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Posts posted by humbug

  1. Whats amazing and unique as an expat community on now Aseannow aka Thai visa, has been the coming together of attacking or highlighting lies, lies and more damned lies in articles, from sales pitch business pages and the economy, to arrest articles and daily attacks on our existence by a creepy section of local

    society, who think they are miles above the glass ceiling, than anyother race of people living here


    This latest trash of lies from CBRE a western company, with top management western, from rule of law countries, where a yes means a yes, and people care about rights of others, instead of non-rule of countries like Thailand, where you can lie to your hearts content, and no one cares, as there is never any retaliation through a fair legal

    system or justice


    So here we are, with a article full of mis-interpretations, and no one at CBRE, cared, didn't care if it might trick people or give false hopes, nope, not even western top management, even cared to have the article edited for faults, nope just your normal pack of lies, treating us expats, as low IQ imbiciles, who will just trust any old gullable trash article

  2. 1 hour ago, carlyai said:

    They'll never allow Chinese to own land here.

    Last 140 years they have, many Chinese immigrants have emigrated, and now own businesses, land, become prime ministers, arrgh, but what you mean is tourists or visa holders, you see, thats not how the Chinese try and influence a country over the long term, they use corruption, which then allows agreements like the Belt n Road, then they set up lands, which mask industrial lands, but in reality allow owners to become land owers, then they promote local national 20 year strategies, all 17 belt  n road member countries, have a 20 year national strategy, some 25, which joins over 20/25 years, many local laws with laws in Beijing, and elevates Chinese nationals to a higher race within those 17 members


    Why do think they hate Move Forward Party and its mention of going the way of a rule of law society, not a male-dominant, corrupt non-rule of society with strong class systems and glass ceilings


    Doesn't mean the Chinese will get their way, but they will keep trying different tactics over the long term looking for weaknesses, and emigration thru land and business ownership, has been their preferred way

  3. These kind articles, last few years, and they are many, all should be taken with a large pinch of salt, a sprinkle of truth, and over exageratted lies


    The military thru use of psyops usung the media with ISOC(Internal Security Office) the master, and media, police, immigration, government depts the puppets


    Always in my mind the recent arrests of 2 philipinas, who probably did no more than walk the steets, without passports, in a area full of regional migrant workers, and lots of securiry forces, and published article on their arrest, states how these 2 career criminal were on interpols red notice, what a coup to arrest such infamous criminals, turns out there were no, zero, nada philipinas on the interpol red notice lists anywhere, just blatant lies


    And what a co-incidence a week after the chinese backed military and their businesses, who hate Taiwan and Move Forward and Taksin, then wow, big surprise arrest a Taiwan criminal mastermind, who is really China, but is Taiwan, who knows, as we all know Taiwan is not China, on an Elite card, printed in capitals, just so everyone knows


    wow just what are those odds, one week after the elections, talk about sour grapes, last rites, jeez


  4. At the Police Head Quarters, there are 2 different rooms, seperated by 50-100 meters


    The room for local checks is far busier, has many thais and a few foreigners, the other room is for going overseas or checks for overseas, and has larger cubicles, far less people, a few thais and foreigners, you can tell them the reason, and then in the cubicle they check your finger prints etc


    This is for the overseas room, so both rooms will have different prices, After 10 minutes the normal offer is 200-300 baht and wait 3 weeks, or and they all try it on, they will tell you they have a fast track 2000 baht and ready in 2-3 days


    If you need it posting, then they will give you those prices


    But remember there are 2 different rooms, for checking, not 1



    • Confused 2
  5. 1 hour ago, Red Phoenix said:

    1.7 M for a life-time Elite Visa, is a very reasonable offer.

    It is especially interesting for those that

    - have the funds and

    - are not married to a Thai national, and

    - would still have to wait several years before becoming 50 years of age, making them eligible for a Non Imm O Visa for reason of retirement.

    I would be surprised if the OP would not get PMs from interested candidates.


    These Elite threads always get hijacked by losers, either low IQ sales guys, trying their best one liner put downs, or just people with too many chips on their shoulders, and can't stand 'golden visas' or just other visa programme agents, trying to switch interested parties


    You notice the last 20 posts have been hijacked for one purpose only, no visa programme or visa should be hijacked this way on this forum


    Elite is the cheapest golden visa on the planet

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  6. On 3/20/2023 at 3:55 PM, BKKTRAVELER said:

    Honestly OP, I would consider your offer if extensions were not to be renewed every 90 days. With time, I'm traveling less and less outside Thailand and trips to Chaengwatthana stress me out even though with Elite it always goes smooth.


    Wish you to find the right buyer for your product.

    This is a silly argument, 30 years or lifetime is far better than 20 years, and with all the extra benefits, most people travel a few times a year, few people just sit on their couch, for 20 years, finding ways not to move their butts, and the airport assistance is second to none

    • Confused 1
  7. On 4/8/2023 at 3:43 PM, Elkski said:

    Story is a bit confusing for me.  Daily there are movie storylines in Thailand.  How is the kidnapping related to the surrogacy?  Prominent Dr supervised or did these implants or something?  Most Thai people seem to respect these Chinese families who somehow got into this country in the last 50-75 years.   How far will this cleansing of china's influence in Thailand go?

