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Everything posted by ravip

  1. An 84-year-old man is having a drink in Harpoon Harry's. Suddenly a gorgeous girl enters and sits down a few seats away. The girl is so attractive that he just can't take his eyes off her. After a short while, the girl notices him staring, and approaches him. Before the man has time to apologize, the girl looks him deep in the eyes and says to him in a sultry tone: "I'll do anything you'd like. Anything you can imagine in your wildest dreams, it doesn't matter how extreme or unusual it is, I'm game. I want $100, and there's another condition."' Completely stunned by the sudden turn of events, the man asks her what her condition is. "You have to tell me what you want me to do in just three words." The man takes a moment to consider the offer from the beautiful woman. He whips out his wallet and puts $100 dollars into her hand... He then looks her square in the eyes, and says slowly and clearly: "Paint my house."
  2. Once again, some people may not be happy even travelling by car - but they don't start assaulting people right around. The saying "it's a thin line between sanity and insanity" holds true - if one can accept the fact and seek psychiatric help, life would be that much more pleasant and safer.
  3. Me too. Can't be bothered to wade thru YouTube. I think it's only just some "special" people are stressed. Edit Seeking psychiatric help is the way to go - there by, this type of issues could be avoided.
  4. Can you please explain in detail why flying is stressful for a normal person?
  5. What wrong did Thai Airways do regarding this incident? Drinking while flying, or flying in an intoxicated state is not really a pleasant feeling IMHO. I don't drink while flying and avoid alcohol about 24 before a flight. If they do ban alcohol on flights, I would not miss it!
  6. TBH... this type of people exists everywhere on this planet. Haven't you been next to a smelly foreigner, at least once, on the BKK sky train?
  7. "Race discrimination" Can anyone please mention one country where this does not exist 100%
  8. Why do I have to take my laptop out of the bag at airport security? The main reason you have to remove your laptop from your bag is because its battery and other mechanical components are too dense for X-rays to penetrate effectively – especially if the scanning system is old. The same goes for power cords and other devices such as tablets and cameras. https://edition.cnn.com/travel/why-laptop-airport-security/index.html#:~:text=The main reason you have,such as tablets and cameras.
  9. As per the recent news items, the Brits seems to be surpassing the number of Chinese & Indian quality tourists.
  10. How did she even get into Thailand without a minimum of 20,000 baht, no return air ticket or any sort of visa? TBH, immigration had never asked me to show 20K ever - during the past 20 years or so.
  11. You seem to have got the entire situation clearly evaluated. How much did the husband send? How often does she go out to gamble? What's the total amount of debt incurred? Sadly for the boys, the father abandoned them? Typical Thai - so the majority of Thais lives like this? Entire Thailand smells bad? Just askin...
  12. Me too! Ugghhh... hope I neve encounter a monster like that!
  13. The " elite ", where on earth do they feel ashamed of their misdeeds?
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