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Posts posted by humbug

  1. same day as the two philapinas, fishy info about reasons, unlike the video of the chinese huddled cuffed and telco equipmemt, this hungarian guy was either snitched for no reason or complained about his residence, this large overstay combined with a fugitive doesnt wash, just like the philapinas interpol red notice, its exagerration for scaremongering or to impress, either way the men in green will keep

    pushing their propaganda through the media

  2. 8 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

    Filipino car thieves warrant an interpol red notice?


    I found this hard to believe but...




    and then a search of Nationality, Philippines doesn't show these folks, maybe because they've been nabbed?





    In my mind, no proof just a big hunch, a lot of the information being said last few years on these arrest stories is made up, to impress or scare, whatever the propaganda message, there was a big difference between the arrest of gamblers of china today, looks a normal story,  then this story, nothing adds up, red notice for car theft? , maybe they were waiting for work permits and arrested that way, either way the chinese looks to be a real criminal arrest, the phillapinas arrest, looks exagerrated for effect

    • Like 1
  3. 6 hours ago, CLW said:

    Even the already in place Smart visa scheme seems to me (from Employer and Employee side) a non starter. 

    If I had the choice between smart visa and regular work permit + extension of stay I would opt out for the latter. 

    And now they are thinking of another badly thought out scheme that only a few people can use or will apply...

    What a waste

    looks like a whole lot of mix of current different visas, work visa like smart visas, retired people using some things from the present retirement visa, using 5 years like elite visa, add family members and prospects of land ownership, from the latest articles, maybe its slanted to work/business/ future land ownership, can't see many people getting too excited, not bright enough outlook with men in green in charge

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  4. 5 hours ago, Pedanov said:

    Will this be more attractive then Elite Ultimate Privilege Visa for example? Or will all Elite Visa programs be suspended instead? ))

    as someone else on this thread mentioned the smart visa he is on, is close in some ways to this new proposal, work wise, I would guess it's a mixture of smart and elite visa, with added extra large finance needed for a big 'if' of future land ownership, and why only use elite, could include the retirement visa in uour missive

  5. 6 hours ago, James105 said:

    All from the same hotel that happened to test positive after presumably testing negative before leaving their countries?   Wonder what the odds of that happening are?  Sounds a bit fishy to me.  

    It is fishy, every one of these articles saying positive runaways, turns out they were negative and just left, they control too much information through the media, just make things up for scare tactics around foreigners

  6. 6 hours ago, Nicholas Paul KNIGHT said:

    Actually histoprically they could well be your ancestors as well. okay some 15000 tears ago but still ancestors 

    No way, you just being a pro-Beijing troll, or just believe any old Chinese wiki story, many Historians are now starting to even question China's 5000 year history claim, on top of the other fake or made up claims over land. 


    Han China going back 2000 years was mostly tiny in land area, mainly 1300 onwards after gaining Mongolia did it resemble what it does nowdays, after the last 100 years invading Tibet and East Turkistan, even Hmong tribe are older than the Han Chinese, It was the Han that kicked the Hmong off their land

  7. 36 minutes ago, blorg said:

    You get a personal email about your annual extension when it's coming up to a year? I'm surprised by that, as most members to my knowledge do not. They did send a generic email bulk email warning of this specific issue back in January, three months after the end of the Covid amnesty, which was reactive, not proactive, they said in the email there were already "many cases of overstays by our members", the warning was too late for many.



    Honestly, some of you think that Elite should, have or could access the immigration database to see when members enter or exit, 


    then when the computers flags an urgent alert, an Elite staffer is dispatched to the members home, make sure said person is out of bed, showered, changed, and a light breakfast, then driven like the wind to the nearest immigration office, so that said Elite member isn't a naughty boy, for missing their extension date


    It's the immigration police doing the extensions, not Elite, it's our passports and responsibility

    • Like 2
  8. 5 hours ago, n00dle said:

    personally i think elite visa is at fault here. He should have been notified in time to take action. Aren't they suppose to provide "concierge" visa service? They certainly seem to be on top of it when your visa is expiring and it is time to spend more to re-up. They must have had a process in place for those who could not leave the country.


