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Everything posted by ravip

  1. If they had a shock, what would the guys who expected a bunch of virgins received?
  2. Your first paragraph describes a very small percentage of people who consume alcohol Your second paragraph describes the raising consumption of drugs and seems to encourage it Try to see the big picture on this and decide to yourself.
  3. You say, God's Word is the same yesterday, today and forever more, and HE is unchanging - Can you also mention WTF that god has done up-to date? Even an iota of good or something useful? It is incredible that even today that there are people who believe in spooks.
  4. I think first they must practice human rights - well said! This has been going on for decades
  5. Couple of days ago, a friend of mine transferred AUD 1000 via Western Union to Bangkok Bank. His Bank in Australia had called and inquired about it. Is this normal, even for just AUD 1000 ? What if one transfer AUD 10K or more?
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