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Everything posted by rattlesnake

  1. A disease so deadly, you don't even know you have it… I remember, back in France, in 2022, they were talking on MSM about a "concerning trend": people were trying to catch Covid intentionally in order to obtain a vax passport without having to get vaccinated. People trying to inoculate themselves with the "disease" to avoid having to take the "cure"…
  2. Yeah and I have a few screenshots of users of this site openly condoning this crime (and who would have been more than happy to send the unvaccinated to concentration camps).
  3. I get an error too. If it's an image, the safest is to save it to your PC first, then add it via "choose files" under the message window, as a copy/paste can cause errors.
  4. In any case, your side is losing. Is Peter Hotez publishing a new book about "what we can do to stop the conspiracy theorists at the White House"?
  5. We don't know and might never will. One thing is sure, we all know people who have taken multiple shots and are feeling fine (some have testified in this thread). So a lot of shots are seemingly not that harmful, possibly not harmful at all. Now if we look at what Trump did with Warp Speed, a lot of those vaxxes were produced by his people at the DOD. Lots of people on Substack (you know which ones), Austin-Fitts and others see that as proof that DT is in on it. Others (Badlands, yours truly…) think a valid explanation is they made millions of them innocuous… which would tie into the "my vaccine saved millions of lives" phrases: maybe (emphasis on "maybe", I have no irrefutable proof nor certitudes) this is correct at face value. What matters is the result and the result is soon… and that will include KFC and everything else.
  6. Thanks. As I mentioned near the beginning of this thread, ultimately, most globe proponents will always default back to this notion of "scales too vast to grasp" and the like. This is incorrect. So far, nobody has rationally explained the footage of a level surface visible at 121,000 feet, one poster even stating that "science" says the curve should be visible at 35,000… and then defaulting to the notion that the deception would be too big to accept before moving on to another aspect of the issue, leaving this one unresolved. Also, the post-Reformation historical context, which is essential to understand that the switch to heliocentrism was decided and implemented for political and ideological reasons, has consistently been laughed at and ignored, one poster even making a grossly inacurate contradiction as a result of his arrogance and ignorance (usually two sides of the same coin).
  7. "Perhaps early members of “The Resistance” might wish to allow Bobby to “maybe” get confirmed, to “maybe” prevail against active and activated opponents in the military/intel/Pharma cabal, arguably the most powerful and well-funded and well-organized force on planet Earth - and who seek to derail and prevent his confirmation." A somewhat less popular take on things – of which I am a proponent – is that Trump and team would never have even remotely made it this far if the so-called cabal still wielded the power it enjoyed for aeons. To me, it all looks like incremental narrative deployment for the masses (which can't be shocked too abruptly into the realm of truth). I believe that at this point, a script is being followed but fundamentally the war is already won. 2025 will probably be the year which finally proves or disproves this view of things.
  8. A friendly reminder of the model you believe in, visually represented below, shooting through space at 200 km per second or 720,000 km per hour. Orion was observed and described by the Babylonians and ancient Egyptians, and has consistently been seen above the Equator since. The rest is kindergarten-level deduction.
  9. So far, my beliefs have not been rationally refuted. I recall derogatory language, lots of laughing emojis and lying by omission. I encourage you to write the entire Twain quote.
  10. And here lies the gist of the issue. Belief.
  11. This is nonsensical.
  12. Weekend question: If the Earth is spinning at 1,000 mph as it revolves around the Sun at 66.600 mph while the Sun shoots through space at 450,000 mph, why haven't the constellations changed in thousands of years?
  13. I am open to honest and rational refutations of my belief. You are not. Who, of you and I, is a cultist?
  14. For the purpose of this conversation, I’m going to answer yes. And, as I stated previously, this does not negate the level plane model. I’m sure you are familiar with the notion of “apparent Sun” vs. “actual Sun”, which, through a phenomenon called refraction, causes the Sun to appear elsewhere than where it actually is. It is commonly explained under the heliocentric model. This phenomenon also exists under the flat Earth model, which posits that the level plane is surmounted by a firmament dome. A Sun refraction could be seen rotating counterclockwise against the dome, producing the impression of a 24-hour Sun. This guy, Joseph Hanvey, has produced a working model of how that works. And before you post your laughing emoji, remember that you believe that water sticks to a spinning ball circling the Sun while shooting through space.
