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Everything posted by rattlesnake

  1. There are actually quite a few pilots who have come to realise the heliocentric model is simply impossible. The Earth is not spinning at 1,000 mph as it revolves around the sun at 66,600 mph while the Sun shoots through space at 450,000 mph. Here is a compelling 15-minute testimony by Bruce Anderson. https://www.brighteon.com/d0db0a31-ad83-42ac-8a65-461a7d7af38a
  2. The truth , of course, is the opposite: 99% of the time, people will refuse to debate with flat-earthers because "it's too ridiculous", "I can't even go there, too presposterous".
  3. Is that the same Reuters Fact Check which said this in March 2021? https://www.reuters.com/article/world/middle-east/astrazeneca-finds-no-evidence-of-increased-blood-clot-risk-from-vaccine-idUSKBN2B60L5/ Fast forward to 2024: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/astrazeneca-covid-vaccine-withdraw-blood-clots-b2541291.html
  4. Probably some Spike protein in there too.
  5. But… but… we were told by the establishment and media that he was sharp as ever… Surely they wouldn't lie?
  6. Yes, of course that is the explanation.
  7. Shame the media won't interview an actual Google Earth lead engineer challenging the doxa, such as Thomas Wilkinson. It would be interesting. Google "handled the situation internally" and virtually any trace of this was erased. “Everything in this world is theory. From black holes to the roundness of the earth.” “After years of diligent study and intent work I have concluded there is no way the world can be spherical. Given how our data at Google has never matched up to NASA’s data, and given how modern technology simply cannot measure the magnitude of such a planet, we can never really be guaranteed the earth is spherical." https://ecency.com/google/@jamiesamain/anyone-think-there-is-any-truth-in-this-your-thoughts-and-references-please-leave-in-comments-section
  8. Counterpoint for the sake of fairness and objectivity:
  9. When one studies what actually happened in the aftermath of Luther's Reformation, one concludes that the political forces, bodies and interests which were behind the invention and promotion of the heliocentric model were the same ones behind the invention and promotion of the pharmaceutical paradigm, using the same means. Humans did not "see the light" regarding the shape of the Earth, they imposed a different model for ideological and political purposes.
  10. And yet over half of posters are replying seriously and giving us their "Thailand expert insights".
  11. Crazy antivaxxers enjoying their fourth "winter of severe illness and death"
  12. Whether we like to admit it or not, we are all a product of our times. What you demonstrate above, while sensible to some extent, is a pure demonstration of the prevailing paradigm in modern, liberal, "survival of the fittest" societies where everyone is competing with everybody else. The English guy in question is a typical example of the majority of people everywhere, I sincerely doubt he would have fared any better had he chosen to live and work in the 21st century UK. You seem to have fared better and made smarter choices than most. Good for you. Liberal societies typically produce 3 winners for 7 losers. Nothing precludes one from finding this is a deleterious societal model, even if one is among the 3 winners.
  13. I agree, it's not worth the time and effort.
  14. I agree that there should be (and hope there will be) light shone on those years and what went down behind the scenes. Covid was a declaration of war on mankind, and Trump, in his own words in March 2020, was "a wartime president". If you look at history, leaders in times of war are rarely faced with good choice/bad choice dichotomies, they make the least bad choice in extremely difficult circumstances.
  15. Countless companies forced their employees to take it… after a period of severe economic stress. I personally know several people in Thailand who were faced with that prospect, including an English guy, married with two kids, who would have been on the streets with his family if he had refused. Yes, it was forced on him (and he didn't want to take it). Indirect coercion is coercion. "You're free to not take it but you will lose everything", that's coercion.
  16. Google has been around for the last 25 years.
  17. Never happened in 15 years. Much safer than my country, (ex)France.
  18. Trump is just one of the faces of a deep, global paradigm shift which has happened over the last decade (from globalism to national sovereignty). It's all about the result. If the desired result is achieved (i.e. complete dismantling and/or neutralisation of the pharmaceutical and banking cartels), then it means the people at the helm (and that includes Trump and many other people) did the right thing at the right moment. Whether people understand it or not is secondary and, ultimately, irrelevant.
  19. In order to break one's chains, the first thing one needs to do is understand that "established" sources of information are merely propaganda outlets. Larry Sanger, the co-founder of Wikipedia, is warning that the online encyclopedia has become too one-sided and overloaded with liberal sources in a way that harms democracy. "In short, and with few exceptions, only globalist, progressive mainstream sources — and sources friendly to globalist progressivism — are permitted," Sanger wrote on his website in an article last week headlined "Wikipedia is more one-sided than ever." https://justthenews.com/accountability/cancel-culture/tuewikipedia-more-one-sided-ever-co-founder-warns
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