in the new offers, apart from 3 month special reduction for health insurance, that tells you a whole different story, that really the changes are for short term stays

    • Like 1
  17. 2 minutes ago, isandrew said:

    I believe they mean the visa is valid for 5 years but when you come and use it you get 180 days and can extend 1 time for 180 days 

    Could be bad translation, grouping together information on 5 year and 180 days, when it looks to be quite different information, it seems excessive to use a 5 year visa and only use it for 360 days

    • Thumbs Up 1
  18. 1 hour ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

    Nothing for the majority on extensions of stay for retirement/marriage originating from an O visa ….. boo !

    Those holding OA visas and presumably extensions of permission to stay see their mandatory health insurance dropping from 3M baht coverage to 440k.

    It just looks to be extending visas from 60-180 days, no way they mean 5 year for Muay thai and nomads, nomads have a 5 year on LTR, it has to be bad translation

    • Confused 1
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  19. Five year for Muay thai, nomads and tourists, must be lost in translation, maybe a mix up in information


    Why would they only reduce health insurance for retirees and ooffer 5 year visas to Muay thai and nomads


    Maybe they mean those new BOI Eec high earning professionals get 5 yeat


    and they just extend tourist visas from 60 to 180 days?

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