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Everything posted by ravip

  1. I was in a bar last night and saw a cute woman sitting alone. I walked over, said “hi” and asked her “what is your name?” “Chantelle” she said “Oh, I wish you would” I replied.
  2. Good strippers need either cunning stunts. Or stunning...
  3. A Cunning Wife and a Usual Husband... Wife: Listen, shall we go to the Circus ? Husband : No..... I'm busy.. Wife : It seems there's a Girl riding on a Lion without clothes ! Husband : You have become very stubborn. In everything you want to be stubborn . Okay, let's go. Anyway I've not seen a Lion for a long time ….!!!!! The rest of the story ... Husband & Wife went to the Circus. Husband even bought Front Row Seats. Lion show started... and also got over. But No Girl without Clothes. Soon, the entire Circus show was over... Husband : You told me there is a show where a girl comes without clothes? Wife : I said a Lion without Clothes, not Girl. (I swear you will read it again)
  4. Two Scottish women are visiting Canada.. When they come across a skunk. “Ahh look a’this wee thing, it’s well cute!” “Aye a know but leave it be” “No but I think I wantit like yoo know as a pet” “Y’canny be serious lass?” “I’m taking it home wimme!” “What on the plane an all?” “Aye” “Ach, where y’gonna put it?” “Down me pants?” “Aye ok, but what about the smell?” “Ah well, if it dies it dies”
  5. Here are some tips that some of us might find useful...
  6. I met a surgeon who named his son Naïf (pronounced Knife). I said what an apt name! Then I came to know the following: 1. Lawyer’s daughter Sue. 2. Radiologist’s son Ray. 3. Ophthalmologist’s daughter Iris. 4. Florist’s daughter Rose. 5. Mechanic’s son Jack. 6. Archaeologist’s son Doug. 7. Thief’s son Rob. 8. Gymnast’s son Jim. 9. Jeweler’s twin daughters Ruby and Pearl. 10. Ornithologist’s son Robin. 11. Orthopedician’s son Boney. 12. Barber’s son Harry. 13. Solicitor’s son Will. 14. Accountant’s son Bill. 15. Horticulturist’s daughter Ivy. 16. Gardener’s son Pete. 17. Monarch’s son Prince. 18. Dramatist’s daughter Oprah. 19. Sanitation engineer’s son John. 20. Highway engineer’s son Miles. 21. Dietitian’s daughter Olive. 22. Actor’s son Oscar.
  7. Want to know how to fit 71 people in the car? 2 in the front while we handle 69 in the back.
  8. So, it seems Windows 10 will slowly get into the background with the arrival of Windows 11. Has anyone installed same? From where did you get the ISO file? Thought of doing a fresh installation of Windows 11 on a dual boot hard drive as I dont want to upgrade my Windows 10, as yet. Always good to try out the new release and keep abreast IMHO.
  9. Once Ishwarchandra Vidyasagar, Bengali poet and scholar, jokingly asked Michael Madhusudhan Dutt, an Anglophile poet of great repute; “As you are a Master in English, can you make a sentence without using a single 'E'?" Dutt, the genius, wrote this: "I doubt I can. It’s a major part of many many words. Omitting it is as hard as making muffins without flour. It’s as hard as spitting without saliva, napping without a pillow, driving a train without tracks, sailing to Russia without a boat, washing your hands without soap. And, anyway, what would I gain? An award? A cash bonus? Bragging rights? Why should I strain my brain? It’s not worth it."
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