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Everything posted by ravip

  1. You are 100% correct when you say :Seems my posts have hit a nerve and stirred up some of your insecurities. Your response proves it, nice.
  2. Here are some places https://www.tops.co.th/en/lipton-yellow-label-tea-2g-pack-25sachets-8888086021001 https://shop.villamarket.com/product/246957
  3. TBH You can add any nationality, and yet your statement will be correct - ripped off by _______ women. Majority of Thai families I've come across and observed lead normal lives as any other. Too many stories of knives being used, assaults, police involvement and similar to list here. - in any country, people getting involved with this type of behavior are the exception. The issue is, all women working in the bar atmosphere, we cannot say are the normal. Most foreigners find their mates in the bars, as that is the quickest and easiest. So, having trouble later on is nothing unusual, IMHO. In general, I've found Thai people (compared to some foreigners) to be exceptionally tolerant and very courteous. It always will depend whom you associate with. Generalizing all Thai women is not right.
  4. So? All these issues with foreign men going berserk are entirely due to Thai wife, Thai people & Thailand itself? Would be great if you could describe this in detail, so that people intending to come to Thailand will be fore warned. I hope, you are not heading down the same path?
  5. I did cut sugar out of my diet - does that include fruits?
  6. Sometimes, some people like to criticize for the sake of criticising. .
  7. You are absolutely right. BP changes very rapidly according to circumstances. Having said that, there are accepted 'rules' to observe, before taking your blood pressure, for a reliable reading. For example, relax and be seated on a firm chair with your feet flat on the floor and your arm resting on a table so it's level with your heart. Not to measure right after a meal, consuming alcohol, or after a heavy workout. You should make sure you're resting and not feeling anxious or stressed. Ensure you purchase a reliable BP meter that is clinically validated. By regularly monitoring your BP I think you can avoid sudden unpleasant surprises IMHO. Speak to a medical professional, he/she will explain things to you very much better than what I have written here. Measure Your Blood Pressure
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