  15. And that's flat!
  16. I say this respectfully, but I think this is a naive viewpoint. Throughout history, there have always been small groups of power who will endeavour for their personal interest, with little consideration for the ordinary masses.
  17. "you haven't addressed my posts about people/civilians can go to the south pole" Yes, I have and will not repeat it.
  18. "Science" and its political, ideological and cultural implications is absolutely a belief system, c.f. the post-Reformation era previously discussed here, and the role of the Jesuits in changing the "education" system in favour of heliocentrism (Copernicus was merely a pawn in this process). Furthermore, the Covid crisis demonstrated that social media "influencers" are often mere prostitutes which can be bought to push any message. So out of principle, I am wary of overnight celebrities such as Jeran Campanella, endorsed by the establishment media with a unilateral message repeated ad nauseam. I had never heard of him before and he is not a prominent Flat-Earth figure. Regarding your question, the answer, as is often the case, is nuanced. I can't give you a "yes" or "no" answer at this point. I honestly don't know if there is a 24-hour Sun in Antarctica. What I do know is that there appears to be strange inconsistencies in the Final Experiment footage, which I will share here if they are demonstrated. And most importantly, even if there is a 24-hour Sun in Antarctica, it doesn't change the concerns and issues discussed so far in this thread, and claiming it does is a logical fallacy. A 24-hour Sun works perfectly on a level plane model.
  19. Heliocentrism is also a belief. Flat-Earthers say you can't venture out of allocated spaces in Antarctica. Exactitude (as a professor I admired once said) is essential.
  20. I am not talking about the designated, allocated 1% of the territory, I am talking about free exploration of the remaining 99%. If any of these guys tried to go anywhere else than the designated 1%, they would not be allowed to. Only North Korea, to my knowledge, has similar restrictions. You can justify and rationalise that any way you like (danger, wildlife protection, whatever), that's cool, but those are simply facts.
  21. I certainly don't disagree with that.
  22. By "working model", I meant a small-scale reproduction of the basic principles and forces involved, as a demonstration. For example, there is a guy called Joseph Hanvey who reproduces the movement of the midnight Sun over a model of a flat Earth, which demonstrates the feasability of the principle. I know there is no way to reproduce the configuration of water bodies according to the heliocentric model, and by asking this rhetorical question, I merely wanted to recall that it is just a theory.
  23. Here is the Antarctic Treaty for reference: https://www.gc.noaa.gov/documents/1959-Antarctic-treaty.pdf “The Antarctic Treaty area” referred to in the treaty is defined as “the area south of 60 degrees lattitude”. This is, effectively, the vast majority of the land, outside areas designated for tourism. Here is the link to the US Department of State Handbook of the Antarctic Treaty system: https://2009-2017.state.gov/e/oes/rls/rpts/ant/index.htm Tourism and other non-governmental activities: “The environmental protocol designates Antarctica as a giant natural reserve…”. Like in a military base, all activities and pathways in Antarctica must be approved. This in itself is remarkable and unique (with the exception of North Korea, probably). No motorised vehicles are allowed in order not to disturb wildlife: “Do not use aircraft, vessels, small boats, or other means of transport in ways that disturb wildlife, either at sea or on land.” Antarctica stretches across thousands of miles, which are virtually impossible to explore without a means of transport. And permits are required on top of that: To explore or traverse Antarctica, you not only need a permit, which entails a close examination of your purpose, parties, credentials, backing, etc., you must also submit a (very expensive) environmental impact statement and much more. Also, you’re required to avoid substantial amounts of land. This renders Antarctica explorations virtually impossible for anyone outside “official” sources. If you want to travel to Antarctica, you must complete the following form (DS-4131 “Advance Notification Form – Tourist and Other Non-Governmental Activities in the Antarctic Treaty Area“): https://eforms.state.gov/Forms/ds4131.PDF Once you submit the form, “The Department of State, in consultation with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the National Science Foundation (NSF), will then determine whether the expedition is subject to U.S. jurisdiction. If we determine that the expedition falls under U.S. jurisdiction, we will provide information on how to proceed with the EPA and NSF documentation processes, which are mandatory under U.S. law.” https://travel.state.gov/content/passports/en/country/antarctica.html All this combined makes it virtually impossible to travel beyond the areas allocated to touristic routes, the vast territory south of 60 degrees lattitude. Also notable are the Antarctic Specially Protected Areas, which amount to 1,373 sqm and whose access is strictly forbidden under any conditions.
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