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Everything posted by rattlesnake

  1. Yeah, I was in a shopping mall today with no mask on. 75% of people didn't seem to care, 20% gave me what I would call a surprised look and I would say about 5% gave me a dirty look. Nobody said anything though.
  2. I knew this was a bad idea drom the start. The fact that it's legal will encourage people (who otherwise would have never tried it) to consume it, and having in it in the form a cake makes it more appealing than a spliff, especially to non-smokers, young girls etc. The reports are most likely the tip of the iceberg, how many youngsters have ended up in terrible states after taking this, thinking it was nothing different from having a few drinks? I smoked weed for 15 years so I know what I'm on about. There should be awareness campaigns about this or it will be messy.
  3. I'm wary of these simplistic "what about" comparisons with alcohol, paracetamol etc. As a psychotropic substance, THC can cause paranoia and hallucinations. To me it's irresponsible to just let anyone buy and consume it without regulation.
  4. Yeah, I'm French and that's the way we spell it in my language. Haschich is originally an Arabic word. I've done LSD, MDMA and all sorts of stuff and as I stated in my previous post, the ingested THC was the worst reaction I had. It's a dangerous substance. It works for some people and doesn't work at all for others, and therefore should be regulated. I know there are lots of THC fanatics who get upset when told this, but it's true.
  5. I took all sorts of stuff in my younger years and the worst bad trip I experienced was when I ate hasch in a brownie. THC, especially ingested, is a hard drug which can cause major issues. Thai authorities need to launch a massive awareness campaign on this ASAP.
  6. I saw no mention of foreigners in the article, only tourists. Don't give yourself too much importance. I went to check out the monkeys in Hua Hin the other day and there were only Thais there.
  7. That's also my philosophy. I'm in my early 40's and was a heavy smoker and partyer until my early 30's, when I decided I wanted to still be fit and able at 60. I quit smoking, started drinking more reasonably, getting enough sleep, avoiding stress and overthinking stuff (Thailand helped me with that), eating and exercising reasonably and drinking plenty of water. I hardly ever take meds, not even a paracetamol. Basically I'm increasing my chances of still being able to enjoy life in 20 years when I will be free of parental responsibilities. And if I get knocked down by a car tomorrow, well, « c'est la vie ».
  8. Under Reagan the country wasn't on the verge of collapsing. Biden is objectively and unquestionably a terrible POTUS because 18 months in, his country is in ruins.
  9. "Yeah but he's still better than Trump" is one of the weakest political arguments I've heard. Biden's country is in tatters. As commander in chief he is sole responsible for that situation.
  10. Can't handle a bicycle and he's supposed to be handling world affairs? Such an embarrassment.
  11. Never believed in it, even back in 2017 when everybody was raving about it (and other cryptos). Since 2008 I am convinced that wealth should be invested in tangible assets, namely gold and real estate. Nothing has made me change my mind since, quite the contrary.
  12. Nobody knows what the "real" value of Bitcoin is. For what it's worth, my opinion always has been that all crypto backed by nothing is ultimately worth nothing.
  13. Land, property and precious metals are the only way to go. Everything else is going to be blown to smithereens.
  14. That's cool. I guess that lady was probably referring to the dodgy Thai sellers you will find on Line and Facebook, whose products are indeed to be avoided as you don't know what's in them. You also find them in Thai markets. If you buy reputable brands from reputable sellers online then you will be fine, and as has also been said by other users, iHerb is very good, I have used them on a couple of occasions. But if you prefer to buy from an actual shop rather than online, then by all means do so, nothing beats a real-world experience! Cheers.
  15. Well maybe it's because I'm French but to me it's not even bread. I know it's popular among Brits though.
  16. Yeah it's disgusting.
  17. Just seen a video of her, they're natural.
  18. Just watched a couple of her videos. Thai porn is really soft compared to what is being done now in the West. Looks like 90's Western porn.
  19. You can get 5000 IU vitamin D by Puritan's Pride (good brand) on Lazada for 365 baht. The ideal mix is with quercetin (400-500 mg) + zinc (10-20 mg) + vitamin C (500-1000 mg) taken daily. All this can be found on Lazada at reasonable prices, good quality too. Try not to go for the cheapest, local brands but for something Western, there are lots of Australian and American brands on Lazada. In case of doubt, you can paste the product reference in Google and look for Amazon reviews.
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