    Do you really think the Chinese of 50-75 years ago are any better than the latest arrivals? maybe they have hidden their past as how they were able to gain citizenship, rights of land ownership, businesses, the Chinese assimilate and destroy any non-Chinese culture they can influence


    Confucism is the Han Chinese class system, still used under communism, men are treated at the top, women are treated as an underclass who should be subservient, this kind of system is why they will never accept a rules based order, where people are treated fairly, and why there is so much crime, corruption and entitlement, and now they have huge influence over Thailand in just 140 years of emigration, with a small minority of the population, but with 70-80% influence, unlucky for Thailand

  8. On 7/29/2022 at 6:00 AM, KIngsofisaan said:

    You never know which government will be in charge at that point?


    Of course things can change.


    My concern is have a PM elected that doesn't want any farangs here.


    Always a concern.


    Never trust Thailand

    That's more likely for the LTR programme, Elite has 23k members, and is growing at 5000 members every 6 months, and this regime are the opposite of the next regime, so who exactly will cancel? the generals in power now, enjoying 5000 new members every 6 months, or Taksin's family for the next regime, the man who started Elite? 


    Think visas, golden visas around the world have moved on, and Thailand's version of the 'golden visa' is the cheapest on the planet


    I be more worried about more changes to retirement visas, work permits and LTR visas for any new regime, but any new regime will be extra close with China, and with 40% of new members Chinese, I would worry that for me the future would be nirvana with far less Chinese control, as it re-inforces corruption and is anti a rules based society, and keeps the masses under-developed as a society and under-educated, that's my worry, not a regime who are greedy

  9. On 11/19/2022 at 11:35 AM, moogradod said:

    I am exactly in the same situation and my membership (PE 5 years) will run out in November 2023 as will be my current permission to stay (a bit before). When you say they contacted you by themselves how much ahead of the membership-expiry was this ?


    I am as well asking because my current passport will run out at the end of 2027. So still enough time to get a new sticker in the current passport and then transfer all when my new passport is due sometime mid 2027.. The current passport has more than enough free pages.


    So far I have had only the best experience dealing with Thai Elite. They are precise and quick.


    I would be sincerely grateful if you could share your thoughts and first hand experience about this since you have obviously done it successfully. You may of course PM me as well. Thank you really very much.

    A new passport just means they will transfer the visa into the new passport, with the same 5 year visa expiry date

  10. This threads first page was highly suspicious, cross-chats between author and bobby davro, where most of the information including 'not a real visa, just a nod and a wink visa' laughable that those posts are on any credible Elite thread


    5000 members are joining ever 6 months, that means in under 2 years, there will be more than 40,000 members, a huge number of people living or staying in Thailand adhoc, spending money, which as we know, each and every regime in the country wants


    What this card on this website does attract, are those that want to discredit, as visa agents of other programmes like Longstsay or LTR, or just pointless posters sidetracking with useless information or just outright lies



  11. 4 hours ago, BangkokReady said:

    Just my opinion, but I feel like Thai culture instils a certain amount of entitlement and fragility in some men, which is then combined with racism when it comes to foreign people.  And of course the whole "losing face" thing.


    It seems that a lot of Thai men are raised to pretty much think they can do whatever they want.  There is no real punishment at school, cannot fail even if they do no work, parents don't punish them, criticism is a big no-no, and so on.  There is also an alarming amount of dependency, where some grown Thai men are happy to rely on their mothers, sisters, wives, etc., to support them financially through handouts.


    Then you throw in the element of a foreigner and you're bringing in racism, resentment, further feelings of entitlement to money, coupled with the idea that you won't really face any consequences for attacking a non-Thai.

    RIP to the victim


    and you raise something that is overlooked


    Male dominant societies exist in every non-rule of law country, the societies just hide behind Islamic Nationslism, Hindu, Budhism, Confucism, all varying ancient class systems, that some countries just fake and imitate rules based order bureaucracy, just to bring in Western Capital and develop an even stronger glass ceiling, using the fake bureaucracy to keep the masses under the strong glass ceiling, and turn them into low IQ imbiciles that sometimes go violently mad


    I mentioned Confucism, because the Han Chinese class system is just as bad in how they treat women as the under class, just as the Islamic nationalists do, with a hugely corrupt society, and unlucky for the Thai's, as many are now in powerful positions, and like any autocratic regimes, hate and see the West as their nemesis


    rule of law societies brings fairness to most of the people, no matter what the gender


    So many foreigners come to live in Thailand or tourists, that they forget this could happen in many non-rule of countries around the world not just Thailand with low IQ, entitled or those gone mad locals





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  12. On 3/20/2023 at 7:51 PM, Elkski said:

    Such a simple solution.  At the end of the airport taxi numbered waiting area post a cop that checks if all the taxi meters are on.  If not on instant life ban no second chances.   

