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Everything posted by rattlesnake

  1. The topic is the one in the OP, pasted here for your convenience: I am noticing more and more of this lately....I wonder who is going to get thrown under the bus? There has been a SICKENING level of censorship revolving around the Covid vaccines. Here again is an article from MAINSTREAM MEDIA. I ask it NOT be taken down. Here is a credible source admitting Australian doctors have been told to shut up about vaccine injuries......this is not an isolated incident, we ALL know this, though some really dont like to admit it.
  2. Well isn't that what is happening in Australia?
  3. So according to this rationale, it will become relevant if politicians from other countries make similar submissions to Dr. Phelps'. Duly noted, and I am confident I will be getting back to you on this in due time.
  4. Nice euphemism. Excerpt for the record: Vaccine injury is a subject that few in the medical profession have wanted to talk about. Regulators of the medical profession have censored public discussion about adverse events following immunisation, with threats to doctors not to make any public statements about anything that “might undermine the government’s vaccine rollout” or risk suspension or loss of their registration.
  5. I think we have covered this, of course we can discuss details but I would rather get back to the topic. It's about censorship regarding Covid vaccine injuries and the political pressure on doctors to not diclose them. This warrants extensive investigation and of course it means there could be a lot of unreported injuries, not taken into account in official statistics, which could change a lot of conclusions regarding safety. I think Dr. Phelps' testimony in this respect is credible, do you?
  6. I can assure you the fascination is mutual.
  7. Foodmart in Jomtien used to have them.
  8. I was responding to this by another poster: "I'm not sure why you're citing Dr. Phelps as an authority on Covid. Is she a virologist or epidemiologist?" Which was a response to this by myself: "That the vaccine doesn't prevent transmission is an established fact, confirmed by Dr Phelps." I think we can move on now.
  9. Again, I mentioned them as proof that Dr. Phelps was not making wild claims on vaccine failure on transmission, but basing them on the current scientific doxa.
  10. "Credible" is not the word I would use to describe OzSAGE, but we have established their statements are aligned on the current scientific doxa, as are Dr. Phelps', who doesn't just make wild unsubsantiated claims as I believe was implied earlier when I cited her regarding the inefficacy of vaccines with regard to Covid transmission.
  11. That article is one year old, here is a more recent statement from OzSAGE: OzSAGE Calls for Broader COVID Strategy "Australia has relied on a vaccine-only strategy to date. Vaccination alone does not adequately prevent transmission of SARS-CoV-2, and the impact on health and disability services of repeated infections is yet unknown." https://tasmaniantimes.com/2022/06/ozsage-calls-for-broader-covid-strategy/
  12. Dr. Phelps is a member OzSAGE, "a multi-disciplinary network of Australian experts from a broad range of sectors relevant to the well-being of the Australian population during and after the COVID-19 pandemic", I think it is safe to assume any statement she makes on Covid is backed by scientists. I will not go into a mask debate as this topic is about vaccine injuries and their cover-up.
  13. Isn't that what journalists do? Report what scientists say? That the vaccine doesn't prevent transmission is an established fact, confirmed by Dr Phelps. Also confirmed by the one and only Rochelle Walensky, perhaps you will deem her more "credible": https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/cdc-director-covid-vaccines-cant-prevent-transmission-anymore/ar-AASDndg CDC Director: Covid vaccines can't prevent transmission anymore
  14. Fox News was pro-vaccine at the time of the rollout so you've got that one wrong. If their wives didn't get Covid it has nothing to do with them being jabbed as the "vaccine" doesn't prevent transmission or contraction. https://www.washingtonpolicy.org/publications/detail/state-board-of-health-to-vote-on-whether-to-require-a-covid-19-vaccination-for-school-children-on-april-13 The vaccines also do not prevent transmission or contraction of the virus, making the benefit of such a requirement unclear.
  15. Again: "The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA), which oversees Australia’s 800,000 registered practitioners and 193,800 students, last year warned that anyone who sought to “undermine” the national Covid vaccine rollout could face deregistration or even prosecution." The "national Covid rollout" includes mandates.
