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Everything posted by rattlesnake

  1. Does it have annoying and unsightly cables running along the length of the bike? This is the reason why I have never installed one.
  2. Could you describe the circumstances of the accident? What bike do you ride? What speed were you doing? What happened? Who was at fault? Is there anything you could have done to avoid it? I'm sorry this happened and wish you a speedy recovery. However as I see it, the purpose of these "accident" threads is partly to raise awareness on the dangers of riding in Thailand, and help other riders anticipate them. Regarding the advice you're seeking, you mean in terms of recovery? My dad had a bad accident a few years ago and an osteopath helped him a lot.
  3. I am quoting Joe Biden. Here are a couple of sources which, perhaps, will not trigger a Pavlovian response: Biden is taking some heat for comments he made to the New York Observer, in which he said of Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., a rival for the nomination: "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man." https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/story?id=2838420&page=1 Joe Biden worried in 1977 that certain de-segregation policies would cause his children to grow up 'in a racial jungle' https://www.yahoo.com/news/joe-biden-worried-1977-certain-182631643.html I was also quoting Ashley Biden's diary, legally certified as authentic, where she says her dad Joe Biden would take inappropriate showers with her.
  4. You don't say. Biden’s History of Getting Away With Racist Remarks Joe Biden has a decades-long habit of making overtly racist remarks, taking discriminatory positions and cavorting with known racists. https://www.heritage.org/progressivism/commentary/bidens-history-getting-away-racist-remarks A diary authored by U.S. President Joe Biden's daughter, Ashley Biden, describes showers taken with her father when she was a child as "probably not appropriate." Rating: True https://uk.news.yahoo.com/fact-check-posts-claim-contents-181600349.html
  5. The Democrat voters didn't vote for her.
  6. It was previously one per day, now it's two.
  7. For vehicle leases, it's the same as any other bank, they give you a card which you scan to pay your installments using whatever Thai bank you want.
  8. I doubt that. There is something disturbing in the daily Trump threads, in which the same manic crowd never fail to show up and vent whatever issues they have. It reminds me of Orwell's two minutes of hate.
  9. It's a fascinating mental condition. If Trump was no longer around, they would have withdrawal symptoms.
  10. Get your shots, everyone, Pfizer has quarterly revenue goals to meet.
  11. Okay, interesting to know they grant loans to foreigners, but don't allow them to open bank accounts.
  12. Yes, though I will not disclose any details here, I can assure you with 100% certainty that this is true. Do some reasearch on this forum, there are threads on it.
  13. Tisco is actually the most farang-friendly bank to my knowledge, they issue loans to people with foreign-sourced income. Seems you were dealing with an incompetent employee.
  14. Any idea what the reason is?
  15. Mostly decent middle-class people from what I have seen.
  16. Zebra crossings are definitely very dangerous. You could get rear-ended indeed, but also if you stop, you encourage pedestrians to cross and then be knocked down by the moron speeding on the other lane. Never ever assume you have priority on a roundabout, most Thais don't understand what they are and treat them as weirdly shaped roads. Turning on the indicator means "I am changing lanes" and it is your responsibility slow down and let them go, if you don't they will knock you down and you will be the farang "mai roo luang" ("doesn't have a clue").
  17. Why don't you ask her?
  18. I understand where you are coming from, but I believe the premise (that farang residents have spare money they are willing to give to the Thai state) is flawed. The majority of retirees in Thailand are here because life in their home country has become unsustainable and they are looking for somewhere where their modest pensions can provide them with a decent existence. Double taxation is a very daunting prospect for these people (I recently spoke to a couple of French retirees and this is stressful for them, bearing in mind they came here looking to relieve some of their stress, not add some). They are going to leave and settle elsewhere, this is certain. I believe the Thai government is going to backpedal big time within a year from now.
  19. I am personally witnessing expats leaving in droves (overreacting IMO, but that is the situation). When the Thai authorities realise by next year that the initial intent (to fill the coffers) is having the opposite effect (less expats, less investment, damaged image compared to neighbouring countries…), I expect them to simply shove it under the carpet, where it will be just one more "terrible good idea that doesn't get enforced".
  20. This is the key point.
  21. Now that sounds more realistic!
  22. Absolutely. It is simply never going to happen.
  23. Why don't you unsubscribe? Trump hatred really is a medical condition.
  24. I would look on Thai language websites, if you don't read Thai, do you know a Thai who could look for you? Plenty of Thais rent townhouses for 4-5k.
  25. He won the last election but it was stolen from him.
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