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Everything posted by ravip

  1. How about this place? https://allservicecenters.com/Microsoft/Microsoft-Bangkok-Service-Center-Customer-Care-Number-_07811.html
  2. Absolutely! 100% Can ANYONE mention just 1 country where racism does NOT exist. Edit Lala land is not included
  3. I guess, its a matter of opinion and per individuals choice of society. In ANY country, there will be characters similar to this - but NOT in general.
  4. LOL... Will John Stapleton be a millionaire in a month or two? All the best!!!
  5. Just a fleating thought... Have you ever realised that the Thai people are a million times more tolerant than most of the foreigners visiting Thailand?
  6. Why are you in Thailand? What an interesting topic. 7 pages...and counting!
  7. Well... I admit I didn't read every single post on this thread. Does it mean that any person can go to any country and ignore the host country's immigration or any other laws? OR, is that a privilege entitled to a selected few?
  8. Yes... many go searching for problems, especially when they have nothing to do.
  9. Matthew saw Samuel his ex business partner begging on the street and invited him to get into his limousine. What happened to your share of $15 million each of us received? Matthew asked. Samuel answered "Well, I bought a yacht for $5 mil and just as we were coming out of a fiord in Norway, hit an iceberg and it sank. Then I bought a jet and taking off from Manila the tires burst and it crashed. Decided to retire in Monaco with remaining $5 mil and met this gorgeous woman and got married. After 2 years and a divorce, she took off with my remaining $5 mil. And so, here I am! So My friend Samuel, what have you learnt out of all this? Matthew asked Samuel replied "Never own anything that floats, flies or f**ks. ALWAYS RENT IT !!!
  10. Sometimes, chains can be noisy too, when worn out.
  11. Today, on this planet, everything seems to be just a 'marketing ploy'. Attend a Management seminar/workshop - does any of those theories exist? Is it possible to implement them? Why take only the Smile? Humanitarian, Justice, Fair Play, non-discrimination, all are equal... the list is endless - but where does it exist? Unfortunately (or fortunately?), its the survival of the fittest (by hook or by crook)vtheory that works 100%. Sad, but true.
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