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Posts posted by humbug

  1. Now we have the political hit pieces trying to distract from all the recent bad press about police, who are also immigration police, and big coincidence, elections near by, so lets blame Elite who are the Sport/Tourism department


    no sir, it's not the police or immigration police, it's the other pesky department, they are to blame for all these grey area Chinese, well actually it's the men in green, who signed full belt and road agreements, signed in 20 national strategy to align itself with Chinese laws secretly, and allowed the Chinese to have a greater influence in media reporting


    But hey lets all go back 15 years and blame a Taksin creation, especially if we ever have another election, the men in green's parties will be spanked by Taksin's family party and Thanathorn's party, well that's if they ever allow a fair election this year or next, or whenever

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  2. As states above, quite a few good brokers, but a warning, stick to high quality dividend stocks, as over the years the market-makers in connection with local houses, large funds, hong kong funds and large players including BOT(like the Chinese market 'plumbing team') have ruined what was an okay market


    you will find liquidity a hige issue unless it's the larger stocks in fashion, and many times market-makers even with large stocks, will crush prices, keep prices low until you give up, then sky rocket prices, if you think the west is bad, this market is bad plus 10 times


    lots of local investors have given up, that's why liquidity is an issue for many smaller stocks, yes many got burned in crypto, bad economy, and new tax on buy and sell which will happen soon, but the way market makers have taken control, especially since the stock exchange moved from near the US Embassy to next to the Chinese Embassy should tell all you need to know on how bad it could becone over the next 10 years and beyond, be vigilant

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  3. On 12/23/2022 at 7:33 PM, Neeranam said:

    I'd hazard a guess that the teller was Thai Chinese. 

    In my experience, they don't like us naturalized citizens.

    This case sounds like pure racism to me. 

    I had an issue at KTB, where they didn't believe my Thai ID was real, not helped by a Chinese Thai sitting next to me shouting out that she used to work at the MoI and farang can't become Thai. When I questioned her ethnicity, she said that Chinese can but definitely not farang! 

    I would tell her to go back to China as she is low trash

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  4. 2 minutes ago, nigelforbes said:

    You know full well what's being said. As if it would be up to the cashier whether or not to check the visa expiration date, that's so laughable as to be unfunny.

    Oh dear! we have quite a few trolls on this thread trying to mis-direct and claim everything is false, the only funny thing is you keep wasting your time, trying to mis-direct this thread, and somehow hold up the thai banking system and cashiers as exemplary staff that will always think of the customer first, and would never get involved in anti-foreign sentiment pushed by nationlist bank owners and an anti-western men in green regime

  5. 2 minutes ago, Posideon said:

    Well, of course they can copy whatever in the back and what does it matter? Now, if you are on overstay and they alert the cops == yeah, that's a problem but you wouldn't know until they were at your door.


    I actually could see that. Some bank-cop deal a bounty for overstayers.

    No, you trying to see in a completely different way, which is mis-directing people on this thread, no doubt scams happen at banks, but this isn't a scam, it's just giving low level cashiers who are more anti an excuse to copy more info than they are legally entitled too, as the bank admitted there was no rule to copy a visa page, and let the cashier decide, when some cashiers won't bother, it's just the extension of anti-foreign sentiment promoted by this men in green regime, same with some thais walking past a foreigner will quickky put on their face mask


    Not all cashiers will do it, some won't care, those that do, won't tell you, just copy the page without you knowing, point is, it's dangerous as these cashiers can barely be trusted to work in a bank let a lone know which is the correct extension date to find

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  6. 1 minute ago, Posideon said:

    Then you need to see the manager immediately even on overstay or whatever. #2 stop going to that branch as they have some seriously deluded bank tellers.


    I have one BKK bank branch that gives me grief. It really boils down to them being terrified of speaking English I think although they've done some inexcusably rude things to me as well like taking a Thai before me with no number while my number was next. I was pretty hot and when they saw I understood what they just did they sorted me pronto.


    Same bank I saw some guy wheel in a suitcase with 8M cash. Nothing to see here...move along ????

