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Posts posted by humbug

  1. hi chuck

    on the boxs nvdr and ato and atc, ato is automatic opening and atc is automatic closing order prices, on nvdr that is the box you tick for when ordering and selling shares as a foreign resident, nvdr will be the one for which you will use in placing orders

    derrivative warrants are the same when it comes to buy or sell orders, you can openly trade these derriv warrants just as you can trade normal warrants and equities, the list is on the set


    just scroll down to the middle and you will see the list and on each deriv warrant on their news items you can check the expiry dates which is also very important, most will be expiring in november abd december, and maybe 5-6 will be expiring in feb.

    at the moment their isnt much downside protection in the case of put derrivatives, at the moment theirs only one put option and thats ivl01pa, all the other are calls so only work on the upside of the equity.

  2. i post my own experience, i belive this that trading or investing is 90% the psychology of each individual and 10% the hard work or research, info etc of the individual

    and today or the last few trading days the gains and activity has been mostly away from 3g, and really there are so few stocks involved in the 3g that it doesnt really affect the market anymore, when you have this little tid bit or that tidbit of news about tot or whatever then if you look closely then you will see that stocks away from 3g are the leaders of this market.

    the derrivative warrants, thats just if you think ptt stock will go up then you can also trade ptt13cb and ptt13cc which are the underlying derrivative warrants for example, so if pptt goes from 291 to 293 then ptt13cb and ptt13cc will go say from 320 to 360 etc, just more returns on the upside and if you think ptt will go down then heavy losses on the downside, the one aspect of derrivs trading is as they get closer to their expiry date then thier prices plummit as no one will hold to convert into actual shares, thats not always the case with normal warrants, and derrivs have a shorter expiry dates maybe 6 months etc., so say ptt13cc is expiry 10 dec, then in november start to be very careful of trading and maybe stop trading alltogether as its only 4-6 weeks away from its expiry date etc.


  3. what are you talking about? in what way do i mention anything about true in my post or even 3g?

    3g news is old news

    3g news is not the only news to keep the set dynamics working, if you noticed the last couple weeks, its been all about energy and banking and their underlying derrivative warrants, so i have no idea why you want to talk about true or 3g, when the set at the moment for every correction or intraday correction is just another reason to reload

    advanc has been moving mainly on the special dividend it is rumoured it will pay if 3g is not up and running this year

    like i keep saying its a real stampede going on in the derrivative warrants, maybe they will tire and allow some of the money to flow back into the small cap leaders from before, so we shall see in every trading day what will happen

  4. i dont know what sort of correction people are waiting or being patient for on the set, if there is going to be a deep correction then maybe it needs someone to pass away because at the moment any sort of mini correction is just an excuse to reload, now i have no idea how high or how low the set can go from here but every trading day is just full of new leaders, or sector leaders, or small then large cap leaders, and the last couple weeks i have been trading every day derivative warrants on ptt, banpu, tta, ivl, i did notice this afternoon a few small caps from a month ago who were leaders having their moment, whether that means they will be the new leaders into the end of the week or if it its just big caps and their deriv warrants, either way i am not going be patient or stay on the sidelines too much, as i am enjoynig this stampede on the big caps deriv warrants., for the moment anyway, it could be that some of the deriv warranst are tiring, which would then allow some of the small caps from before their moment in the spotlight, but anyhow, i take every day as it comes

  5. it hard to call where any correction will take place, i suppose i am just riding out within each day trading and making sure that i lock in profits without being too greedy just in case anyone of the stocks turns south, i do think that those small to mid caps which are hardly moving would be because most of the money has moved to the speculative derrivative warrants, the last week has just seen so much money go into these derrivative warrants its becoming a stampede

  6. great last couple days, i also just sold banpu but banp13cb the derivitave warrant, i have left ptt13cc till the morning as it may move a little further early on, shame that its really only a bluechip rally, many mid caps and small caps are just drifting

    trying to get my head around the ivl movement prices for the new negative derivitave ivl01pa as ivl stock price declines the warrant increases, so maybe if they are any corrections i can switch into this stock, bit of a trial for the set this type of stock, i dont know if they ever had a negative derivative on the set before and certainly a trial run for me

  7. the set took such a batterring last week with 2 days of crazy rumours and then friday for telcos, it relly feels subdued, even a few brokers were saying the small caps will take over again to be markets leaders, well lets see, because even that looks unlikly for the time being with the atmosphere hanging over the set, i do hope the next few days it can brush away this flat postion

  8. if they do introduce capita gains they will be a shock reaction for a while, but i cant see it be anything more than a token gesture, something on the lines of what china introduced, they introduced a capital gains tax of .1 percent a couple of years ago, if thailand copies china rate then all that will happen as the broker commisions are reduced in its place would be the capital gains tax, which would be like an added comm charge every time you buy and sell.

