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Everything posted by ravip

  1. When you are tired of the rubbish in your own country that you grew up, it's not a surprise that you will be tired of an adopted country. BTW... Why settle down in Thailand?
  2. but in Thailand, I would not expect any woman paying if dating! Thats how it is in Thailand, and many other countries in the world. I beg to differ. Please do not generalise. It ALL depends on the character of the woman. It's pure bad luck that you've met the wrong type in Thailand and wherever... - the normal day to day Thai lady is good as any other found in the East or West.
  3. ???? of course I understand very well. We tend to justify what pleases oneself - it's just human. I would like to see a 70 year old man attract a 20 year girl without the money factor. It's the money that makes all the difference - not the male/ female factor.
  4. it's still hard to crack a $100 bill a day here. But we are complaining about 50 - 100 Baht or so inreases in entrance fees.
  5. The question of the OP can be considered in this manner too. 1. Would a man be attracted to a woman 25 or more years senior to him? 2. Would a father be happy if his 20 year old daughter came home with a 50 year old 'boy friend' ? Rules should be applied equally, isn't it?
  6. ...and women in their 30s or 40s prefer a 65 yo man? I mean, women outside the bar area.
  7. Of course! All humans are racists. It's in the DNA. Some are very clever in hiding it - simple as that.
  8. Absolutely! Principals, ethics, fairness, blah blah blah are all Important when it affects your self. Otherwise, it's something floating in the air. Sad... but true.
  9. This must be a very rare incident in this world - if not the only one (assuming the lad was in normal mental condition).
  10. Imagine a Thai wanting to visit a Western country - the questions that needs to be answered are atrocious, to say it mildly. Imagine a Westerner been asked the same questions to obtain a tourist visa to Thailand. Humans are racists... IMHO
  11. This happens in many countries. Just that we don't know about it. One example is what @Patong2 mentioned. Paying more than the locals kind of makes one angry. But very often its mentioned about the millions foreigners spend compared to locals. So... a couple of 100 or so bahts? Yes, we can shout out loud about discrimination - but... but... it happens all over this beautiful planet. We gotta accept these... it's REALITY.
  12. Most times we tend to help the less fortunate. But... most times it can backfire. This article is a good example. Sad, but a true fact.
  13. Why hide? After anonymity, confused and sad emojis are aplenty! Kind of miss 'em if a post doesn't get one 555
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