    Did you read my post, it mentions everything I did, including the manager etc etc



    and who cares about amount of cash, the numbers or notes of someones transaction has nothing to do with this topic


    this topic by the poster is to make people aware, as most won't know what they copy in the back room from your passport, that's the point

  7. 9 minutes ago, Posideon said:

    In all the years I've banked here I've never had a bank employee check my visa (status) let alone pass some judgement about whether I can complete a transaction. I don't see how a bank can deny access to your funds unless it is to ask you to close the account. Even 2010 backward while on TRs never happened. While I'm sure they could read non-o I doubt any really understand what the visa classes are about and fewer care. Just deposited 300k this week in dead center BKK, huge, busy branch. Did not even photocopy just wrote my pp# on the wd slip.




    Maybe this is a Pattaya thing? Cops in cahoots with bank to not enable overstates???? Still, I don't see how nor do I see a bank employee wanting to get in between you and your (money) lifeblood.

    The point is, when it happens mostly they don't say, just go in the back and photo copy the pages, without you knowing, I just used to watch them come back snd see what they copied to know they were doing it, it's doesn't mean every bank employee, but there are many more doing than before the men in green, and then maybe some of the more nationalist banks like mine begins with a large B, if other people are saying it happens, then there are making people aware

  8. 5 minutes ago, Posideon said:

    In all the years I've banked here I've never had a bank employee check my visa (status) let alone pass some judgement about whether I can complete a transaction. I don't see how a bank can deny access to your funds unless it is to ask you to close the account. Even 2010 backward while on TRs never happened. While I'm sure they could read non-o I doubt any really understand what the visa classes are about and fewer care. Just deposited 300k this week in dead center BKK, huge, busy branch. Did not even photocopy just wrote my pp# on the wd slip.

    No one is saying all the banks, the bank I mention is so far up the men in greens trousers, it's no surprise they try it on in this way, without any legal bank requirements to do so, that's why it's'up to the cashier'

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  9. 1 minute ago, nigelforbes said:

    You are wrong on this point

    Excuse but if that was my experience, who the hell are you to say its wrong, re-read where i explain the bank colleague told me ' no actual bank rule' up to the cashier, and it was B Bank, mall Bang kapi on the outside, so instead of trying to misdirect genuine info, you try to control it without any knowledge if the incident

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  10. 3 hours ago, BayArea said:

    The Chinese have been running "entertainment" businesses since they arrived in Siam in the 17th century. 

    And now you begin to investigate them??? ????

    This is a lie, Lavo Kingdom was in charge in the 17th Century which was Vedic and connected with the Safadyd Empire, Han China was nowhere close to Siam, and Europeans were more influencial than any small amount of Chinese traders. Only in the mid 1880's was the first major immigrant boat of Chinese coming to Siam, the next 140 years to now is how they assimilate, take over the business community, then governance, all while being the minority of the country

  11. 1 minute ago, arithai12 said:

    Thaksin is not an immigrant.

    By your same token, the majority of current USA, Australian, Canadian, S. Americans, and and and, should be considered not citizens but immigrants.

    If you want to imply that he is loyal to the land of his ancestors, then I remind you that the law to block foreigners from owning land is there also for the Chinese (perhaps, especially for them).


    He is a Chinese immigrant, his family are Chinese immigrants, they emigrated from a completely different country called China, different climate, different language, different cuisine, different skin color, different customs, even different budhism


    I repeat, are you saying a Chinese immigrant from 100 years ago can own land, but a Western immigrant from 50 years ago cannot?


    You say laws, well we all see the laws, didn't stop the Chinese immigrants buying land


    Did only Chinese immigrants in New York buy land, or were other immigrants like Irish and Italians able to buy land?


    See I hit a raw nerve with the Chinese, with facts, Chinese are immigrants like many other nationalities here, deal with it

  12. 10 minutes ago, Red Forever said:

    Thaksin said "I don't disagree with this concept" while talking about plans for foreigners to own land.

    Cue Aseannow posters falling over each other to shout hypocrisy and reminding us  of his family's Chinese origin.

