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Posts posted by humbug

  1. my previous post wasnt at all trying to be arguementative or trying to insult, blah blah was just tongue in cheek, maybe you got the wrong end of the stick, i just didnt understand the abhrasaive terms of green technology, demco is not a dirty word, quite a few brokers recomend demco in fact some have a price target 6-7 baht, maybe demco has been stuck around 4-5 baht because of the issue of warrants, so maybe once the warrants issued it can then try to break through the 5 baht barrier or maybe it will stay in this 4-5 baht range, but who really knows what will happen

    the warrants aspect was also not to offend, but to show that many small caps on the set issue warrants, recently demco had demco-w1 and demco-w2, if i recall demco-w1 wasnt a success not all of the warrants were exercised, demco-w2 was a success nearly all of the warrants were excercised

    of course you can sell warrants, i have traded warrants when i specualate on the thai bourse, i am currently holding cgd-w1 bought at .24 and at the moment .26, its just been so sideways the market recently so i havnt sold yet,

    so once again i think you maybe took my previous post too seriously and reacted, it really wasnt the intention of that post to pick any bar room brawls

  2. there has been plenty of stocks with listing of new warrants recently on the set, twz, slc, tapac to name but a few usually warrant offerings for small caps are just a way for the companies managment and owners to have free money to be awarded millions of warrants etc, that is not a surpise

    green energy blah blah you refer to could well be demco, wind turbine electrical company etc, likes to offer many warrants etc

  3. they can always throw in poisonous food for the dogs before they burgle again, dogs is not always the answer

    i too lived in the phayonthoin area,aree area, soi 5, now i moved and many homes have high walls, not every house has dogs, most have the barbed wire coils at the top of the walls which seems a better deterrent, some sois had a far higher rate of burgalry, i think soi 5 had maybe 1 attempt a year, soi 4 had 3-4 attempts a year, aree sampan near by just had far higher rates of burgalry, its just based on how quite the soi, how few passers by, etc, its not always about skin the white pig, thais living in homes without any security guards have the same problems , you can request the police to come and check your house every evening, they will come and sign a book at your gates, the fee is small you can have a thai friend ask the local police station about this service, i saw many houses in the area have this service, i am not saying it will a huge deterrent but every little bit helps when you live in these kind of homes in bangkok

    also lighting, try and have bright lights on the tops of the walls, this also acts as a detterrent, illumination is not what gurglars want, lights, high walls, barbed wire coils, police signing the gate book every evening, it all helps.

    i would also add in the sois the homes with lights on the walls, high walls with barbed wire and book signings by police to my knowledge were never burgeled in the 3 years i lived there,

  4. expatj, yes sc is a fantastic company, has some great projects, makes some great year on year profits and pays good dividends, just the downside is the political overtures by these facists in power, i suppose thats life, a shame as its certainly one of the better well run property frims out there, with a share price greatly lagging due to politics but also very possibly the share price will continue to lag even with bumper profits.

    abrak, i cant remember if true pays a dividend, but i seem to recall the last re-arrangment of debts on true with using shares and dilution affects to pay back debts, i cant remember all the dynamics, i am not agreat watcher of true info, but i do recall that almost all were predicting another tumble in the share price in the futture due as a result of another round of debt restructering and as you have pointed out a corporation who have little time or care for retail investors when it comes to share prices, i seem to recall that true share prices always have a great run with the run up to academy fantasia and during the show also

    Yes, agree about SC- price is lagging alot- infact its the only 'value' stock (as above to growth stock) in my portfolio- i chose it because it is so under valued (plus has good dividends)- but its stayed pretty much at the same price since i bought 2 months ago.

    TRUE hasnt paid dividends for some time..i bought 330,000 shares last week at 2.92 and today it hit 3.12- only a 2 satang increase but that's 6% up and a 66,000 baht profit. Im not sure whether to sell now and take that very good profit or to hold on.....thats the good news.

