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Posts posted by Flummoxed

  1. Following on from another thread in news clippings, I would like to know what is the maximum one would have to pay for a well managed abortion at a decent hospital in Surin, with an overnight stay as a precaution....

    .... I fear I may have been the victim of an emotional fraud.

    Please only sensible and polite comments as this could have serious consequences for a certain young lady :o

  2. Did I do the right thing? :o

    You did the right thing. Hold your ground and don't give in. Pay 500 baht for an abortion, maybe. But don't pay 30,000 for her dowry. If worse comes to worse, they don't get married, she has the baby anyway and you save your money. If they cop an attitude because you didn't help out, that's their issue.

    500 baht for an abortion... really?! Is that all? What if you were to go to a decent hospital and pay a decent doctor to do it on the sly (as it's illegal in LOS, I beleive). Anyone know the going rate?

  3. I give my Isaan girl a reasonable monthly allowance... more than enough for her and her 2 kids. She recently told me about her Brother getting his girlfriend up the duff, meaning they must marry urgently. Her Mother instructed her to ask me for 30,000 baht to help pay the dowry for him.

    My response of 'F@cj 6ff xxx amndk w@@';;.,fsf-e' conveyed the fact that there was no way I was going to bail the stupid <deleted> for not wearing a condom and that it wasn't my problem.

    Did I do the right thing? :o

  4. In Old England, I have 3 friends, good friends. They have all been married. 2 of them are now divorced, one of whom is financially destroyed and almost all of his earnings go to the CSA for his 2 kids, who he's not able to see at the other end of the country and even though her new man is very wealthy.

    My 3rd friend came to see me today. His wife told him she wants a divorce. He's very upset.

    What amazes me is that they are all 'Salt of the Earth' blokes. Not heavy drinkers, not violent... just genuinelt nice guys. Their wives just got bored or met someone else.

    So, all of my friends in Blighty are divorced, a 100 percent failiure rate. From my perspective, your chances of success in Thailand are very good.

    I invited him to come and stay with me in Thailand... another future convert, me thinks.

    You told Scamp you were in England,NOW your in LOS!!! Which one is it then?

    I won't be back in LOS until the end of next year. By that time, his divorce should be complete.

  5. In Old England, I have 3 friends, good friends. They have all been married. 2 of them are now divorced, one of whom is financially destroyed and almost all of his earnings go to the CSA for his 2 kids, who he's not able to see at the other end of the country and even though her new man is very wealthy.

    My 3rd friend came to see me today. His wife told him she wants a divorce. He's very upset.

    What amazes me is that they are all 'Salt of the Earth' blokes. Not heavy drinkers, not violent... just genuinelt nice guys. Their wives just got bored or met someone else.

    So, all of my friends in Blighty are divorced, a 100 percent failiure rate. From my perspective, your chances of success in Thailand are very good.

    I invited him to come and stay with me in Thailand... another future convert, me thinks.

  6. Jeez, you guys worry too much...

    There are two forms, HS1, and HS2.

    I've got both types. Nearly everyone has at least the oral type!

    I used to get a cold sore for a few days a year, until recent years it hasn't bothered me but when they do come, they're nothing to get yourself in a tiz about. As for the genital variety, I caught that last year from a dirty slut when I was drunk. Had 2 bouts of painful dick sores in the space of 2 months... never came back since.

  7. Never used XE.com... I think it overcomplicated what you can do very easily through your own bank.

    I always wire the money using a SWIFT payment, available at any bank (usually 20 - 30 quid( I can comment that with Barclays, it usually turns up in your Thai account 24 hours later ). Importantly, ALWAYS make sure you tick the box that instructs your bank to wire the money as Sterling, as your Thai bank will give you a far better exchange rate, often the interbank rate, whereas your UK bank will rape you.

    As for the Avatar, not the same girl but isn't she lovely :o

  8. It's changed today all by itself! Can someone tell me what Avatar they can see right now please to compare it with what I can see. Before, it was an exploding whale but now it's changed by itself to a chick wiggling her bum... which is what I'd intended it to be.

    Perhaps the TV server is a little slow to update.

  9. ... for example, if reading hotmail and there is a Javascript pop up for the link in the text... it just won't work. How can I fix it? I don't know if it's my security suite that's stopping it, or perhaps the fact I installed Firefox (The Java pop ups won't work in either browser).


  10. I find Thailand a bit odd with exchange rates.

    I went to Immigration Division3 at Suan Plu last week as a final check before re applying for my Thai wife support visa and the officer I spoke to there told me that Immigration use a rate of 40 baht = $1 which is about right but only 60 baht = 1 GBP.

    I explained that it had not been that low for years and he said that it was not that important but this was the rate given at Suan Plu.

    On 10,000 GBP the difference between 60 baht and 74 baht is 140,000 baht which to most people is very important.

    I also spoke to a friend in Immigration and he said the same thing.

    I suppose I should give all my baht at 60 to them and buy their pounds to resell at 73 or whatever.

    I propose inviting them to visit England and offer to buy their Baht at 90 to the pound. Tell them 'It's not that important'. :o

    Seriously though, the rate for GBP/BHT is pretty darn good at the moment. My finger is poised over the 'Enter' key to perform the transaction but I've just got a feeling it's going to get better. Whaddya reckon?

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