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Everything posted by ravip

  1. Jokes apart, quite a bit of truth in this!
  2. I used to do 8 pm to bed and up at 4.30 am and do a run/walk or a bike ride for about 2 hours. But with the rainy season, stopped it and have not started for a couple of months now! Laziness have set in!!! Agree - Best part of the day is from 5-8 am.
  3. Hope this is of some help: https://www.thaigardendesign.com/product-category/pebbles-rocks-stones/ https://www.stonecontact.com/products-930690/river-pebbles
  4. Comparatively, in a similar incident, Thai Lion refunded 100% without any hassel.
  5. You mean to say, you by passed your bank (card issuer) and claimed from Visa direct?
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