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Everything posted by ravip

  1. Absolutely right. It's not only in Thailand. In some other countries too this is the 'new normal'! I guess, humans are more interested in burying their face in a phone screen, than looking around and enjoying the scenery or of other fellow beings!
  2. This trend started after the icons became anonymous. I guess some people are perpetually sad & confused.
  3. Or send an email to callcenter AT ais.co.th. Mention your number and ask your questions. They reply quite fast.
  4. I always wonder why this type of guys wear a funny, almost stupid fancy dress. Is that thing on the forhead some sort of an antenna receiving/transmitting some signals?
  5. What was that scandal regarding melamine in milk, some years back? Dried milk powder, is it really so good?
  6. Voluntarily undergoing pain, for a tattoo. I will never understand the logic behind that!
  7. Has anyone noticed how fat people can endure more lower temperatures than thin/athletic/ muscular people? Obviously something to do with body fat, I guess.
  8. This seems to be an universal trend now. After the COVID lock-down, seems that the cost of living has gone out of control! Manufacturers are raising prices at their whim and fancy.
  9. I still suggest asking a professional - I never denied that fact. That's why I said you are 100% correct. Edit Already this thread has 2 pages - and it is interesting. Of course, an ydrug one should use with professional advice and with caution.
  10. You are 100% correct. That said, sometimes it's useful to post a question like this on a public forum, just to get a first hand experience information. Not only about medical issues, but on ANY subject. Making a joke out of this type of question will definitely discourage others of posting similar questions. Your post would have been appreciated on a joke thread, but here, I feel its of bad taste. Just my honest opinion... maybe I am wrong, and am open to correction. Edit Also, the serious & honest comments for this type of questions are very helpful to other members too. That, I feel is value addition to this type of forum.
  11. What's your dream in Thailand? Simple. Just live a peaceful life until death.
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