    I said it before that many of you posters have helped perpetuate this taxi problem by not causing a stir when taxis refuse fares or don't use the meter.  I always get replies from people who have thicker wallet than brains that it is such a good deal compared to where they come from.   Even my Thai wife gets rejected so much that she always let's the cabbie roll his window down to get his approval before thinking about opening the door.  

    To my USA thinking it should be taxi is waved down, you open door, get in and tell him where to go and meter on and he does his job.   But I swear the pickup rate for me and us has been about 20% during my 12 trips and 8 months in Thailand.   I also caught one taxi with a toggle switch wire going to the meter. This was about 6 years ago so no risk from officials at that time.  I just paid him what I thought fair and gave him a dirty look.  But my opinion of taxi drivers and enforcement of the rules is lower than dirt.   A taxi driver should be allowed to make 2-3 times a factory worker but that's it.   

    I never get a taxi that rolls down their window, and if they do I just wave them away, always let the taxi park then open the back door, if the taxi tries the other trick, by parking before you by a little distance, which is done on purpose to control you, then chances are it be similar to the winding down the window taxi driver, other tricks are slowly driving past honking their horn, and parking in front, to catch your eye, this is just the same as perverts, creeping around streets, curb crawling looking to pick up whores


    just some ways to reduce the drama with less of the low IQ sales tricks, which as a society have got far worse with this regime in power

  13. On 3/13/2023 at 2:13 PM, ThailandRyan said:

    This is a Visa issued by BOI and is not anything that Big Joke or the Chinese grey markets are involved in.  This is not a Thai Elite Visa and an agent or lawyer can not, I repeat can not walk your application through the door and into the BOI offices and then over to the immigration side to get the Visa stamped into it.  You must be confusing this visa class with another visa type/scheme as I stated above..  Your friend would have to appear himself for his photo with Immigration and to have the visa placed into his passport as well as paying the 50K Thb. Nothing a lawyer can do......not yet



    You and Pib, seem to be the aseannow sales promoters of this LTR, BOI is a government department like the tourism/sports who own Elite and the immigration/police who out visa stickers in passports


    It seens this present government is going out of it's way to push and promote this programnme before the elections


    Because when a new government comes into power, it can eliminate bad policies and programmes from the previous government


    Agents/Lawyers, online positive sales reps like you guys, agents/lawyers can and will help people as BOI is just another government agency under tbe control of any present government= fact

    • Thanks 1
  14. 7 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

    Their intended target I believe was 500,000 applicants in 5 years, however they only received 2,800 applicants in 5 months, YES, that is a failure, now that word is bigger than failed as you mentioned, but same same ????

    It might seem their target was Elite, but reality it is more retirement and smart visas from BOI, and agree the number of applicants is nonsense, just blatant spin, even in the 100's of actual new visa holders they will do well, as the visa is 5 years, then you have to go through it all again to get the 2nd 5 year


    The Elite buyers would be mostly a whole different market, not really comparable to any of this


    this programme is copying too much the retirement and especially Smart visas BOI, I really don't know why they did it like this, maybe in the longer term to increase retirement visa income requirements? or maybe to softly introduce tax to long term visas with income requirements?

    • Thanks 1
  15. On 2/1/2023 at 8:21 PM, klauskunkel said:

    Is he serious? Are the cards controlled by some General?


    On 2/1/2023 at 4:08 PM, Peabody said:

    Surely the cars are numbered. Only allow the proper Thai bureau to issue them. Prohibit resales. Number not in system = void. 

    Don't forget some of the reporting is terrible or just nasty, and is not honest


    Any member, whether the card new or person buys a resale, has to be okayed by thai immigration, they receive each persons passport details to check, then get back to Elite to say person is okay, then Elite organize an appoinment for new member to go to thai immigration, and immigration affixes the visa in the passport


    Everything else is just hyped up lies to scare the local thais reading this and thinking something completely different happens, it doesn't, all of us have or will go through the same process, whatever the country,


    the only difference will be if thai immigration actually check with countries to see their past non-criminal or whatever, maybe some countries are way to corrupt like China to be honest, and that's a very big maybe, because it seems thai immigration don't even do that much checking

  16. On 2/2/2023 at 9:08 AM, Caldera said:

    Unlike with most other Thai visas and extensions, there's a screening process in place for Elite visa applicants. How thorough that is is anyone's guess, it might turn out to be just a time-consuming paper pushing exercise.

    The process is immigration getting your passport details from Elite, checking, with whoever or whatever history and which ever databases they should be checking, and then green lighting the okay, for Elite to then issue an appoinment for that person to then go to immigration and have the visa affixed


     None of this has anything to do with Elite, the actual checking the persons details



  17. On 2/1/2023 at 3:34 PM, John Drake said:

    Two or three years ago, a lot of Thai media outlets ceded their foreign news reporting to Xinhua.

    Yes, this is going to cause so much biased reporting that one cosequence is more animosity towards non-chinese foreigners, already the walk past someone, who instantly puts their mask on, stinks of thinking they are a higher status and especially towards Westerners, you dirty foreigner, you beneath me, how dare you walk near me, 


    Without a functioning rule of law, or even green shoots of a functioning rule of law, it's becoming a place to have hugely thick skin

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