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Posts posted by Flummoxed

  1. -Going home one day and standing in the living room trying to work out what the bad smell was. Just couldn't figure it out. Thought I'd light a cigarette and sit down to figure it out........ turns out the bad smell was gas.

    -Got struck heavily on the head outside a nightclub and blood started pouring out of my ear. Thought I'd only got a few minuted left, FKN pissed myself with fear.

    -Fell asleep at the wheel whilst driving a 44 ton truck.

    -China airlines 747 flight exploding over Taiwan straights... I was on that flight days before it's demise.

    -Several electrocution near misses.

  2. I think he should go for it. 150,000 ain't big player money these days. It'd be gone in a few short years, most likely in various isaan pockets. He'd be back home penniless, jobless, homeless (until he does porridge for fraud), and wondering why he thought it was such a clever idea.

    Don't get me wrong, I have no sympathy for credit card companies... but there are more subtle ways of going about this sort of thing. This fellow is the sort of clown that would rob a bank and leave his driving license as I.D. as he left :o

  3. Now he's gone quiet :D

    You are a fool for the following reasons:-

    *Wiring the money from your own account will leave an audit trail.

    *150,000 GBP any UK bank will go after you for that amount.

    *Large amounts like that are clearly fraud and I would think any judge would send you down for it, seeing that it was your intent to obtain cash by deception.

    *Worst of all, is your stupidity in talking about it openly here on TV. A real smooth operator, you. :o

  4. This is very good for Thailand and for the economy, but the government does not want this.  That is why they have all these laws to try to keep foreigners from doing this.  They only want foreigners to come as tourist  and stay for a short time and go back home where you came from.   

    ... just like England wants cheap East European labourers while the economy is hot... after which they'll all be sent home.

  5. Many Thai women are beaten up by their Thai man during the wedding, that's why they prefer Europeans. The money that we have (if shared) gives them more status in the family and village.


    About not sharing your income: are you really that poor? Imagine you being born in an bamboo hut...you'ld try the same....


    Last year I could stay at my gf's house for 3 months. She cooked for me, her daughter washed my clothes and the dishes. I was taken care of totally so I had lots of time to help renovating the house. She only asked for money when she started making my breakfast (######, those ants eating bread) with eggs, orange juice and coffee. Her mother, now 66, went out fishing or catching little frogs for dinner. Still, they have enough food for two dogs and four cats.


    I have already metioned that I support my wife and her children financially, as well as being there for them when I can. The point here is drawing the line somewhere.

  6. hi flummoxed,

    yes i know exactly what you mean...

    its a culture thing.... they wonder why you wont help if you can...after all its just money?

    and we think...... is it just money??

    anyway...... time will tell.... but you could miss out on the love of your life...... ......

    ...... just for money..!

    amarka dry.gif

    Well you've hit it right on the head there, haven't you.

    How can I make any forward progress financially if I'm giving it away to the family... but I'm ending up with a damaged relationship because she's lost face and the family resent me.... and possibly will lose a love.

    A real problem, this one.

  7. A favour like this will always be repaid, maybe not in money, but in a way that can be a lot more valuable

    My friends and loved ones never have to pay for my favour, so why should I pay for theirs?

    Some great arguments for either case in this thread but my opinion is still such... I will love and support my wife and her children but that's where I draw the line. Money or not, I will not be taken advantage of. I give my girl a much better life than she could have with most Thai men. Her family should be pleased for her and not hit me for cash all the time.

    I did not mention that I have helped them previously, for things like water pumps, fertiliser for the rice harvest etc etc etc but the requests are becoming more frequent and for higher amounts. It really is the thin end of the wedge when you help the first time. Even if they are good people, they cannot help but ask again and again and for higher amounts.

    I have now drawn the line and I will not budge. If they resent me for that, then I'll move on. They have no right to resent me for witholding my money in this matter.... and I beleive most Thais would agree with me.

    hi flummoxed....

    well ... your additional information sort of changes things a bit and i agree with you now ..... if you have already given and been generous, then you have to pace things a bit....

    sounds like they are really pressing you... so i think instead of you being under pressure, its over to your gf to stick up for you and tell her family to pipe down a bit...

    ....and the same goes for her if she can't stand up for you then perhaps you are not right for her...

    don't worry i have the same problems..... all the time.... its life......but then agin its better than a ( western ) falang girl any time...

    amarka :D

    I agree and there may be a change on the horizon. Her next move is being closely monitored.

    It's such a difficult balance to acheive :o

  8. A favour like this will always be repaid, maybe not in money, but in a way that can be a lot more valuable

    My friends and loved ones never have to pay for my favour, so why should I pay for theirs?

    Some great arguments for either case in this thread but my opinion is still such... I will love and support my wife and her children but that's where I draw the line. Money or not, I will not be taken advantage of. I give my girl a much better life than she could have with most Thai men. Her family should be pleased for her and not hit me for cash all the time.

    I did not mention that I have helped them previously, for things like water pumps, fertiliser for the rice harvest etc etc etc but the requests are becoming more frequent and for higher amounts. It really is the thin end of the wedge when you help the first time. Even if they are good people, they cannot help but ask again and again and for higher amounts.

    I have now drawn the line and I will not budge. If they resent me for that, then I'll move on. They have no right to resent me for witholding my money in this matter.... and I beleive most Thais would agree with me.

  9. I want to rip a couple of my DVD's and keep them as a single playable file on my hard drive. Any software recommedations, be they freeware, shareware or premium.

    I might keep them uncompressed so that I could do a back up to disc later... or I might compress them. Can someone teach me about that or point me to a resource to teach myself.

  10. I wish Scamp would say something to me. I wonder if he realises I could be a good friend to him back in Blighty (his return clearly inevitable).

    I say this because I know what it's like coming back with nothing (after my Hong Kong debacle) and being alone without friends or Family. I'd hate to se Scamp like that. He'll need an understanding friend.

    Perhaps his position isn't as bad as he'd have us believe re. kin and friends.

  11. It is not illegal to have an abortion in LOS. So long as the doctor is satisfied that there is a good clinical reason he/she will approve or undertake a D&C which in the very early stages is all that is necessary. My experience is that the two potential parents merely have to inform the doctor that they do not want the baby. The procedure is short in an out in an hour or so. However it is never this simple as in future months the baby that might have been will appear in the mind of one or both.

    h5kaf, abortion IS illegal in Thailand... but it is possible to find a doctor who doesn't agree with legislation and IF he feels there is a legitimate reason for the abortion, he will break the rules at great risk to him and his staff. Trust me, i've gone through this nightmare.

  12. Laser tatoo removal in BKK. Readily available? Safe? How effective is it?

    Does it leave scar tissue at all? Paeng mai :o

    Reason I ask is the tatoo in question is right in the middle of the chest and looks bloody aweful if she wears a low cut dress. If it was removed, even the slightest scarring would probably be just as bad as the tatoo itself.

    I have the same problem with my GF. Have you decided yet who to go to with your GF?

    Not yet... lets stay in touch regading this.

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