    That said, spending that much on a visa, i would have taken the time to find out the conditions, especially given the consequences for messing up. 

    how on this great earth, can Elite be at fault, they don't control or use the immigration databases, to see if someone entered the country legally and on what date, and what dates for the next extension


    impossible for Elite to gain access to the immigration database, it would be the only way, that Elite can keep up to date on members extension dates, and remind them, but the immigration are also police, and this regime uses any excuse for National security


     so unless the regime changes to a fairer one, and allows another ministry to access entry information like that, then that would be the only way Elite could help all the members, and to be honest I wouldn't want sms reminders either, I mean, really intrusive, not for me

  9. 11 hours ago, robblok said:

    I got elite visa too, they do send out a lot of emails telling people to not overstay and extend their visa. 


    Sad for the guy and yes elite should have helped but still how is this different from a pensioner that did have the 800k in the bank but did not extend ?.


    Just that we paid for the privilege (i would not have paid if i was married or old enough) does not mean we dont need to keep to the rules even if we paid a lot of money. But really they send emails out a lot.

    The elite visa/extension is done by inmigration, has nothing to do with Elite, we all know this, every time you get an extension it's done by immigration, Elite don't put any stamps or add the info into the computer, immigration are the ones with the incoming and exiting border database, knowing if you entered legally or not, impossible for elite to track clients in the same way. 


    it's just another thread with Elite, and it's like bees around a honey pot, I am 100% certain that was the main reason of the op's thread and title

  10. This is a thread about someone who forgets an extension date, doesn't renew, and immigration clobber him for 12 months not allowed back in, and somehow because the op on purpose is highlighting Elite, then it becomes Elite's problem


    it's either a fake story, or someone trying to blame anyone but themselves, anything to do with visa/extensions is with the immigration, everything is on me and if I mess up, then it's an immigration problem or for a lawyer to try to solve

  11. 5 hours ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    Isn't the maximum overstay fine 20 000 Baht ?

    Yes, the thread smells of a fake story, the weekly bash elite card thread, if it's true then it's about missing expiry dates in passports, nothing more, I mean why charge 25k when its 20k, why claim that am overstay on elite is different to an overstay on another type of visa/extension, paying for an elite card doesn't mean you pay to control immigration laws, that's just being foolish or fake

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  12. The OP should understand, there is no need to leave the country after 12 months on an Elite card, just needs an in-country extension, it no longer is an elite issue, but someone forgetting their extension date expiry to renew,


    now it's a thai immigration issue with the overstayer, nothing about what visa he holds, if thai immigration stop him for 12 months, what else can he do, elite are not immigration, nothing they can do about thai immigration overstay laws


    all these kind of threads do are to confuse people, into thinking elite has a magic wand over thai immigration laws, it doesn't, we all accept that, when we use the service, if anything happens on missing expiry dates for extensions, that's on us, no one else, same for any other type of visa/extension people hold

    • Like 2
  13. I went there some time ago, and it's to enter the building, it's not only about the inmigration department. You either show proof of the vaccinations or you fill in a form and wait to enter, they had two seperate columns, but I am

    not sure about the other entry points into the building, seems some doorways are much easier to enter than others in that building, but if entering on the building door near immigration they will check, maybe that could change in the future who knows

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  14. I am sure they have statue of limitations or something on those lines, If a case is just left without any conclusion, whatever it is, after a certain number of years, It will finish through bureacracy, 20 years seems too long to be active, but even if on file, the statue of limitations should end it spoiling anything, maybe another poster with more lawyer knowledge could update the thread

  15. 2 hours ago, kiwikeith said:

    If he takes your advice, "keep it in the Family" then the Chinese will win, he and his offsider are mainly Chinese decent.

    yes, if it wasn't for the chinese/thais, all other foreigners would have easier rights to own land and businesses, they have closed the shop door, and made it extremely difficult for any non chinese to own land or a business here