  16. Have a look at this article: https://www.news.com.au/technology/science/human-body/dr-kerryn-phelps-reveals-devastating-covid-vaccine-injury-says-doctors-have-been-censored/news-story/0c1fa02818c99a5ff65f5bf852a382cf “Regulators of the medical profession have censored public discussion about adverse events following immunisation, with threats to doctors not to make any public statements about anything that ‘might undermine the government’s vaccine rollout’ or risk suspension or loss of their registration,” she said. [By "regulators" she is referring to the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA), a government organization which played a central role in the vaccine rollout: https://www.health.gov.au/contacts/australian-health-practitioner-regulation-agency] Still from the article: The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA), which oversees Australia’s 800,000 registered practitioners and 193,800 students, last year warned that anyone who sought to “undermine” the national Covid vaccine rollout could face deregistration or even prosecution.”. Earlier this year, Australian musician Tyson ‘tyDi’ Illingworth said he had been told privately by doctors that they feared being deregistered if they linked his neurological injury to the Moderna vaccine. Dr Phelps said she had heard stories of vaccine injury from “patients and other members of the community”.
  17. The term I used was "questions", not "protests". Yes, she questions the government's vaccine rollout strategy and that includes mandates among several other factors.
  18. "A subset of medically vulnerable people includes those who have suffered adverse events following immunisation (AEFI) with COVID vaccines. I stress at the outset that these people are NOT ANTIVAXXERS. They clearly all presented for immunisation as recommended or because their occupation required it, and would have continued to have doses of vaccine if they have not been so significantly affected by the vaccine they willingly had." "Because their occupation required it" is a reference to mandates.
  19. There is a thing called changing one's mind, that's what Dr Phelps underwent and I am confident you will too in due time.
  20. I agree, she said it shouldn't be a vaccine-only response. Excerpt: "Many of my colleagues warned about an over reliance on a “vaccines-only strategy” when it became apparent that high levels of vaccinations were not going to be sufficient to contain the pandemic or prevent long-term damage." A distinct step forward from the "vaccines are the only way" doxa and its corollaries such as mandates and persecution of the unvaxxed, which lots of members of this forum partook in.
  21. Does she say the benefits far outweigh the risks? Excerpts from Dr Phelps' submission: "Vaccine injury is a subject that few in the medical profession have wanted to talk about. Regulators of the medical profession have censored public discussion about adverse events following immunisation, with threats to doctors not to make any public statements about anything that “might undermine the government’s vaccine rollout” or risk suspension or loss of their registration." "In trying to convince people in positions of influence to pay attention to the risks of Long COVID and reinfection for people with vaccine injury, I have personally been met with obstruction and resistance to openly discuss this issue. There has been a delay in recognition of vaccine injury, partly because of under-reporting, concerns about vaccine hesitancy in the context of managing a global pandemic, and needing to find the balance between risks and benefits on a population level."
  22. Details on the links you posted: "However, she still strongly supports Covid vaccination as the benefits far outweighed the risks for the vast majority of people." Unsubstantiated statement by a Daily Mail journalist. "Available vaccines lower the risk of hospitalization and death" Excerpt of an article by Dan H. Barouch published in the New England Journal of Medecine on 15 September 2022, cited in an OzSAGE publication on Long Covid. "Available vaccines lower the risk of hospitalization and death" Excerpt from an OzSAGE publication on the importance of Covid vaccination. OzSAGE is a multi-disciplinary network of Australian experts from a broad range of sectors relevant to the well-being of the Australian population during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Kerryn Phelps is a member of OzSAGE and initially endorsed their pro-vaccination stance, however she has just made an about-face in a submission to parliament, in which she revealed her devastating vaccine injuries and the censorship on this matter. Since this submission, Dr Phelps has not reiterated her previous statements on vaccine safety. Others are now starting to speak up about this issue. From the article in the OP: “Inspired by [Dr Kerryn Phelps] today I want to say I too have been in a living hell with pericarditis because of the Covid vaccine,” ABC News presenter Eleni Roussos wrote on Twitter. “Vaccine injuries are real and serious and I sincerely hope more people will speak up.”
  23. You haven't, and you obviously don't appreciate it when the rules you so dearly cherish apply to you.
  24. Since officialising her vaccine injury, Dr Phelps has never said the benefits of the Covid vaccines far outweighed the risks for the vast majority of people.
  25. I checked the links to the Australian Medical Association and ozsage, and read the titles of the footnotes but didn't open them individually. So far I haven't see any statement specifically by Dr Phelps, following the officialisation of her injury, in which she claims the benefits of the Covid vaccines far outweigh the risks for the vast majority of people. If I missed anything, I would be very appreciative if you could post it or give me the name of the link so I can go back and check.
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