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Posts posted by humbug

  1. i certainly like a good punt but what amazes me in this thread is naturelover himself.

    this elite member has become one elite program killing machine, not only starting this topic but,

    he has also sent the same letter to the bangkok post, who today have printed it in their letters section,

    i am not able to link any websites, but yesterday on the nation online website under the business section leading title tpc, there was a article by the TAT refuting any suggestion they will cancel the program

    this is why if i were to have a bet i would always bet the new cabinet endorsing this program and carrying on just the same as the army and the last 3 taksin governments have done. pretty good for elite card to have all these groups endorsing their programme if the democrats carry it on

    but who knows the future after all this negative pr by one member

  2. and every politicised program be it the design centre, otop or elite will have to be endorsed by the new cabinet

    and now it looks like the democrats will endorse it

    So far in this thread there is no evidence to indicate what you have stated.

    There's been double-speak and innuendo and conjecture, but absolutely zilch in specificity.

    Do you have some new outside information that the Dems "look like they will endorse it"?

    we shall see if naturelover reacted too readily to a change of government which will always put politicised programmes like elite on hold until approved by the new cabinet or whether the new government plan to cancel the program

    we shall await the press releases from the TAT etc over the next few days

    my money is on cabinet approval

    whats your bet?

  3. member naturelover has brought about all the bad pr for his own program on this forum with the title of the thread and the opening post.

    the only person trying to kill his elite program is naturelover himself, i am sure after the original post he understands that with each new government in such a banana republic country as thailand that each and every politicised program be it the design centre, otop or elite will have to be endorsed by the new cabinet

    once its endorsed by the democrat party then who is left to endorse such a program for naturelover

    the army endorsed it, obviously any taksin party will endorse it and now it looks like the democrats will endorse it, so its a clean sweep for the op

    why all the tears?

  4. on another thread i was reading the thai government were stating they were going to waive visa fees etc, so by suspending the elite special visa renewal then the thai government will now alienate another bunch of foreigners, just plain stupid

    or do you think the op is being a little melodramatic and the visa renewal will just go ahead after the new government signs the dotted lines for his elite program to carry on as normal?

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