    for the time being though all the talk is only talk and its just a few guys trying to look good for the masses, probably the same kind of guys who think its ok to murder the masses if they dont agree to facism

    i changed my stocks from small caps to derrivitave warrants on the energy sector and its working very well, it seems alot of the small caps are just lying there drifting and the energy stocks are just pounding away, today i just sold ptt13cc, looking at banp13cb and pttc13ca and seeing if i can look at mini-selloffs to pick up on the momentum trading, if ptt13cc has a nice selloff during the late afternoon i might jump back

  9. I was on the sidelines last week thinking somehow the market would be weak but it surprised even with a 2 day holiday, i was waiting to enter on price for bland-w2 at 0.17 and waiting for cgd-w2 to move down, this week i couldnt pick up bland-w2 at 0.17, nearest was 0.18 so i targeted cgd-w2 which had a fall and bought on monday at .56 it then slid down the next day to a low of 0.44 and finished the day at 0.53 today it is making a small profit after finishing the day at 0.60, so i will looking at certain factors friday to either sell or hold on to monday

    ipos on opening days are a hard one to summarize, i always try to wait for the dust to settle down on new stocks, let the craziness wear off a little before making a decision, i got burned on tpoly, the stock dropped on its first day and continued to drop for 3 days, whereas i bought in at a very low price thinking great, and then suddenly it became news that the brokers behind the ipo were dumping all their left over holdings in the stock at crazy low prices, i cant remember the broker name, but to this day tpoly has never been able to shake of that incident and its price is still hovering around 2 baht ever since.

    but this market just keeps on surpising, i just rather stay patient and nimble and hope that there are some corrections so i can pick up stocks for a longer hold, than just short term speculation, today was very surpising to see the set come close to 900 points

  10. thats great, i agree if you have found reliable and great information sources, then thats a thousand times better than some of the daily reasearch papers

    this year, i far removed from broker research, i am trading warrants, at the moment cgd-w2 and bland-w2, i was looking at cgd-w1 today but it looked a little top heavy on the bid-offer prices,like they wanted to take down the price a few notches before brining it back up, i was also looking at ukem's fall, not a bad stock and warrant, but i decided to keep on with cgd-w2, risky, specualtive but none the less this is what i feel most confident in trading at the moment for myself, but in all honestly i would actually rather sit on the sidelines this week like last week as some of the small-mid cap leader stocks are looking very tired, but as you mentioned on an older thread in another post, when the thai retail investors are in full force the set can really buck the worldwide trend and work on its own dynamics

    one aspect of the set, is at 4.30pm the tally of the final price which can be seen say at 4,40pm, now if the bid offer are 10-11 baht, and no-one has even managed to finalise a trade at say 9 or 12 baht, but sometimes after the final tally at 4.40pm the stock might finish at 9 or even 12 baht a share even though through the whole days trading no-one has bought or sold the same stock at these prices, this is for me the most confusing aspect of the SET.

  11. abrak

    bualuang is shocking with their research, recently i had to argue with one of their research specialists to update the warrant table, as it was out of date, misleading and the ratios on a few warrants were incorrect, yes sometimes they have stocks which might susprise people, but so do country group securities and finansia, also thanacharts early bird has some great daily technicals which invariably are very on the mark and far east securties used to have some great daily papers in english and thai but now the english ones have been removed but boy oh boy were they good

    but if i were to start all over again, i would pick phatra in a heart beat, as it gives a good sounding on research compared to the others yes a little stuffy but good research none the less, and then after a while naturally investors will always find their own feet and trade with their own research

    thaistocks, i have a feeling they have similar research to bualuang, could be wrong, but it wouldnt surprise me on the mid cap stocks anyway, they could be connected some how, but i am not certain

    from the international brokers, i always liked to read clsa research on thailand

    but in the end the only way to decide is to go to each headoffice and talk to those involved and see what one feels before opening an account, i feel thats always the best way

  12. i use bualuang, but i have to say the research at phatra is the best, i chose bualuang as i mostly perform my own research and also i find it a little more personel but whenever i read phatra research papers whether on the economy or certain stocks they certainly have a better handle of the situation than most of the other brokers

    Humbug what are the other pros and cons between bualuang and phatra other than the reserach.

