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Everything posted by ravip

  1. My TGF got an OZ visa last April without any problem. Applied online on her own (I helped her with the English). Yes, she had to do the bio-metrics and soon after, almost immediately the visa arrived. Just for your info: Her daughter was in OZ at that time and my TGF works for the Thai Government, and received a letter from her office. If I remember right, it took less than a month. I don't know why you would need an agent and the additional expenses. If she provides all the documents, that's it (how it worked for us). Add This was her first visit to OZ
  2. What, with airlines reducing carryon weight, people are travelling light. Can't blame them.
  3. Are the entire interest accrued on a savings account taxable? Is there no tax free amount?
  4. A bad dog is just as much a pest as a rat IMO. Agree 100%. I would also add, that the dogs behaviour tells a lot about it's owner. The owner of the dog should make sure the animal is well trained or kept securely in his own premises. Incessant barking is also a curse to the neighbourhood. By the way, what was the reason for the poisoning? And why was the man scared if the animals were in your premises?
  5. What does that say about the mind set of this forum I wonder. It is just a handful of people who rocks the boat with their arrogance, and a few of their obedient followers who follow them singing hosannas..
  6. Lovely reasoning. Should get it included in the law books internationally .
  7. Okay. So according to you she deserves it. Big...???
  8. Idiots are born in every country. Just that the Idiots accuse others, rather than themselves. Don't we see that often, here?
  9. A lot depends on the accordion player,where the quality of the music is concerned.
  10. Agree. Our Stiebel Eltron has also been working for over 15 years. Having said that, one thing to keep in mind is that new products are not made to last a long time IMHO.
  11. This seems to have automatic water pressure sensing and a ground inspection system. Did you check what it's minimum requirements are? Just a thought... Failing all, email Thoshiba Thailand. Most times these companies are helpful, I have experienced.
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