    Bad news is I bought SSF foods last month for the good dividend payment (9% if i recall) but its since dropped 30%!! Slowly creeping up, but i think ill have to hold on for a few months until it breaks even.

    this week was very sideways for me, maybe the silly season is back with the junta government playing games on the market, this is the second time in 4 years thy have tried to purchase thaicom

  5. expatj, yes sc is a fantastic company, has some great projects, makes some great year on year profits and pays good dividends, just the downside is the political overtures by these facists in power, i suppose thats life, a shame as its certainly one of the better well run property frims out there, with a share price greatly lagging due to politics but also very possibly the share price will continue to lag even with bumper profits.

    abrak, i cant remember if true pays a dividend, but i seem to recall the last re-arrangment of debts on true with using shares and dilution affects to pay back debts, i cant remember all the dynamics, i am not agreat watcher of true info, but i do recall that almost all were predicting another tumble in the share price in the futture due as a result of another round of debt restructering and as you have pointed out a corporation who have little time or care for retail investors when it comes to share prices, i seem to recall that true share prices always have a great run with the run up to academy fantasia and during the show also

  6. ray, maybe you invested in sst or sst-w1, or cwt and cwt-w1, jmart, etc those stocks have seen great rises recently to attain the 89% gain, i stupidly sold out of sst-w1 at a 6% gain thinking thats ok and since seeing it rise on another 50%, i then moved those profits into cgd-w1 only to see it go sideways, it is why i just cannot rely on short term trading, too many unforseeables and my decision making can never concentrate daily to acheive maximum affect,. i try it now and again, and never truely been that successful, medium term holds i have been successful and can judge better a decision on price execution and exit, everyone is different , and for those who can concentrate daily i am sure they can reap the rewards

  7. i mentioned tta on my last post

    tta breaks even from my understanding at around 3000 bdi, someone else could kindly say what psl bdi break even price is to compare the 2 , tta has diversified as i and a few others have mentioned, how this affects the break even target along the bdi index is currently unknown as those tdiversified ransactions have been recent, pre-crisis many new ships in asia were ordered, and now coming on line so this is another heavy weight around the bdi index.

    true, sounds short-medium term speculation so good luck hope it makes a tidy profit, not too sure personally i would look longterm as true every now and again will have to sell large blocks of shares at discounts to institutions to help pay back the huge debts it currently maintains, share price dilution longterm on true is a major threat and certainly a major disadvantage to longterm investors on that stock,

  8. i disagree with abraks analysis on shipping when saying there are less ships around, my understanding pre-crisis, many more ships were ordered and now in operation in asia, even though less investment around now, that wasnt the case pre-crisis, so shipping rates are being kept at around 3000 for this reason, tta breaks even at anything over 3000 for the bdi index, and for this reason tta has expanded into resources buying a petoleum distributer in phillipines and a coal mining distributer listed on the set called ums, long term tta for me is the better stock compared to psl, but that again this is what personnel decisions are for, it is such an individual decision making process the stock market that all of us can disagree on many issues and be right or wrong.

    the dividend issue, well i think most brokers have dividend tables going back a few years so you can compare increases year on year, see when they usually pay etc, and work out by studying those tables which stocks are on a upward bias for dividends etc

  9. the question about the 30% rule, thats something put in place for forced selling and extreme specualtion, it is also the way many thais when specualting in certain bankrupt stocks or so called fashionable stocks lose a small fortune, as everyone is clammering to the exit doors and then the 30% down has been reached, and you just cant sell as no one is willing to buy even at 30% down then the next trading day they are so many sellers it happens again, its one of the reasons you should always stay away from those kind of stocks

    daytrading on the set i also find highly speculative as the hours of the set place it in a vulnerable position in the afternoons when the european markets open, who knows what news might come out and if the set will react and then any gains from the morning might evaporate into losses whereby you might have to wait for a couple of days to then sell at a small gain, so i always stay way from day trading on the set for that reason

  10. Ray,

    I was invited by to a dinner by Bualuang Securities the other evening which was hosted by Khun Chaiyaporn Nompitakcharoen.

    Khun Chaiyaporn is Vice President of Bualuang Securities Research Group and I was actually impressed by their honesty because they didn't try to ' spin ' things ! He advised us that for next 6 months people should be careful about investing in the SET and that things are expected to just go mainly " sideways " for now

    but with an increased risk to exposure. He also showed us lots of graphs and charts to support this view.

