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Everything posted by ravip

  1. I guess my post was not crystal clear, hence you got the wrong meaning of what I wanted to say and saw some colours. I never generalise, as that is a bad habit and insult innocent persons. When I wrote "Unfortunately, such praise cannot be directed towards its people", I meant it in the current context, NOT meaning ALL of the Swiss people. No, I will not gain anything by tarring all the Swiss or any other human being. I am sorry, for my unclear post. I also feel sad that you see colours that don't exist - it could be the eyes or the mind, seriously. That said, I read your post above, saying... From experience, the biggest 'scammers' in Thailand are the ones near the top of the pyramid. The higher you go, the higher the stakes. So you are tarring all the Thais at the top of the pyramid, with one stroke of your brush - now what colours are you displaying? We are top experts in pointing fingers at others, while we do the same, blatantly. Most times, we have illusions on being of top of an ivory tower, or a high horse, above all other human beings...
  2. I agree. It's cruel to use a sling shot on any animal. But, if they become invasive... for example around your house, then you will understand this issue. Monkeys can be a real pain in the a$$ or more. Sometimes, the increase of these animal populations can be very dangerous and destructive when they start to invade. Australia culls kangaroos annually.
  3. It’s non stop thieving from Thai girls my god the scams - found from?
  4. personally i have had it up to here with this place, ive had enough of the racism, xenophobia and silly little games the locals love to play on us. NOT only you. Every single foreigner who has reached this ecstatic point should leave ASAP. Really, not a question to ask anyone???
  5. Are the rubber buses fixed correctly on the units mounting? Just my 2¢
  6. 20+ already arrested in purge of foreigner law-breakers in Phuket We wanted quality tourists, now it is becoming a reality. Pull up your socks, hold your breath and wait for the result.
  7. You seem to be a magnet for scammers. So dont blame Thailand for that! 555
  8. Indeed, Switzerland is a nice country. It is clean, picturesque... just beautiful. Unfortunately, such praise cannot be directed towards its people - a hard fact. (not referring only to this kicking & punching)
  9. You mean this kicking & assaulting is the fault of the media? Should these, murder, robbery be hushed up?
  10. Thank you for this. Unfortunately, a huge % of AN members find this very difficult to understand.
  11. WOW! You must be from an action packed country! Where is it?
  12. Thailand does tend to attract the dregs of western society, Thank you for stating this. How absolutely true! Of course, there are the decent folk you can meet, but not at every nook and corner. Most of the characters you encounter at bars & tourist spots are the Rambos who flash there money around with arrogance and expect the locals to worship them - it's disgusting to observe this.
  13. How would you like it if someone nudges you with his/her foot on the BTS or any other place, requesting you to move on? The sad thing is how some people are trying their utter best to justify this - if the roles were reversed? In real, there are 3 sides to the story - his side, my side and the real side.
  14. There is a huge huge roar about the Government of Thailand encouraging Chinese, Russians & Chinese tourists. But now, the the whimpering excellencies should rethink the definition of 'quality tourists' - this is a good lesson to us all, not to condemn selected nationalities according to our whim and fancy - there is NO absolute 'superior' human race - at least up to now! ( I welcome a flood of anonymous sad & confused emojis for the above - helps to save face )
  15. Comparatively, there are countries that are worst 'special', which makes TH a paradise. (Of course, we can say we are not living or interested in those countries!)
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