    For me research is the main difference,

    they would be small intricate differences, ie minimum requirement to start an account, maybe phatra has a two tier way of personel service, whereas bualuang has the same service if you put in 100k or 1 million etc

    phatra has less offices if you are inclined sometimes to visit the one of the branches and sit in front of the large electronic boards and and use one of the terminals

    money transfers, each broker has different ways of dealing, some online, some through email confirmations etc bualuang is through email confirmation , unsure of phatras stance

  13. i am not really looking at the points total on the set, just looking at the major drivers of this market, the thai retail investors at the moment, there are not letting up in any way, just when you thought that maybe just maybe they might sell of a little into the early weekend they actually started to pick up again into a strong finish for mid-small caps, it seems it would need a major correction for the rest of the week around the world for thais to sell a little more or just tire a little and let some stocks recapture their impitus, next week will be extremely interesting for the set, still some of the small-mid caps leaders are starting to tire at certain price points already so thats what i will be looking at whether to wait or see if they pick up another leg of steam and join in next week or still wait on the sidelines and pick up the prices i am looking for

  14. i thought that after the initial introduction and then the beaurcratic nationalist facists then took away all the property and land rights for these kind of schemes that thai longstay still is in business and issues yearly visas for those that qualify and are aged over 50, the TAT own it a long with the old traffic corner company listed on the set which has now changed names to MPIC a movie production company for major, so i am sure thai loongstay would find it difficult to attract a multitute of customers because of the competition with being able to have a visa for 50's yourself

    a scam is when you pay for a year visa and not receive it so the op is wrong in his description, the thai longstay just would have less customers as it issues visas with the immigration department but those same visas can be had by indivuals by themsleves at various different prices, thats not a scam you recieve something that you are paying

    and i dont have a thai longstay visa either , just thought the words scam are way over the top for this topic

  15. paradise i went to yesterday, still 40% unfinished, the cinema is open for those that asked earlier, and i haveto say as a shopping centre for me better than paragon, some of the seating arrangements in the isles are just superb and the quality of shops is good, just needs to be fully finished as even the air quality inside the building is still poor right now

  16. i actually kept on the sidelines this week, thinking that maybe 2-3 more % would be shaved of the thai market, with 2 days holiday and weakness in most markets in europe, us and asis, but this thai market is showing that thais are not ready to sell of in any large way, 1-2 % down and they quickly scoop it up again with the mid-small caps, still i think on my part this week its better to watch and wait if there is a continued sell of in the world markets, the thai market will have to react on monday in my mind, or if no major world market corrections then next week will be much the same as this week

    if the market doesnt have a small correction next week then i will continue to stay on the sidelines, i tried to pick up bland-w2 at 0.17 and cgd-w1 at 0.23 , but the market normally closing starts to sell off in dramatic fashion for these kind of stocks but actually this afternoon there was strong momemtum in these stocks so couldnt get these prices, lets see what monday brings

  17. yes i am sure

    i read many months ago the same stories on evaluating TPC and a similar story popped up again a few weeks ago saying the new evaluation will be completed in 3 months, now the only thing it can be is the papers up to their old tricks on this subject with re-hashing old stories mixing and reporting it every 3 months, or that they have brought in new evaluators to see what they can do etc

  18. i read in the last few weeks in the business section, i forget which paper, that they were having a financial organisation to evaluate TPC and their results would take a minimum of 3 months, after which they would look to see if they can sell or put it into the hands of TAT

    so maybe this drawn out process will be drawn out even further into the end of the year, with maybe more delays and then if any new elections arise then the process will be put on hold ,

  19. your above post ray is a little confusing so i will try and make it more confusing

    if you have warrants then when they are issued on the market, i havnt seen demco's latest warrants yet, then the first few weeks of trading always offer good volumes and specualtion, especially on the first day of trade, the key here is to decide whether to sell the warrants at a high price and buy back later when people no longer view the new demco warrants as the latest fashion craze, if the exercise price is 2.70 and the equity price is 4.80 then maybe on the first day the warrants might hit 3-3.50 a share and then over the coming week might settle at around 2.50-2.80 a warrant, warrants are good for specualtion, if you think the equity has a chance to break again the 5 baht barrier and move up towards 6 and 7 baht, then hold on to the warrants because their worth will become 5-5.50 baht a warrant on the set, but because this is your said advisors recomendation, then better ask what price targets they have for demco over the next 12 months, if your advisors feel the demco price will move to 6-7 baht then keep the warrants, but if your advisors feel that the demco is stuck at these prices of 4-5 baht then look to sell the warrants

  20. if ray you are still holding demco you must be more than happy today up 15%, are your warrants due 10 august or something then all around a good hold for you and looking good

    alot of the small-mid caps are flourishing as leaders etc at the moment as abrak has noted when the retail investors come in these stocks do very well, anyone notice the dive in slc and slc-w1 maybe it was a margin call having to sell, or could be some news that is in thai that we dont know, either way there is a risk following thai retail investors on small caps, when those margins come calling those stocks can tank for 1-2 or even 3 days

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