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Everything posted by rattlesnake

  1. They are trying to reinstall the Shinawatra puppets by proxy, and the outcome is unsure. "Stuff is going on" in lots of countries right now, the list of BRICS candidates is long and the BRICS are most probably going to launch their assets-backed currency soon. The dollar is already dead, and so is the hegemony that goes with it. A major shift is underway.
  2. Interesting to see how many members are taking the bait and answering seriously… I thought you guys were smart.
  3. That would be good too, yes.
  4. Obese people can't control themselves, that's like asking a crackhead to control oneself. The drug manufacturing and distribution processes have to be eliminated.
  5. Obesity is caused by a dysfunctional metabolism. Nothing wreaks more havoc in the body than refined sugar, preservatives, GMOs. If the "health" authorities actually cared about people's health, all the above would be forbidden by law.
  6. Yeah but they have knives… A friend of mine was stabbed in a road rage incident in France and bled to death in less than 5 minutes. Never honk at (or berate) stupid drivers… you never know what nutcase could be behind the wheel.
  7. Of course, I agree with that.
  8. Animal fat does not make you fat, that's a myth. Sugar, sugar, sugar, it's all about the sugar, it's everywhere and it destroys the metabolism.
  9. Sugar and processed foods make you fat.
  10. Meat does not make you fat, in fact people who quit meat typically pile on the kilos as they compensate with too many carbohydrates.
  11. "I really believe this is why God gave us two arms — one for the flu shot and the other one for the COVID shot" What an absolute clown. Pathetic.
  12. Pretty much, with one notable difference though, they think they are something special because they made it to Farangland.
  13. That article portrays these girls as victims. What I have seen within the Thai masseuse community in my hometown in France is quite different. Most of them are ex-bargirls with a plan: they get a guy to bring them over on a marriage visa, then look for a better "deal" once there. The vast majority of them immediately hook up with a replacement dude once they separate from their initial spouse. The replacement dude isn't usually stupid, quickly realises what he's dealing with and ends it. That's how they end up alone, and then solely congregate with like-minded Thai girls, working in massage parlors (and occasionally making sushis in supermarkets), performing sex acts in back rooms for 50 euro bills which they squander on alcohol, Thai food (expensive in Europe) and lottery tickets. They are often foul-mouthed, jealous little b**ches with the maturity of a 12 year-old, have a drinking problem, no prospects whatsoever and no desire to go back to Thailand as that would be a big loss of face considering they tell everyone back home they are living the high life in Farangland. Never been to Finland but I don't see why it would be any different there.
  14. That would be "over two decades". "For two decades" would put us in 2034.
  15. Empathy is not the dominant trait on this forum.
  16. The answer has to be political: Nobody sets foot on Thai soil unless they have appropriate insurance. Also a campaign (with posters at the airport and in lots of different places) saying if you don't have a motorcycle licence from your home country, appropriately converted into an international licence, then you can't drive. Also enforce, i.e. systematically stop and fine foreigners without helmets, as well all contravening parties involved (e.g. for a driver caught without a licence, check where the bike comes from and also fine the owner of the bike: rental shop, friend…). Yeah, wishful thinking. But it's the only way.
  17. They've all had multiple shots Indeed. We were told the only way out of this was to multiple-inject the vast majority of the population. People complied to this. So where is the problem?
  18. This month of April was not abnormal at all in terms of heat (mid-30s Celcius). The worst April I have known was in Ubon, 2014, 40+ degrees Celcius. There is no "abnormal heat wave" despite the media propaganda.
  19. Lots of toddlers wearing them lately. It's a dystopian nightmare.
  20. It would be good to know the vaccination status of the 8,382 people infected and treated at hospitals, as well as their age, any underlying conditions and BMI.
  21. And he will be acquitted. That's how Trump sham trials work.
  22. Most don't make that much. I lived in Pattaya for a few years and from what I've seen, those who open bars do it because they want to live here, perhaps "live the dream" etc., but don't actually have experience with starting and developing a business, which takes years of hard work, regardless of how "fun" the setting is. Factor in the language and cultural barrier, the girlfriend who come into (and significantly complicate) the equation and you have an 80% chance that two years down the road, the establishment is either closed or sold. The turnover in Pattaya is staggering.
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