    There was also a very knowledgeable Japanese gentleman on my table who seemed to be a very active trader but even so he said was mindful of an apparent warning made by someone else in the finance world ( didn't get the chance to ask who ! ) who recently predicted SET could dip down to as low as 550 but I noticed even Khun Chaiyaporn was also well aware of this prediction.

    yes i agree with those sentiments, bualuang do think after june could see a downward movement, not to sure about 550, but well thats what predictions are for guesswork.

    and i use bualuang, the vice president of new business is fantastic, the one problem i find is that bualuang are not the greatest of payers to their staff and the turnover is high, one of the biggest recruiters of their staff is standard chartered, but the service has been excellent so far, even though i have my 5th account operator in 5 years.

  11. good for you

    in this environment, the small stocks with great year on year profit gains and dividends with low volumes have been the standouts recently, you dont need a million dollars to make a fair few baht trading those kind of stocks, just look at the derivitave warrant of banpu up and down recently by 60% but the volumes are 50k baht a time, look at cwt, doubled recently, volumes around 50k a time, great fundamentals, great profits and great returns on low volumes, far better at the moment that the big cap stocks

    i always find for me the decision making process is so individual, and i have realised its so much about the mind and what frame of mind youre in to make those decisions, i try to blank my mind of outside noises of personal things or life things so i can be truely confident of executing a certain decision trading or investing, nobodyelse can teach you that

  12. 15k for cleaning the house is a scam, the garden well everyones just guessing to the damage done, because we havnt seen the garden, but unless your dog has become a garden buldozer vehicle and has somehow destroyed paving stovens, removed all known grass and plants and hedges then i think 27k seems to be extreem/borderline scam

    seems your landlady never had any intention of repaying your deposit, shes just making up numbers to come close to the 60k deposit you have with her, its also why most thais when they rent pay a depsoit upfront under the priviso that they dont pay the last reamaining 2 months of the contract, but during the contract signing they decide how much electricity and water will be owed on the final month and agree a rough amount and pay that bill at the start of the contract, therefore when the contracts up they move out without any future bills to pay, its also the reason when thais move out that they dont care for the mess they leave behindthe filth they leave behind

    we foreigners are way to polite and too fair, and the thais know this, especially with rented property in the 15k-30k and beyond mark

  13. why you want to buy thai property

    2003-2005 was the perfect storm for thai property, when that happens again who knows

    but buying thai property now is like dead money, whose going buy it of you nowadays

    theres no longer the risk premium here as before because of the expanding thai stockmarket, the thai stockmarket is in limbo and so are the property

    the prices charged are wishful thinking trying a scam to keep prices skyhigh to give an insane impression especially in bangkok that everyhting is a ok, well its not and that thai property is highly speculative now, so best to invest what you can afford to lose

  14. well it depends if many of the big fiancial institutions decided bangkok is no longer a place to park money for financial executions in asia. if that sentiment deteriates then for sure you will see the results in the forex markets for the baht, for sure 2006 loonytoons by the thai narmy started the deteriation, and now it just depends on whether there will be a stable democratic outlook away from millitary rule if thats the case i am sure the larger institutions will start again to park their money in bangkok for inter asian transactions and then you will see the baht move in a different angle

  15. trading and opening accounts in thailand is very simple

    but dont follow the thais who invest in speculative and bankrupt stocks, yes there volatility is sometimes 10% 20% 50% in a day, and most thais will always look out for these stocks, but very quickly it turns to tears as suddenly there are huge marging forced sales and within a matter a days the stock drops by 90% and because of the daily floor limits you just cannot sell, thats is the majority of why thais lose so much on the thai markets,

    there are plently of good growth stocks in good sectors like food and resources paying good solid longterm dividends, the thai market does pay is some instance very attractive dividends

    the platforms are very simple, they use java and the news flows are ok, most is in thai so no need to worry and also the thai news flows are by the post and manager 2 of the worst for corrupt and bad news, for free english daily research papers, there isnt much only really kimeng which is a little to flowery in its a sssessment

    phatra has always been noted for its excellent research and bualuang is ok a little better than kimeng but not as good as phatra's research