  16. 15 hours ago, Neeranam said:

    It's strange how the people in charge of this country are 2nd generation  Chinese immigrants, yet much more anti-foreigner than real Thais. 

    exactly the reason, chinese/thais who started to emigrate en masse 150 years ago are protecting their new invaded country within for motherland, against any competitor nations/cultures.


    chinese easily became citizens over the 150 years, own land, businesses, become law makers, generals


    has anyone seen an indian/thai law maker or general? malay/thai general or law maker? cambodian:thai, western/thai, not a chance


    the chinese and chinese/thais are the reason we don't own land, or make it extremely difficult, they are the ones shouting about treason and using scare tactics


    all the while they land grabbed bangkok and thonburi last 150 years,  from ethnic thais who were mostly vedic, mon going back 2000 years



    • Like 1
  17. 22 hours ago, mahtin said:

    So the actual news is just wait and see.

    "in line with the master plan under the National Strategy (2018 - 2037) on the issue of future industries and services. and infrastructure Logistics and Digital " (thairath)

    this is an important reference from the article, every government spokesman mentions the national strategy, it's actually false to say national, they are hiding its true intention


    Every country signed with china on its 17+ 1 ie belt and road signs either a 20 year or 25 year national strategy, each strategy is connected with the chinese constitution from 2017, over the 20 years more laws are connected between china and thailand.


    land rights is always what china wants for its people in countries like thailand, you can bet the details in mandarin will be far different in costs , to the details for all other foreign nationals, for this new land and visa programme

  18. 3 hours ago, Pee Wee said:

    There are facilitators in China that establish hundreds of shelf companies. For % fee they will move any number of 50k tranches. Then of course there is crypto.

    there will always be a way, but it's just not that easy, unless you can access Hong Kong accounts from the mainland as Hong Kong is on the swift, mainland china is not on swift,


    but the other way is through loans, for condos or business by chinese banks connected with thai property companies, that's also a way many can purchase, but not 700k properties, If that were the case, there would be 1.4 million condos owned by foreigners in Bangkok, and how many more millions owned by thais, the figures are ten fold incorrect

  19. 11 minutes ago, hwt said:


    Well, I am just about 30 minutes of drive from that Forest City......


    No, most of them have little interest in becoming Malaysians.  What can they gain by becoming citizens?  This is not Kuala Lumpur or Singapore.  This place may rank high in income level in Malaysia, but it is mostly due to income brought in by Malaysians who travel to Singapore everyday to work.  Foreigners who cannot speak Malay have little space here.  They only work in a small number of industries, mainly education, and factories or transport companies that require foreign talent.  Chinese are not perceived to be good in these areas, in this place.  So, they being employed for these jobs is rare.


    Chinese go to Malaysia mainly for the same reason they go to Thailand - to relax in a cheaper place, and to allow their kids to get to western countries through international schools in these places.


    Uncovered?  Mahathir has a very clear agenda - making sure Chinese in the country are not richer than others........ ????  He does not want more expensive houses to be owned by Chinese.  For a few decades, he had been trying to bring income equality among races in the country.  He had achieved that quite well in Putrajaya.  Elsewhere, he made progress.  He had been very particular about most shops being Chinese owned (local Chinese), and had tried hard to end this.  How could he allow a place with expensive apartments to be mostly owned by Chinese who suddenly appeared from nowhere......?

    sorry you didn't read what I wrote, it was a plan that was uncovered by the government,  initiated by the previous corrupted government who signed many a belt and road deal with creepy Beijing , it was scrapped immediately, good for Malaysia,


    it wasn't a overly promoted media story to the changing of their legal

    status at 'Forest City', but it was made public enough for someone like me to turn my antennas onto flashing red lights, it happened and was uncovered and scrapped, the nobody wants to live in Malaysia whose Chinese is odd, quite a few malaysians are chinese origin, but as you seem to have taken the role of chief investment promotion officer of the Chinese Malaysian relations bureau, then I am sure you will know best, all hail Chairman Xi and his band of creepy weirdos

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