    Jeez....the guy said he agrees ("I don't disagree") with the idea.

    Another false start for the predictable Thaksin haters.

    Whose hating the man? He is a Chinese immigrant


    Are you saying that only Chinese immigrants from 100 years ago can own land? but Western immigrants from the last 50 years cannot?


    I repeat Chinese immigrant is saying that other foreigner immigrants 'Shouldn't own land, only lease land, not fair to poor people'


    This land is not China, assimilating is what many immigrants around the world do, no different to Irish, Italian and Chinese immigrants in New York, are only Chinese immigrants allowed to own land in New York?


    If you want to protect a Chinese nationalist immigrant who owns land in Siam/Thailand, saying other immigrants cannot own land, well what more can I say, except when you take your head out, use some lubricant


  13. 8 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

    Many ethnic groups emigrated to Siam from native southeast Asia, Southern China and North East India. Government policies during the 1930s and 40s resulted in successful force assimilation of the many various ethno-liquistic groups in the country into the dominant Thai people, language and culture. Same as in Malaysia, Indonesia and Philippines. You seem to take a historic shortcut to make your point.   

    The Chinese man from Chinese immigrants is in the article in this thread, who is telling other immigrant foreigners, they shouldn't own any land, if it was a Malay/Thai saying the same thing, I would still question the immigrant in question


    Please learn about 2000 years history of these lands, not 100 years,


    Just for you


    A Chinese immigrant whose family came to settle from China over the last 140 years, has spoken out in the above article and said 'other immigrant foreigners should not own land but lease land, not fair to poor people'



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  14. geez, just watch the movie 'idiocracy' how humans have become low IQ, imagine not wanting babies to be born into this world, birds finding a safe place to have children, and idiot humans trying to find a way to kill, destroy or scare, wow, many bird specie's ancestors are dinosaurs, belong and lived on this planet more than any humans

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  15. 12 hours ago, Doonald said:

    Isn't there about to be a new 5 + 5 year visa for digital nomads etc coming out for just THB5k a year ? 

    You must be on the wrong thread, this is about letters and documentation needed for an extension, what you are doing is misdirecting the information wanted on this thread, and getting 10 year or 20 year visas is not exactly nomadic

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  16. On 6/3/2022 at 9:38 AM, Bert got kinky said:


    If you are overstay, don't go out of your way to break the law, especially in a very open and public display.


    That can be true, but also very, very strange how nearly all media stories by the regime, the foreigner is always on overstay, really strongly suspect that a lot of these stories are being hyped for effect by the regime

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  17. 10 hours ago, John Drake said:

    Yet another reason for the US to undertake reciprocal trade with Thailand. Erase the surplus in trade that Thailand currently has with the US. Increase the cost and time of inspecting Thai goods. Match tariffs. Prohibit Thai citizens from owning property or the majority stake in American businesses. Start with requiring Thai Union Group to give up control of Chicken of the Sea. Let Thailand march down the aisle with China and the massive trade deficit Thailand has with that country. 

    Exactly, all the chinese business owners hiding behind their chinese/thai ID's running the country with greedy generals, some of whom are also chinese like watchman, and signing contractual/legal thai-chinese agreements behinds 95% of non-chinese thai's backs, can go to hell


    all they do is help china avoid further sanctions, by using Thailand as a fake repackaging base center for goods, along with parking funds, and using Thailands international swift to exchange Yuan for foreign currencies,  whilst claiming trade seperately from China and the world and calling it made in Thailand


    until the 95% of non-chinese thai's rise up, and stop living under the thumb of the Chinese, the west should just turn the screws on the chinese businesses and generals, treat Thailand as a province of China, take Thailand of the swift system and sanction the greedy top layer of chinese/thais and generals


    until that happens and the people don't rise up,  and kick out the chinese invaders, it will just get worse


    to the point of merging the currency with Chinese Yuan, and most of the local thai societie's laws, will be just the same as laws in Beijing, it will be a controlling hell, not just for westerners but the 95% of thais who are not chinese, and treated like darker skin slaves in their own country

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