  16. no specific rules on the thai market, very very simple

    any tax will be deducted before it reaches your account, in an individuals case this would be only for dividends as an individual which is currently 10% as an individual trading on thai stocks there are no capital gains tax in thailand

    there are also no need for work permits to trade as an individual, sorry to dissapoint some, who want anything so menia to be branded as illegal as you dont have a work permit, trading stocks as an individual is not classed as any form of a job, if it were, you would be taxed at source on all your earnings by the exchange which you are not

    trading stocks by an individual is treated as a risk and as such using your savings as investment is not treated a s a job therefore no need to have any specific visas to trade thai stocks

  17. i have a billion router through true, and i am sure its half the problem on why the internet speeds are slow

    the cslox info corporate package, yes expensive but was the the bees and knees a while back, i dont know if that changed or just their retail packages for individuals are bad as someone else mentioned

  18. hi

    those who have been to baan sabai sabai/ottos, where exactly is it?

    its sounds a little confusing for me, if i come down udom suk towards srinakarin road, the last 2 numbered sois are soi 60 and opposite soi 53, are these the right sois to turn into, or do i have to cross over the junction of srinakarin to carry straight on when the road changes from udom suk into a different name and then look for the first turning?

    Hi Humbug,

    I think these are two different places, there is a pizza place called Ottos on Sri Nakharin Road. Baan Sabai Sabai is where I went last night. If you are coming along Udom Suk from Sukhumvit towards Sri Nakharin you have to cross Sri Nakharin and take the first soi on the left, which according to their business card is called Chaloemprakiat Soi 1. Baan Sabai Sabai is a couple of hundred meters down there on the left opposite the Bangkok Bank Sports Club. There is a signpost to the Bangkok Bank Sports Club at the mouth of the soi.

    The owner is a German guy called Andy, there are two phone numbers on the card: 081 551 1810 and 085 111 6665.

    Hope this helps!

    yes, it helps alot, great directions and contacts, thankyou for that

    really appreciate it

  19. hi

    those who have been to baan sabai sabai/ottos, where exactly is it?

    its sounds a little confusing for me, if i come down udom suk towards srinakarin road, the last 2 numbered sois are soi 60 and opposite soi 53, are these the right sois to turn into, or do i have to cross over the junction of srinakarin to carry straight on when the road changes from udom suk into a different name and then look for the first turning?

  20. hi guys ottos/sabai sabai

    if i turn from srin into udom suk then along udom suk on the left there is soi 60 and opposite its 53, where is the best way to go there, there is quite alot of construction around the udom suk/srin way that its difficult for directions, so ottos is down soi 60, right? or am i completely lost

  21. from victory monument, your nearest tesco lotus is fortune tower, on the corner of ratchada, basically down the road going past din daeng from victory monument, about 5o baht in a taxi in non-rushour traffic

  22. Checking loyalty at these times seems like a prudent measure given all the political heat, pending the Thaksin verdict, but personally I dont think we'll see a coup... after all the army previously sided against Thaksin. If Thaksin didn't have enough clout to prevent or get forewarning about the coup which ousted him, I can not see how is he going to find enough now to get rid of the Dems.

    Now whilst he can probably still find some support with a few old generals and probably a fair few within the ranks, the current government would have seen this type of move coming along time ago, hence the checks and public flogging of the 'rogue general'.

    I also don't believe that the Army want to seize power for themselves, they did such a terrible job of it last time.

    All these rumours are I think just that, rumours, designed to cause further uncertainty and pressure on the government ahead of the verdict.

    Caution : wild speculation ahead..

    There's a part of me which also suspects that the protests at Mathaphut have Thaksin's fingerprints on them too... which by the way I think are correct to a point. I truly believe that tighter environmental control regulations are needed in this country and whilst they are in place, not having a government agency setup to handle those approvals, shine a big glaring spotlight on government ineptitude for all the world to see, placing further pressure on the govt. If that wasn't enough, once that was handled, we then see that same group trying to further stall the approval process, questioning the legality of setting up the agency under the office of the PM so as to speed this through.

    This, to me, hints at something deeper going on, if the group wants these projects to abide by the regulations why stall them? What's in it for them? The timing is just a little too convenient.

    I am only replying to the part of Mathaphut, are you serious, you think this has thaksins fingerprints, you either been reading too many conspiracy theories or finally you have cracked over the last few years due to the barrage of misinformation and propaganda eminating from this very paranoid regime,

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